Mark B. Brown 2


Professor, Department of Government

California State University, Sacramento

6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6089 USA

916-278-6430 (office), 530-756-4489 (home)

August 2017


2001 Ph.D., Political Science, Rutgers University.

1996 M.A., Political Science, Rutgers University.

1990 B.A., Politics, with Honors, University of California, Santa Cruz.


2013- Professor, Department of Government, California State University, Sacramento.

2008-13 Associate Professor, Department of Government, California State University, Sacramento.

2008-09 Co-leader, Junior Research Group "Science, Values, and Democracy," Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), Bielefeld University.

2003-08 Assistant Professor, Department of Government, California State University, Sacramento.

2001-03 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Science and Technology Studies (IWT), Bielefeld University.

2001 Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of San Francisco.

2000 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of California, Davis.


Modern and contemporary political theory

Democratic theory and practice

Science and technology studies

Politics of science, technology, and the environment


Research and Creative Activity Award, summer stipend and one course release for project on “James Baldwin and the Future of White Identity,” California State University, Sacramento, 2017-18.

Outstanding Teaching Award for 2013-14, College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, California State University, Sacramento.

Visiting Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Bielefeld University, June-July 2011.

Honorable Mention, 2010 First Book Award, given by the Foundations of Political Theory section of the American Political Science Association.

National Science Foundation, Ethics and Values Studies program, standard grant ($129,935, Nr. 0451289), “Toward a Political Theory of Bioethics: Participation, Representation, and Deliberation on Federal Bioethics Advisory Committees,” 2005-2007.

Institute for Science and Technology Studies (IWT), Bielefeld University, Research Contract, Summer 2005.

Virginia Walsh Award for best dissertation in science, technology, and environmental politics, American Political Science Association, 2004.

National Science Foundation, Ethics and Values Studies program, Dissertation Research Grant (No. SBR 9810316), 1998-99.

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Research Unit: Innovation and Organization, research contracts in Summer 1998 and Summer 1994.

Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy, Rutgers University, Research Fellowship, 1996-97.



2009. Science in Democracy: Expertise, Institutions, and Representation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Honorable Mention, 2010 First Book Award, given by the Foundations of Political Theory section of the American Political Science Association.

Chinese simplified character translation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015.

Reviewed in Contemporary Political Theory, Social Studies of Science, Science and Public Policy, Public Understanding of Science, Science Studies, Isis, Minerva, Science as Culture, Environment and Planning A, Metascience, Political Studies, Indian Journal of Political Science, Choice, Environmental Health Perspectives, Chemical Heritage Magazine, Metapsychology, Politikon, Review of Policy Research, Plurilogue, The Bubble Chamber, Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau

2006. Brown, Mark B., Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart. Politikberatung und Parlament [Political Advice and Parliament]. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Reviewed in Soziologische Revue, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen

Refereed Journal Articles

2017. Speaking for Nature: Hobbes, Latour, and the Democratic Representation of Nonhumans. Science and Technology Studies. Forthcoming.

2015. Politicizing Science: Conceptions of Politics in Science and Technology Studies. Social Studies of Science 45(1): 3-30.

2009. Brown, Mark B., and David H. Guston. Science, Democracy, and the Right to Research. Science and Engineering Ethics 15(3): 351-366.

2009. Three Ways to Politicize Bioethics. American Journal of Bioethics 9(2): 43-54; and "Response to Open Peer Commentaries on 'Three Ways to Politicize Bioethics,'" American Journal of Bioethics 9(2): W6-W7.

2008. Fairly Balanced: The Politics of Representation on Government Advisory Committees. Political Research Quarterly 61(4): 547-560.

2007. Can Technologies Represent Their Publics? Technology in Society 29(3): 327–338.

2006. Citizen Panels and the Concept of Representation. Journal of Political Philosophy 14(2): 203–225

2004. The Political Philosophy of Science Policy. Essay Review of Science, Truth, and Democracy by Philip Kitcher. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy 42(1): 77-95.

2001. The Civic Shaping of Technology: California’s Electric Vehicle Program. Science, Technology, & Human Values 26(1): 56-81.

1995. Brown, Mark B., Weert Canzler, Frank Fischer, and Andreas Knie. Technological Innovation through Environmental Policy: California's Zero-Emission Vehicle Regulation. Public Productivity & Management Review 9:1 (1995): 77-93..

Book Chapters

2017. Representation and Deliberation. In The Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy, ed. André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane J. Mansbridge, and Mark E. Warren. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Forthcoming.

2017. Expertise. In Science and the Politics of Openness: Here Be Monsters, ed. Brigitte Nerlich, Sarah Hartley, Sujatha Raman and Alexander Smith. Manchester: Manchester University Press, Forthcoming.

2016. Environmental Science and Politics. In The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory, ed. Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer, and David Schlosberg, 491-504. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014. Climate Science, Populism, and the Democracy of Rejection. In Culture, Politics and Climate Change: How Information Shapes our Common Future, ed. Deserai A. Crow and Max Boykoff, 129-145. London and New York: Routledge Earthscan.

2014. Expertise and Deliberative Democracy. In Deliberative Democracy: Issues and Cases, ed. Stephen Elstub and Peter McLaverty, 50-68. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

2013. Toumey, Chris, John Besley, Meg Blanchard, Mark B. Brown, Michael Cobb, Elaine Howard Ecklund, Margaret Glass, Thomas Guterbock, A. Eamon Kelly, Bruce V. Lewenstein. Rethinking Public Knowledge of Science: The Process of Crafting the Concept of Science in the Service of Citizens & Consumers. In Knowledges in Publics, ed. Simon Locke and Lorraine Locke, 16-34. Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2012. Comment les scientifiques représentent-ils les citoyens dans les débats publics? [How do scientists represent citizens in public debate?]. In La Science et le Débat public, ed. Marie-Françoise Chevallier-Le Guyader, 117-128. Arles: Actes Sud / IHEST.

2010. What Does It Mean to Have a Right to Research? Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research, ed. Carmen Sorrentino, 93-100. Milano: Mimesis.

2010. Coercion, Corruption, and Politics in the Commodification of Academic Science. In The Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University, ed. Hans Radder, 259-276. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

2010. Interdisciplinarity and Liberalism's Epistemic Division of Labor: The Integration of Lay and Expert Deliberation. In Inter- und Transdisziplinarität im Wandel? Neue Perspektiven auf problemorientierte Forschung und Politikberatung, ed. Alexander Bogner, Karen Kastenhofer, and Helge Torgersen, 189-204. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

2009. Federal Advisory Committees in the United States: A Survey of the Political and Administrative Landscape. In Scientific Advice to Policymaking: International Comparison, edited by Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart, 17-39. Opladen, Germany, and Farmington Hills, MI: Verlag Barbara Budrich.

2006. Ethics, Politics, and the Public: Shaping the Research Agenda. In Shaping Science & Technology Policy: The Next Generation of Research, ed. David H. Guston and Daniel Sarewitz, 10-32. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

2005. Brown, Mark B., Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart. 2005. Representation, Expertise, and the German Parliament: A Comparison of Three Advisory Institutions. In Democratization of Expertise? Exploring Novel Forms of Scientific Advice in Political Decision-Making, ed. Sabine Maasen and Peter Weingart, 81-100. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.

2000. Conceptions of Science in Political Theory: A Tale of Cloaks and Daggers,” in Vocations of Political Theory, ed. Jason A. Frank and John Tambornino, 189-211. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Book Reviews, Opinion Pieces, and Other Publications

2017. Beyond Privatization in Higher Education. In Halffman, Willem, and Hans Radder, eds., International Responses to the Academic Manifesto: Reports from 14 Countries. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Special Report (2017): 9-14.

2017. Not Everything Political is Politics: Reflections on the March for Science. Public Seminar (June 2).

2016. Three Approaches to Environmental Political Theory. Essay review of Allocating the Earth by Breena Holland, Consensus and Global Environmental Governance by Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett, and Engaging the Everyday by John M. Meyer. Contemporary Political Theory 15(3): e21-e28.

2014. Latour, Bruno (1947-). In The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. Michael Gibbons, 2058–2060. London: Blackwell.

2014. Review of Science, Democracy, and the American University: From the Civil War to the Cold War, by Andrew Jewett. Isis 105(1): 164-166.

2013. Public University Funding and the Privatization of Politics. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 7(1): 21-28.

2013. Science and Democracy. In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, ed. Rick Valelly. New York: Oxford University Press.

2013. Winickoff, David E., and Mark B. Brown. Time for a Government Advisory Committee on Geoengineering Research. Issues in Science and Technology (Summer): 79-85.

2013. Review of Science in a Democratic Society, by Philip Kitcher. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy 51(3): 389-397.

2012. Too Much to Read. Inside Higher Ed (April 20).

2012. Review of The Representative Claim, by Michael Saward. Political Studies Review 10(2): 245-246.

2012. Review of Environmental Skepticism, by Peter J. Jacques. Political Studies Review 10(1): 138-139.

2010. Review of How Do You Know? The Economics of Ordinary Knowledge, by Russell Hardin. Perspectives on Politics 8(4): 1214-1215.

2010. Review of Progress in Bioethics edited by Jonathan D. Moreno and Sam Berger. Science & Public Policy 37(9): 724-726.

2010. Review of Democratic Professionalism: Citizen Participation and the Reconstruction of Professional Ethics, Identity, and Practice by Albert W. Dzur. The Review of Metaphysics 63(3): 691-693.

2010. Science in the Service of Citizens and Consumers: The NSF Workshop on Public Knowledge of Science. Workshop Report. National Science Foundation, 2010.

2009. Review of Knowledge and Democracy: A 21st Century Perspective, edited by Nico Stehr. Contemporary Sociology 38(5): 452-453.

2008. Review of The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics by Roger S. Pielke, Jr. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy 46(4): 485-489.

2005. Brown, Mark B., and Ramshin Daneshi. Advancing Both Science, Democracy. Sacramento Bee (May 1).

2003. Wie kommt Gesellschaft in die Wissenschaft? Über Repräsentation, Partizipation und Beratung [How does society get into science? On Representation, Participation, and Advice], Gegenworte (Spring): 55-57.

2002. Brown, Mark B., and Matthias Groß. Eine neue Gesellschaft? Von Kollektiven, Assoziationen und der Repräsentation des Nicht-Menschlichen,“ [A New Society? On Collectives, Associations, and Representation of the Non-Human]. Review Essay. Soziologische Revue 25(4): 380-394.

1997. Review of Democracy and Technology by Richard E. Sclove. Organization and Environment 10: 341-344.

1997. Review of The Environmental Promise of Democratic Deliberation by Adolf G. Gundersen. Organization & Environment 10: 93-95.

1996. Review of Civic Environmentalism: Alternatives to Regulation in States and Communities by DeWitt John. Industrial & Environmental Crisis Quarterly 9: 408-410.


2016 Co-Teacher, with Heather Douglas and Andrew Jewett, Summer School, “Science, Values, and Democracy?” Institute Vienna Circle, University of Vienna, July 4-15.

2015 “Climate Change and the Politicization of Science,” Climate Futures Initiative, Princeton University, October 12, 2015.

2015 Anchor Teacher, PhD Summer School, “Politics of Science, Technology, and STS,” Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC), August 24-28.

2015 “Climate Change and the Politicization of Science,” Center for Knowledge, Science, and Policy, University of Edinburgh, June 18.

2014 “What Does It Mean to Politicize Science?” European Summer School, "When Science Gets Political," Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (IHEST), Les Fontaines, Gouvieux, France, July 8-11.

2014 “The Politicization of Science: Political Spheres and Activities in Social Studies of Science and Technology,” Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, June 30.

2014 Workshop on SRM Geoengineering Governance, sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center, Environmental Defense Fund, Carnegie Melon University, and UC Berkeley, San Francisco, April 2-3.

2013 “Communication and Democracy,” key note lecture at conference on “Science in Transition,” Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, November 7-8.

2013 “Climate Science, Populism, and the Democracy of Rejection,” Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 24.

2013 Workshop on Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEESHOP), Arizona State University, May 20-24.

2013 Workshop on “Challenging Futures of Citizen Panels,” Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, April 26.

2012 "What Does It Mean to Politicize Science?" Philosophy Department Colloquium, University of Waterloo, Canada, October 26.

2012 "Realism in the Philosophy of Science," presented at workshop on "The Social Relevance of the Philosophy of Science," Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, June 11-13.

2012 "What Could it Mean to Democratize Science?" Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), June 4.

2012 "The Civic Purpose and Production of Science Literacy," presented at workshop on "Science and the Public," Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, May 30-June 1.

2012 "Coercion and Corruption in Academic Science," Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes, Arizona State University, April 11.

2012 "The Role of Faculty Governance in Ensuring Institutional Integrity," presented at workshop on "Industry Sponsorship and Health-Related Food Research," Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University, March 29-30.

2012 “Populism and Cosmopolitanism in the Politics of Climate Science” presented at workshop on "Engineers, Exact Scientists (Technocrats) and Political Processes: Global Perspectives," Harvey Mudd College, Mach 2-3.

2011 "Climate Change Denial and Counter-Democracy," UCLA Political Theory Workshop, December 2.

2011 Workshop on "Advocacy in Science," American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, October 17-18.

2011 "Is Climate Change Good for Democracy?" Center for Values in Medicine, Science and Technology, University of Texas at Dallas, September 21.

2011 "Rethinking the Democratization of Expertise," presented at workshop on "Science versus Democracy?" Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University, Belgium, June 10.

2011 “John Dewey, Science Policy, and the Limits of Epistemic Democracy,” Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, March 21.

2010 “The Politics of Ethics Education in Science and Engineering,” Fall Ethics Symposium, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, California, November 16-17.

2010 Workshop on "Lay Public Knowledge of Science," National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, October 21-22.

2010 Workshop on new approaches to political representation, "Political Representation Institute," University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1-2.

2010 "How Scientists Represent Citizens in Public Debate," European Summer School, "Which place for science in the public debate?" Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology (IHEST), Saline royale d’Arc et Senans, France, Aug. 25-29.