Teacher Education and Development

Application Form and Initial Assessment for Initial Teacher Training Courses 14-15[(]

Please read carefully, the details of the course you are about to apply for (see course outline on our website), before selecting the appropriate box.
Level 3 Award in Education and Training (C&G 6502)
Autumn 2014 (Sat) / TD501
Autumn 2014 (Tues) / TD504
Spring 2015 (Sat) / TD502
Spring 2015 (Weekends-blended) / TD512
Spring 2015 (Tues) / TD506
Summer 2015 (Tues) / TD503
Spring/Summer 2015 (Weekday evenings-blended) / TD505
Summer/Autumn 2015 (Weekends-blended) / TD513

SECTION A Personal Details

Note: Please enter your name as you would like it to appear on your certificate.

First/Given names / Surname/Family name
Male Female / Date of Birth[(]*
Home address
Postcode / Preferred email
Work tel / Home tel / Mobile
Nationality / Languages spoken
Country of Birth / Country of Residence

Special Requirements and Additional Support

If you have special requirements related to a disability please contact Access to Learning immediately. 020 7492 2506 email: and make sure you complete the Additional Support Section on page 7.

What subject/s do you want to teach, or currently teach?

If you are currently teaching or training (paid or voluntary)

Please enter employer’s details (if more than one employer, please only include your main one).

Name of organisation:
Your Job title
Name of Employer/Manager
Work email / Work tel

For City Lit staff members

Dept. name Line Manager’s name:

(Please ask your line manager to complete the box on pg 4.)

Education and subject qualifications

Please include here your educational qualifications at Level 3 (eg A levels) or above; only include the qualifications for the subject(s) you teach or want to teach. With this application, please send scanned copies of the certificates for the qualifications you have listed.







Name of qualification achieved


Level or grade

English language qualification at level 2 or above? (eg GCSE A-C grades)


Maths qualification (eg GCSE)


If you have a qualification from abroad you should obtain evidence that it is ‘equivalent’ in the UK. Go to www.naric.org.uk who can check this for you, and provide us with their report.

If you do not have a qualification in the subject you want to teach, your employer will have to provide a reference confirming your subject expertise.

Please very briefly describe any work or other relevant experience you have in your subject area (or anything relevant if you are applying for the Award in teaching Literacy), including any teaching/training or voluntary work, with adults learners.

Payment of Fees

Who will be paying your fees:

Self Employer Part self/part employer Other (please specify)

Please note: If your employer is paying for the course, you will need to bring a letter from them stating this. Please ask them to include the course title and course code in the letter.

Will you be paying:

Full fees Concessionary fees

If you are a teacher at City Lit

City Lit Staff Development (Please ask your line manager to complete the box below.)

Line Manager’s statement: I agree that this training is work related and is undertaken according to the City Lit Professional Development Meeting (PDM) guidance. (Please briefly state why this training will be required.)

Line manager’s name and dept:

Data Protection Act

Information you provide on this form will be used for the purpose described and will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Further information about Data Protection is available on request.

Name: Date form completed

You must complete Section B as it is part of the application process.



This section includes an initial assessment to check you have an appropriate level of written English for this course.

You are being asked to write a short essay (Word guideline: 300-500 words) in which we would like you to tell us:

a) Why you wish to become a teacher of adults

b) Any relevant work experience with adults, eg. in community groups, your workplace, unions, youth groups etc.

c) How does teaching adults differ from teaching children

Your main focus should be writing clearly and linking your ideas together.

We are looking for

o  Well organised and structured writing

o  Opinions clearly presented and justified

o  A clear opening and closing

o  Organised paragraphing

o  Accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation

Important: Once you have completed all the above sections, return this form to

from your own email address. By doing this, you will have confirmed that all the information on this form is correct and that the written work is your own.

Please also send us a scanned copy of one of the following:

·  your highest level subject qualification certificate

·  a NARIC report, if your qualification is from abroad

·  a letter from your employer confirming your subject expertise

Please note: Some of our courses are over-subscribed, in which case you will be informed, and your application will be transferred to the next available course.

After we process your application and if your initial assessment is successful, we will send you an offer of a place as well as a learning contract to sign and return to us. If you do not wish to take up your place you must inform us immediately.

To get a guaranteed place on the course you must return the learning contract by the given deadline, after which we will send you enrolment information. You must enrol by the given date.

Please also complete section C before returning this form.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Name of Course:

Course Code:

All information provided on this form is strictly confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only

Are you:

Male Female

Age Group:

Under 21 21-24 25-29 30-39 40-49

50-59 60+


11 Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi

12 Asian or Asian British – Indian

13 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani

14 Asian or Asian British – Any Other Asian Background

15 Black or Black British – African

16 Black or Black British – Caribbean

17 Black or Black British – Any Other Black Background

18 Chinese

19 Mixed - White & Asian

20 Mixed - White & Black African

21 Mixed - White & Black Caribbean

22 Mixed - Any Other Mixed Background

23 White - British

24 White - Irish

25 White - Any Other White Background

98 Any Other

99 Not Known / Not Provided


Do you have a disability and/or learning difficulty?

Yes No

If yes please tick as appropriate

01 Visual Impairment

02 Hearing Impairment

03 Disability Affecting Mobility

04 Other Physical Disability

05 Other Medical Condition (e.g. Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy)

07 Mental Ill Health

08 Temporary Disability After Illness (e.g. Post-Viral or Accident)

09 Profound/Complex Disabilities

90 Multiple Disabilities

98 No Disability or Health Problem

97 Other - please specify if you feel it would be useful for us to know:

Additional Support

In order for us to support you whilst on the course, please indicate if you have special requirements:

None British Sign Language interpreter Large print

Dyslexia Support Physical (special equipment), please specify

Other support, please specify

If you have special requirements related to a disability you should contact 020 7492 2506, or email immediately.

For any other support please refer to the Student Resources page on our web site (http://www.citylit.ac.uk/students).

For office use only

Application received on:

Notes on initial assessment:

Written English skills / Good / Needs improve-ment / Comment
Well organised and structured writing
Use of formal writing style
Opinions clearly presented and justified
A clear opening and closing
Organised paragraphing using complex sentences
Accurate spelling and punctuation, including apostrophes
Use grammar to ensure that meaning is clear – including verb tense
Focussed on topic

Other notes:


City Lit, Teacher Education and Development Award Application Form 14-15

[(]* Please note: We do not accept hand-written forms. To be considered for a place, it is important that you complete all sections of this form on a computer and return it to us by email to:

[(]* * Please note:Applicantsforall our training courses have to be19+ as this is a requirement of our awarding body.