
  1. Can you download information/data from RESULTS?

Data in the LRDW can be accessed by someone with direct connect access privileges, i.e. Arcview or ArcInfo on the terminal server and converted to a .csv format for import into Access and Excel.

  1. How are Forest Cover Maps updated?

The VRI (forest cover) maps are being updated regularly with RESULTS forest cover data and can be found on the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands’ Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW). The LRDW web site is located at:

Over the next eight months, Resource Information Branch (RIB) will be building a new suite of tools for the Vegetation Resource Inventory Management System(VRIMS) that will provide tools for keeping the Vegetation Resource Inventory (VRI) maps current. VRIMS tools will be designed to complete the following tasks:

  • copy information from RESULTS into the VRI
  • adjust the inventory attributes for species composition, age, height, etc based on the Sampling (phase 2) inventories
  • re-project (grow the trees) the VRI from date of inventory to the current date
  • cut new replacement VRI into the provincial data set.
  1. Resolving RESULTS submissions that don’t have FTA block

RESULTS submissions will fail when there is no corresponding block in FTA. A Failed Submission Strategy is under development. The proposed method to deal with "block not in FTA" is:

(1) Create a RESULTS InBox for failed submissions.

(2) InBox will hold the failed submissions in a queue.

(3) Notify the submitter, because they will notice that the submission did not make it into RESULTS.

(4) MoF actions the problem and fixes the business key mismatch or missing block problem

(5) Once fixed MoF, clicks continue and submission gets through

(6) Notice to submitter that its accepted

  1. Can Declarations be submitted without showing up in the RESULTS Inbox ?

When a declaration is submitted, there is no InBox or email notification to the District Manager. The thinking behind this decision is that there would be too many emails generated. Therefore, district staff will routinely run the Milestones - Free Growing Report to track declarations


  1. FTA will not accept an amendment submission as an amendment is requiredin RESULTS. What is the process of resolving this ?

In order to process an amendment in FTA, the cutblock status must be set from “S” to “HB” by district staff. Then once the FTA status change and amendment is complete and then the SilviculturePrescription can be amended and approved. Note that a Silviculture Prescription amendment can still be proposed regardless of the Cutblock status.

  1. The ability to spatially change cut block boundaries in results breaks a legal contract. The amendment should be at a CP level through ESF to RESULTS and the legal contract should be amended (CP amendment).

Forest Practices Branch, Resource Tenures and Engineering Branch and Information Management Group will develop a process that will allow a comparison between the approved CP boundary and the RESULTS opening boundary and flag any potential CP issues (e.g. trespass)

Wildlife Tree Patch (WTP) – Wildlife Retention Areas (WRA)

  1. Who is mapping WTPs?

Licensees are keeping track of their WTPs. In some instances districts are also keeping track of all the licensees WTPs while others have no tracking methods. In RESULTS there are procedures for depicting WTPs (within, adjacent and outside cut blocks) as part of the licensee submissions. They are part of the Forest Cover submission. This information will be tracked on the LRDW and will then be reflected in any subsequent ESF TMS reports as a conflict if a subsequent Exhibit A includes a pervious WTP. Target date will after June 2005.

  1. Will FTA be able to query against WTPs that are submitted through RESULTS?

RESULTS Vegetation Inventory information allows for the depiction of WTPs within, adjacent or outside the opening. It can then be viewed by various web applications including TMS( Industry accessible). FTA ( map reporting). MapView etc.

  1. How are WTPs mapped within Cutting Permits?

WRAs are not mapped within CPs. A process for the standard capture and tracking of WTP is being developed (tasked to the Cutblock Working Group under the Streamlining Project). Districts should continue to manage WTP as they are currently doing until the procedures are completed and implemented. That way there is a consistent method for recording within any district, should there be future data migration to a corporate dataset. Reserves including WTP are not a requirement of the Ex A (they are shown on the appraisal/ECAS submission as per the Coast or Interior Appraisal Manual). The Ex A boundary shows the area under application/approved for harvest. The block boundary may include reserves (including WTP), as we do not make "donuts" to exclude internal reserve areas. Showing the area under harvest authority does not mitigate any legislative or regulatory requirements for specific reserve areas (for example: riparian, WTP etc) relative to the block".

  1. What are the mapping standards for external WTP (GPS?) this will affect overall data integrity

Where WTP boundaries are located external to the cutting permit and opening boundary, the boundary may be approximated for mapping purposes. Having accurate boundary locations may not be cost-effective in areas of steep, broken terrain. Absolute positional accuracy for external reserves will therefore be less onerous than internal reserves. The silviculture mapping standards are currently under revision and will specify the required accuracy.

  1. With respect to WTPs, will RESULTS only capture those in the cut block or those adjacent?

RESULTS will capture ALL reserves (internal, external, and dispersed); external reserves will not become part of the opening (i.e. not included in opening gross area). Reports will be developed that calculated the WTP retention requirementbased on gross area that includes the adjacent areas.

  1. Amendment to log WTP to the SP - how are they entered into RESULTS?

The Operational and Site Planning Regulation section 7.3 (e) specifies that an amendment that affects the retention of wildlife trees may not be made without approval. The logged WTP would be report into RESULTS as an amendment to the SP (not recommended) as a new SU or added to an existing SU.

  1. Is wildlife tree retention attributes, in end results, going to be species specific

Providing detailed species, species %, height, age, density, crown closure, SI and basal area is optional for polygons identified WTP. Only when retained trees are dispersed Layer 1 trees, will attributes be required.