County Youth Programme Team – Role Description & Person Specification

Assistant County Commissioner – Beaver Scouts

Role Description:

Role Purpose:To provide support to Districts and Colonies, as a member of the County Youth Programme Team, within Essex.

To support and give direction to Assistant District Commissioners (Beaver Scouts) and District Beaver Scout Leaders to:

Support the safe delivery of high quality balanced programme

Develop the involvement of Beaver Scouts in decisions affecting their participation in Scouting

Support the retention and recruitment of all young people and adult volunteers in the Beaver Scouts Section

Develop and deliver solutions in order to support Districts to offer a balanced programme for Beaver Scouts in line with National guidance.

To represent the County team and the Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme) within Districts and Colonies.

Key tasks:To provide an informal induction to ADCs upon their appointment, working closely with the DC.

To conduct termly County ADC meetings in order to understand the challenges at a district level and work with the County Beaver team to provide solutions.

To hold one-to-one meetings with each ADC twice a year.Have regular contact with ADCs through phone calls, emails or other means as needed.

To conduct visits to District BSLs meetings and Beaver Scout events/activities as a County representative. Visit each District at least once a year, supported by the County Beaver Scout Team.

To visit Beaver Scout Colonies to look at rolling out good practice around the county.

To write/contribute to a regular (monthly or bi-monthly) resource to be published via with ideas and programmes

To ensure the County Beaver Scout team delivers events/activities aligned to the needs of the Districts and the Young People. Working with the ACC Cub Scouts and ACC Scouts to ensure joint activities are included in the County Programme as necessary.

Help ADCs ensure that Section Leaders deliver high quality balanced programmes.

oWith your team run programme quality sessions in Districts.

oProvide advice on resources and where to find them.

oRecognise and promote good practice.

oEnsure that residential opportunities are accessible to all BeaverScouts.

Manage the County Beaver Scout team, ensuring a Youth member of 18-25 years old is including on the team at all times.

To provide practical support in running activities for Beaver Scouts Units where appropriate

Monitor progress and development within the Beaver Scout section across the County.

Support the County Commissioner in the development of the County and contribute to thepreparation and review of the County Development Plan.

Develop and maintain relevant external contacts in the community, and promote Beaver Scouting tothe general public within the County.

Promote and encourage to the Beaver Scout Section the implementation of all policies of The Scout Association, especially the key policies as laid down in Chapter 2 of POR

Appointed by:Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme) via County Appointments Advisory Committee

Responsible to:Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme)

Main Contacts:Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme)

County Beaver Scouts Leaders

Assistant District Commissioners (Beaver Scouts)

District Beaver Scouts Leaders

Beaver Scout Leaders, Assistant Beaver Scouts Leaders

Assistant County Commissioner (Cubs Scouts & Scouts)

County Youth Programme Team

County Youth Commissioner

Assistant County Commissioner (Communications)

Other Contacts:County Commissioner, Deputy County Commissioners

County Media Team

Other members of the County team

The Scout Association Programme & Development Directorate

Person Specification(E= Essential, D= Desired, HD= Highly Desired)


  • Ability to lead teams E
  • Excellent written and communication skills E
  • Be computer literate E
  • Be a self-motivator and be able to motivate others positively E
  • Able to work well in meetings with excellent presenting and facilitating skills E
  • Ability to work and engage with people of all ages E
  • Ability to speak publicly HD
  • Ability to work within predefined limits (for examples timescales and budgets) E
  • Ability to accept and positively respond to responsibility E

Knowledge and experience:

  • An understanding of The Scout Association’s Structure and procedures E
  • Previous experience of management of volunteers HD
  • Experience of using Microsoft Office programs to at least an intermediate level E

Qualities required:

  • Accept the policies and rules of The Scout Association E
  • Accept The Scout Association’s purpose, method and youth programme E
  • Have time available, amongst other commitments to commit to the workload E
  • Ability to meet deadlines E
  • Be in a position to travel to meetings at County and elsewhere, including spending time away from home, as required E
  • A willingness to promote the 2018 vision and strategic direction of the UK Scout Association E

Time commitment:

  • At least 6 Beaver Scout team meetings per year + regular 1:1s with the Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme)
  • Attendance at District meetings/events where necessary and appropriate as agreed
  • An average of 2-3 hours per week (+ additional time if supporting Colonieson an ad-hoc basis)


Specific training as part of this role will be provided by the Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme)

It is expected that the ACC Beaver Scoutscomplete the training requirements of theappropriate Wood Badge.The Deputy County Commissioner (Youth Programme) will act as Training Adviser for this role.

Appointment Requirements:

To understand and accept The Scout Association’s policies, have asatisfactory DBS disclosure, have gained or prepared to work towards thecompletion of a woodbadge for this role.

Last updated – 19th June 2017 by Liz Connelly (DCC YP)Page 1 of 3