Cybersecurity Frameworks and Preparing for Cybersecurity Exams
Increased cyber risks and increasing focus from regulators require financial institutions to enhance their Cyber security efforts. Upcoming exams will set a new, higher bar for bank information security and require formalization and adherence to Cybersecurity frameworks. This session will include identifying cyber risks and how to implement the new Cybersecurity framework into your Bank’s information security program.
Connecting your People, Process & Technology
Software solutions and technology processes have transformed banking from the industry it was just 20 or even 10 years ago. These processes improve our organizations in countless ways, from automating previously manual tasks to simplifying complex transactions that would otherwise be prone to manual error. Then again, technology processes or software solutions are not entirely fail-safe, despite our best efforts at seamless execution. It takes the right people performing the right tasks in the right way to make your bank operate at its highest potential.
No modern industry, especially banking, can function if technology, processes and people each exist in a vacuum. There has to be a happy medium which blends the best that all of these resources have to offer. Processes need to be straightforward, clear and readily integrated into the banking functions and lifecycle activities. Likewise, skilled people have to be hired and trained to enable smooth operations. In this interactive session, we will focus on ways to simplify the increasingly complex intersection between bank operations and technology. Specific topics of discussion will include:
· Methods for adopting a holistic approach to the evaluation of your people, process and technology
· Identifying opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce cost, and effect sustainable organizational changes that will optimize operational performance
· Recommended metrics for evaluating internal and external IT functions and then aligning those metrics with the organization’s strategic vision
Technology Governance & the role of the CFO
CFOs continue to wear many hats, including that of the CIO. In this session, Christina will offer a view of the current evolution of the technology function within financial institutions and analyze the role of the CFO. She will explain the importance of an effective technology steering committee and how to develop one, and examine the key components in management, ROI and effective budgeting. She will also address how to align technology with organizational strategy and display technology’s impact on ERM.
Operating an Efficient Compliance Management Program
The importance of having an effective Compliance Management System (CMS) has become the center point of the examination process. In addition to having an effective CMS; as management is designing, implementing and adjusting their CMS; having an efficient CMS will allow the institution to ensure time and resources are not wasted. McGladrey expert(s) will share best practices and important considerations learned from performing numerous CMS reviews of financial institutions, specialty finance and debt collection companies. We will also review areas where organizations have experienced downfalls or inefficiencies with their programs and provide a checklist to evaluate an existing system for potential weaknesses. Participants will learn about each component of a successful, effective and efficient CMS including:
· A checklist of areas to review to increase efficiencies
· New ways to think about a CMS program
· How to identify potential weaknesses within existing CMS programs
Mobility & the Future of Banking
• Highlight current market trends in mobile banking
• Future growth expectations
• Review various product features and benefits
• Design features can be used as market differentiators to address users’ wants and needs
• Review mobile banking implementation processes and considerations
• Challenges and adoption
Evolving Branch Strategies
§ Branch Strategies
- Past
- Present
- Future
§ The Role of the Bank Branch in the Future
§ The Impact of Technology on the Bank Branch
§ Sizing and Configuration of Bank Branches