A. General Information about the Netherlands:

·183 Information about working in the Netherlands can be found in this document: . It contains information on the following topics:

1 Working in the Netherlands for a Dutch employer

2 Working in the Netherlands for an employer based outside the Netherlands

3 Further information

B. Migrating to the Netherlands:


On this homepage, which is run by the Dutch foreign ministry, you will find all the necessary information concerning migrating to the Netherlands. It is targeted at EU- and EEA-citizens, third-country nationals as well as their families.


On this homepage, which is run by the Dutch foreign ministry, you will find Questions and Answers concerning labour migration.

C. Looking for a job in the Netherlands:


D. Representation of Employees:


The Dutch Trade Union Federation (FNV) is an organization of unions that represents the interests of employees and social benefit claimants. The focal points of the FNV are employment and income, two aspects which cover a very broad area. Income may be derived from work, but also from social benefits. Equality, solidarity, freedom of speech, justice and sustainability are the FNV’s core principles.

Trade union members are entitled to legal advice and legal representation in court as well as many other benefits. They profit from the host of collective agreements negotiated by FNV unions at industry level.