Functional Area: Manager Self Service (MSS) / MSS Recurring Payment Change
Use this procedure to change an existing Recurring Payment. A Recurring payment can be for one or multiple pay periods.
In UC Flex, changing salaries for employees using the Recurring Payment PCR will continue to follow additional levels of approvals and decision-making. Decisions regarding recurring payments are often approved by the Compensation Department. To cite an example, the current process used to process the salary adjustments for recurring payments with the reason code “ADL” will continue to require Compensation approval as part of the workflow process. Specialized workflow has been designed to accommodate the additional levels of approvals for the Recurring Payment PCR (as is the case with the ADL).
Departmental procedures existing outside of the PCR itself will remain in place. Other business processes required prior to the submittal of a PCR are documented in the Business Process Information below.
-- Robust integrationis built-infor account lines entered into the PCR which validate against the FI Master Account Tables
The Recurring Payment PCR cannot be successfully submitted unless the account line data provided is accurate. Any invalid FUND-COST CENTER-FUNCTIONAL AREA-GRANT combination provided for the cost elements will result in system generated messages to alert and stop the initiator from submitting a PCR containing information that is not valid.
-- Date Specific Edits
Date-specific edit checks in the system enhance the functionality of the Recurring Payment PCR.
A change made to an existing Recurring Payment for an employee cannot be made only for begin and end dates for the payment. The initiator must change some other data element on the PCR form such as amount of the payment.
A change made to an existing Recurring Payment for an employee cannot be made by changing the begin date to an earlier date for the payment.
A change made to an existing Recurring Payment for an employee cannot be made by changing the begin date to a later date for the payment.
Payroll rules govern the validity begin date in use on the Recurring Payment PCRs to minimize the amount of payroll recalculations and resulting tax implications. The system will only allow a retroaction to go back in time for a six-month period.
For certain wage types, the end date on a Recurring Payment PCR cannot be longer than 7 years from the date of initiation.
-- Business Required Customizations affecting the Recurring Payments:
- If a Recurring Payment PCR is created using a begin date that will create a retroactive change, and cost elements are not provided, the PCR will trigger the system to check the R/3 master data base for the employee cost distribution to determine if a grant account line data exists. If so, the Recurring Payment PCR will route in workflow to the GCC office.
- If a change is made on a Recurring Payment PCR that removes all of the cost elements, the PCR will trigger the system to check the R/3 master data base to determine if a grant account line is active during that time period. If so, the Recurring Payment PCR will route in workflow to the GCC office.
- Control has been added to the functionality of the Credit Hour field on the Recurring Payment PCR form to require the initiator to input a value in the field when the reason code is ‘adjunct pay’. When a reason code is used for the Recurring Payment that does not involve the ‘adjunct pay’ reason code the Credit Hour field is not editable.
- Effective 7/1/2009 business driven changes have occurred surrounding the admin stipends. Admin stipends use the 0ADM wage type and are called “Salary 2” in recognition of their status as salary.
- Salary2 (0ADM)used on the Recurring Payment PCR have been designed to not allow the cost accounts to be added into the Account Line fields. The funding for the Salary2 is driven by the Cost Distribution PCR.
- All yearly admin stipends for 9/12 faculty must be dated for the entire year so the “effort” is paid over 12 months as is the salary. (September through August).
- All admin stipends on 9/12 faculty accrue for the summer payments, just like the base salary accrues.
- System edit checks were built into the ‘front end’ of the Recurring Payment PCR to prevent PCR initiators from mistakenly charging a grant for the value of the admin stipends.
Use the followingURL to begin this transaction:
Login tothe UC Flex Portal at
Helpful Hints
- "PCR/New Hire Processing Schedules" --provides good documentation regarding Payroll due dates for PCRs and can be found on the Payroll Operations Web Site.
- The "PCR Overview" tab in MSS provides a PCR Status Report for PCRs you have initiated.
- The "Overview" tab will contain all PCRs that have been returned to you as the initiator to edit and resubmit.
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
- The Effective Date field is the effective date for the action. Today's date is the default date automatically pre-filled in the PCR. You can change it to another date by typing the date in the format: MM/DD/YYYY; or you can use the calendar control to select the effective date for the action.
- You can now search foremployees by using the Standard Search or an Advanced Search:
- Standard Search allows you to find the employee by either the Last Name, First Name or Personnel Number (PERNR); or
- Advanced Search provides more criteria to search for the employee:Organizational Unit, Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea.
Recurring Payment "Change"
Recurring Payment processing in SAP will be completed using a Process Change Request (PCR) in Manager’s Self Service (MSS). The Recurring Payment PCR will contain defaulted information for the employee’s current information regarding recurring payments, fields for Begin and End Dates, Wage Types and their associated cost elements. The initiator will be able to select the appropriate time period to be changed from a drop-down. When the PCR is completed, infotype 0014 (Recurring Payments/Deductions) will be updated with all the wage types and cost elements from the PCR. All of the PCR processes are fully automated and will update the employee master record after the last approver completes their designated step.
The following employee groups will always have a recurrent payment wage type for use in creating pay record in SAP:Work Study Students andAdjuncts
Work Study Students
Changes made to Work Study Student salaries must be approved by the Student Financial Aid Office. Departments must contact the Student Financial Aid Department when ADL or TWL payments involve a Work Study Student. If the request is approved, the Student Financial Aid Office documents the decision and notifies the requesting department of the decision. If the request is not approved, it is returned with an explanation to the requesting department. If the request is approved, the department completes a PCR referencing the Office of Student Financial Aid’s decision and obtains all appropriate approvals. The Student Financial Aid Office is an approver for this PCR and reviews the information provided by the department to confirms that it matches the review decision. If approved, the Compensation Department will complete the approval process for thePCR. The PCR is automatedto update the employee record after the final approval.
ADL (Additional Pay)
The Compensation Department is responsible for maintaining the University’s pay policies. Exempt, unclassified staff employees are eligible to receive additional pay (ADL) when performing duties and responsibilities beyond the scope of an not part of their current position on a temporary basis. To request an ADL, the department submits an ADL worksheet and submits it to the Compensation Department for review and approval. Compensation reviews the request to confirm that the request is within policy guidelines. If the request is approved, the Compensation Department documents the decision and notifies the requesting department of the decision. If the request is not approved, it is returned with an explanation to the requesting department. If the request is approved, the department completes a PCR referencing Compensation’s decision and adds a section of the approved ADL worksheet into the "New Comments" section of the PCR.The Compensation Department is an approver for this PCR and reviews the information provided by the department to confirm it matches the review decision.If approved, the Compensation Department will complete the approval process for thePCR. The PCR is automatedto update the employee record after the final approval.
TWL (Temporary Working Level Pay Adjustment)
Per current HR policy (14-08), this process provides for a temporary increase in pay when an eligible employee is assigned to a higher level position for a defined period of time. Eligible employees are those in classified or unclassified positions. Compensation requires a worksheet to be completed as documentation in support of the request. If the request is approved, the department completes a PCR referencing Compensation’s decision and adds a section of the approvedTWL worksheet into the "New Comments" section of the PCR.The Compensation Department is an approver for this PCR and reviews the information provided by the department to confirm it matches the review decision. If approved, the Compensation Department will complete the approval process for thePCR. The PCR is automatedto update the employee record after the final approval.
There are two types of TWL supplements:
- TWL -- All Hours is used for employees who should be paid according to their union contract, or UC policy for unrepresented employees.
- TWL -- Partial Hoursis used for an employee who should only be paid TWL for the hours actually worked in a higher position. This wage type is used by the Utilities organizational unit while an employee fills the Lead Supervisor position during the supervisor's absence.
Changing salaries for employees using the Recurring Payment PCR will continue to follow additional levels of approvals and decision-making. Decisions regarding recurring payments are often approved by the Compensation Department. For example, the current process used to process an “ADL” will continue to require Compensation approval as part of the workflow process. Specialized workflow has been designed to accommodate the additional levels of approvals for the Recurring Payment PCR (as is the case with the ADL).
Process Description – Valid Wage Types
0ADJ [Adjunct Salary]: Salary payments applicable for annual and term adjuncts. The Recurring Payment PCR has been programmed to require Credit Hours to be included for the payment.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0ADL [Additional Pay]: Additional line of compensation for exempt unclassified/unrepresented employees (ADL-Additional Pay) as payment for performing services, on a temporary basis, that are beyond the scope of, and not part of, the employee’s regular duties. The department manager will attach the HR Compensation approval form into the comments section of the PCR.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
Members of the faculty may receive additional compensation (ADL - Faculty compensation) for performing duties assigned for a specific term of up to one year in duration that exceed the scope of, and are not a part of, the faculty member’s regular duties and appointment. The term of a given assignment may be granted or renewed on an annual basis by submission of an approved Personnel Change Request (PCR).
Workflow rule has been designed to forward the PCR to the HR Compensation special handling approver. See HR Policy 14-07 [Non-faculty compensation ADL] and 14-07-1 [Faculty compensation ADL].
0ADM [Salary 2]: Payment for additional administrative duties – i.e. dept heads, Assoc/Assist deans. These payments have a specific time frame to match the appointment dates of the additional duties. It is considered as part of base salary for purposes of effort reporting. The account line(s) utilized by 0ADM is based on the employee’s Cost Distribution. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0ATH [Contract]:This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0ATO [Auto allowance]: Additional payment to employees when the use of their automobile is required for performance of their duties. Only applicable if payment is included in the employee's employment contract.
0CEL [Cell Phone Stipend]: Business requirements outside of the UC Flex MSS process must be met prior to the submission of the Recurring payment PCR for the 0CEL reason code. To apply for a stipend, discuss with your department head or supervisor your university business needs and what percentage of total use of the wireless communication device is for UC business. Then work with the department business office to complete the request form ‘GETit’ as part of the UCIT business process.Once the GETit request is approved, the employee must electronically accept the terms of the stipend agreement. Once the agreement is accepted by the employee, the process for the Recurring Payment PCR begins.
0FSA [Faculty Salary Override]: Faculty salary payment which replaces the basic salary for a specific period of time. Example - faculty member is on a leave for the full academic year but is only entitled to 2/3 of his normal salary and payment is to be spread out over his normal pay period.
0GDA [Dept Funded Administration]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with departmental funds for administrative duties. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0GDI [Dept Funded Instruction]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with departmental funds for instructional duties.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0GDR [Dept Funded Research]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with departmental funds for research duties.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0GUA [U Dean Funded Administration]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with University Dean funds for administrative duties. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0GUI [U Dean Funded Instruction]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with University Dean funds for instructional duties. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0GUR [U Dean Funded Research]: Graduate teaching assistant pay funded with University Dean funds for research duties.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0HOU [Housing Allowance]: Additional payments to cover the cost of housing. Only applicable if payment is included in the employee's employment contract.
0OHP [Off-Hour Pay]: Recurring payment to Research Assistants/Associates for work performed outside of their normal work hours.
0OVL [Overload Instruction]: Recurring payment to faculty who are teaching above their contractual teaching load. Overload teaching is permitted only in emergency situations. Rate of pay is in accordance with the rates in the AAUP contract. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0SUM [Summer Teaching]: Recurring payment made to Faculty for teaching summer session classes. This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0SUS [Summer Stipend]: Payment for additional administrative duties for dept heads for summer school responsibilities. These recurring payments have a specific time frame to match the summer appointment dates of the additional duties.This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.
0VFS [Salary /< 1 yr appt]: Salary payment to NON BENEFIT ELIGIBLE visiting faculty who are to be PAID FOR LESS THAN A FULL ACADEMIC YEAR. This group of short term visiting faculty must have "$0" basic pay (info type 8). This wage type will be prorated if not dated for the entire pay period. Check with your department for proper data entry.