/ Intergraph InSight Explorer december RELEASE SUMMARY /


Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure®’sIntergraph® InSight Explorer is a self-serve analytics platform for public safety agencies. It allows users of all backgrounds to quickly search, filter, and explore large amounts of Intergraph InPursuit® WebRMS and Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) data in a geospatial context. Intergraph InSight Explorer provides out-of-the-box integration to Intergraph InPursuit WebRMS incident, accident, citation, and field interview datasets, as well as I/CAD calls-for-service datasets. Users can also integrate third-party, comma-separated files into the platform for additional contextual analysis.

With Intergraph InSight Explorer, quickly run searches against structured and unstructured data using cross-filtering visuals (for structured data), geospatial filters (for geofencing, polygon files, buffers, and named-place search), and full-text search (for unstructured data). Users can run an ad hoc search, then save for future use. They can also analyze search results with built-in geospatial analytical tools, such as heat and thematic maps, and then export them to CSV, shape and GeoJSON files, Kibana dashboards, and other formats.

The ability to search and explore structured and unstructured data side-by-side with easy-to-use, interactive visuals allows law enforcement and dispatch agencies to see the whole picture.


This version of Intergraph InSight Explorer supports the ability to load comma-separated files as datasets to the Elasticsearch datastore in their own Elasticsearch index. This feature addsdata permanently to the datastore, not just for a single session.

These enhancements allow users to leverage more data sources while performing analysis.


  • I/CAD 9.4 or I/CAD v9.1.1
  • Intergraph InPursuit WebRMS v3.7
  • Google Chrome browser

December 16, 2018 / 1
/ Intergraph InSight Explorer december RELEASE SUMMARY /


Integration Services

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure provides out-of-the-box integration for Intergraph InSight Explorer to certain versions of Intergraph InPursuitWebRMS and I/CAD datasets. Additional third-party datasets (e.g., third-party RMS systems) will require integration services that will be the responsibility of the region and/or business unit.

Training Consulting Services

Each region and/or business unit must provide installation, training, and consulting services to clients. Intergraph InSight Explorer experts should be available to deliver training and consulting services in each region and/or business unit. The availability of these services will depend on resources available in the region to support them. Each region and/or business unit is responsible for pricing of these services.

InstallationHardware Recommendations

The Elasticsearch component of Intergraph InSight Explorer should be installed on a server or virtual machine. The Intergraph InSight Explorer application and application program interface (API)should be on a separate server. Initially, the solution will be hosted on-premises, with plans to move to a software as a service(SaaS) offering in the future.


Elasticsearch is designed to be a scalable, distributable data store. Hexagon recommends a three-node cluster for highavailability and redundancy of the data store. However,a single node is suitableif highavailability and redundancy are not possible.

Hexagon also recommends a load-balanced configurationif redundancy and high availability are requirements for the application layer. Scalability is directly correlated to the hardware specifications of the server. Users should consider the amount of data storage, rates, and volume needed to ensure adequate hardware resources are available. Additional server components can be added at no cost for horizontal scaling.

Learn more about this release by visiting the Intergraph InSight Explorer webpage on our external site, or the InSight Explorerpage on the support site.

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