Comhairle Baile Atha Throim
Trim Town Council Meeting Minutes
December, 2007 Trim Town Council
Minutes of December Monthly Meeting of Trim Town Council held on 4th December, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath.
In Attendance: Cllr Ray Butler, (Cathaoirleach),
Cllrs Peppard, McHugh, Griffith, Reilly, Golden, Cantwell, Cllr. Lynch.
Apologies: Cllr. O’Brien and Cllr. Mc Hugh.
Officials Present: Kevin Stewart Town Manager
Brian Murphy Town Clerk
Gerry Lynn Town Engineer
Paul Donlon
Triona Keating
· Cllr. Butler wished Cllrs. O’Brien and McHugh a speedy recovery.
· Proposed Cllr. Cantwell, 2nd by Cllr. Peppard.
Deferred from previous meeting:
Part VIII – Reconstruction of Roads and footpaths along Navangate Street, High Street and Loman Street.
· Bernard Green went through his report which was circulated to the members. He stated he had no objection to High Street and recommended that Loman St. continues subject to Archaeological monitoring. He did not recommend that works in respect of Navangate commence until issues pertaining to the design of the works have been resolved.
· Cllr. Cantwell was not in favour of a one way system and stated that he hoped that nothing would be done to prevent it operating contra to what currently approved.
· Cllr. Peppard stated there should only be entry and exit on the streets, that there was very little play on some of the streets particularly Athboy Gate.
· Cllr. Cantwell said that public roads cannot be dug up after completion for a period of 7 years and said that all work should be carried out during reconstruction stage.
· Cllr. Golden agrees it can only be applied when placing major infrastructure. Underground gas mains must go down centre of street and that we must allow timeframe for major infrastructure.
· Cllr. Peppard stated that the standard of works already done was very poor and there should be a rigorous policy in relation to replacing street back to original condition.
· Cllr. Golden raised a query in relation to parking on both sides of Loman Street. He stated that parking spaces on Loman Street right outside peoples’ entrances resulted in them not being able to get in or out.
· P. Donlon stated that when the road was put down, a two way system was put in place, it is now a one way and that sight distance from only one direction will be required.
· Cllr. Golden stated that there should be entrances for driveways at all houses.
· P. Donlon said this was taken account of in design stage.
· Cllr. Cantwell said that at Loman St. there is an elbow jutting out and now is the chance to remove same.
· P. Donlon stated it will be a one way system.
· Cllr. Peppard voiced that residential houses on both sides of Loman Street have the right to park outside their houses and suggested that the street be widened at the lower end of Loman Street and the corner should be taken out.
· Cllr. Butler stated that he would like to see a Pedestrian Crossing beside the library.
· Cllr. Golden voiced concerns about parking at Montessori and that at the top junction at Loman Street, Haggard Street, Athboy Gate there should be a two way entrance to Griffin Park and it should be widened at the top to allow one lane of traffic to merge into two.
After a lengthy discussion the planners report and recommendation was proposed by Cllr. Reilly and seconded by Cllr. Peppard.
2.0 Matters arising from the Minutes:
· Cllr. Cantwell wished to make a follow on in relation to Item 6.4 High Voltage Eirgrid. He said there was a tremendous growth in support and complimented the county for support. He asked that Eirgrid would inform elected members. M.C.C.should contact independent experts in UK to brief the Council on what is best way.
· Cllr. Reilly approached Take-Aways after last meetings and they agreed they would close at 2.00 a.m. He added that they met again this evening and that they had no problem going along with members and the public but didn’t want to be singled out if other Take-Aways were opening until 4am.
· Cllr. Butler complimented him on speaking to them and what he did to get them to close.
· Cllr. Reilly said that one other place was open until 4.30a.m. last weekend.
· Cllr. Golden added that hopefully other establishments would follow suit.
· Cllr. Cantwell stated it was great to see the community working for the good of the town and complimented all involved.
· Cllr. Golden in reference to the closure of Church Lane. He went on to state that other parties not residents in the area are trying to influence ramps on the lane and that none of the residents want ramps in the area.
· Cllr. Peppard said that contradicts what planning has to do with both streets, linking two at Church Lane.
· Cllr. Butler asked the Town Engineer to investigate as a matter of urgency.
· The Town Engineer replied that there is going to be works done on both streets and timing as to when it would be done is to be considered.
· Cllr. Golden stated that if it has to be used then have it a one way system.
· The Town Engineer said the plans would be brought to the February meeting.
· P. Donlon said that access from High St. onto Church Lane is shown on plans.
· Cllr. Reilly asked is extra ducting being put in.
· P. Donlon said that all service providers were approached and asked at the time.
· Cllr. Reilly asked whether as a Council they could not put in extra ducting
· P. Donlon replied that existing ducting is squashed up at present.
· Cllr. Cantwell stated that ducting for CCTV must be put in.
· Cllr. Peppard asked can something not be put in place in relation to the satellite cables and wires around the front of houses.
· Cllr. Golden said something put into planning high density apartments and they are building to such that only one connection is required to service the entire building.
· Cllr. Cantwell proposed a look be taken at the Draft Bye Law in relation to dishes being put in a position not visible from the public road.
· Cllr. Golden agreed that if possible this should be done.
3.0 Expressions of Congratulations and Sympathy:
· The Cathaoirleach congratulated Meath Heritage centre on their 20th Anniversary and for the training of 350 people.
· Cllr. Cantwell would like to be associated with above sentiments and felt privileged to be a founder member. He also added that Noel French played a key role getting people started to learn computer skills.
· Cllr. Peppard stated that 20years ago Trim was a very different place and what separated them from other towns was their heritage and it just goes to show what can be done with dedication and forward thinking and can see it lasting into the future and that it has created a number of writers of local history of the area.
· Cllr. Reilly would like to be associated by above comments and stated that employees funded by F.A.S. spent money on the economy and have been given the opportunity to move onto better things.
· Cllr. Golden would also like to be associated and added that it is great to see a non-profit organisation progress over 20years and that it is great how people can come to a centre and trace their routes.
· Cllr. Butler said their should be a presentation in the hotel for them
· Cllr. Peppard added that was an ideal opportunity for the Cathaoirlach’s award.
· Cllr. Cantwell congratulated Paul Rispin, a tradesman who went to Japan to represent Ireland and came 27th in the world for car repairs.
· Cllr. Golden said a letter should be sent to him to congratulate him on such an achievement.
· Expressions of sympathy were wished to be given to the Henry Family for the death of Liam and also expressions of sympathy towards the Halton Family and Angela Fitzsimons’ family on their recent bereavements.
· A minutes silence was held for the families.
5.0 Correspondence and Matters raised by the Manager :
5.1 Notice of Motion from Ballyshannon Town Council
· Cllr. Butler said that R.T.E. are getting enough money as it is and that other independent broadcasters have to rely on advertisement. He wished to oppose the increase of €7.
· Cllr. Peppard stated that when the initial fee was brought in, it lingered.
· Cllr. Golden agrees with the way the system is structured and asked without a T.V. Licence would services provided remain e.g. sports and news coverage.
· Proposed by Cllr. Butler and 2nd by Cllr. Golden and supported by all members.
5.2 Mid-West Regional Authority notice of Annual Conference
· Cllr. Cantwell asked if something can be done for renewable energy and that we should do what we can to help the country play it’s part to reduce CO2 and Carbon.
· Cllr. Butler asked if Cllr. Peppard would be interested in attending with him.
· Agreed and 2nd by Cllr. Cantwell subject to the budget to be held in January 2008.
5.4 Guidelines on the Governance of Integrated Local Development Companies and Urban Based partnerships and Cohesion Memorandum 04/07A.
· The Town Manager to the members that this was the setting up of Meath Partnership whereby two companies came together to form Meath Partnership. The Company has 23 Directors whereby the Local Government Sector has 5 nominees, three from Meath County Council and one to be rotated between the three Town Councils and one nominated by the Manager..
· Cllr. Golden stated that he was a member of the County Development Board which also rotated. When he was on the Chair for Trim and then it rotated to Kells there was nobody from Trim to be a voice for the area and as a result was opposed to this.
· The Town Manager advised that the numbers are decided by National Legislation and perhaps a solution would be to write to Michael Killeen to ask that there would always be representations in the areas.
· Cllr. Golden proposed we write to Mr Killeen and seconded by Cllr. Cantwell.
· Cllr. Lynch would welcome having partnership as the people of Trim would benefit from same.
Trim Street Restoration Programme – Progress Report No. 9.
Paul Donlon gave his report in relation to the Street Reconstruction Project and it was circulated to the members.
· Cllr. Cantwell asked if we should be increasing our costs rather than cut back.
· Cllr. Butler stated that with paid parking can the €5 million loan be increased.
· The Town Manager advised that there was only approval for €5 million and that it hasn’t drawn down yet due to good financial management. Money was also saved on interest which was likely to continue into early next year. He also added that there was no authority to go over €5 million and that a look should be given towards alternative ways of funding.
· Cllr. Reilly suggested that paid parking figures should be provided every 3months.
· Cllr. Butler said he would also like to see three month reports on paid parking as would Cllr. Cantwell.
· The Town Manager stated that roadworks and surface upgrading have been charged against development levies.
· Cllr. Peppard added that on the road to Manorlands a kerb has been laid but a through path was never laid. Due to development in the area a section of the road is closed off and people cannot cross and suggested that pedestrian access be made from the town to Manorlands Estate.
7.0 Town Engineers Report:
The Town Engineer circulated his report as attached.
· Cllr. Cantwell said the reservoir is at 55% and asked how is it this low.
· The Town Engineer explained it was due to back wash.
· Cllr. Cantwell asked are we not using the well to help the supply.
· The Town Engineer answered that it was part of the upgrade system and that these new works as of yet were not commissioned.
· Cllr. Butler raised a query in relation to gullies and leaves. He went on to say that he has received a lot of complaints in relation to the same problem and asks has the County cut back on this as it used to be very successful.
· The Town Engineer advised that he would check with the Town Foreman as to when this happens but gullies are maintained on a regular basis.
· Cllr. Griffith stated that since the sweeper came in suction not strong enough.
· P. Donlon advised that two labourers go out and clean the gullies as funding is not available for a big machine.
· Cllr Cantwell went on to raise a query in relation to the filter light on Navan Road intermittent and not always working. Also he was concerned about the grass growing on the footpath on High Street and that the fire hydrants are easily opened and wanted to ensure that the flow rates meet necessary demands for leakage testing and asks is it still ongoing.