Title I Annual Parent Meeting


October 23, 2015

Meeting started at 8:15 AM; Room 70

Principal explained purpose of meeting and explained what Title I is, and why and how Edmondson receives Title I monies.

Every parent was given an Agenda, a Title IParent Survey and an EDM Title I School-Parent Compact all in English and Spanish.

Principal reviewed the Powerpoint in English and Spanish.

Program was described. Parents were given an opportunity to fill out survey. Also, parent compact was reviewed and explained. The fact that we review the Title I program annually was explained. No questions were asked.

Principal asked why are field trips important?

Parent responded: for the development and knowledge of the child/student

Parent asked if school has a budget, and if field trips are part of it?

Yes, every grade received $ 2,500.

Parent asked if we have parent/teacher policies, and asked how to become a volunteer?

School policy was briefly explained and it was also discussed that every parent should be finger-printed to become a volunteer.

Parent commented that at times it might be possible to get finger-printed and TB test for free if our students/child does participating on a sport club thought the city of Norwalk.

Parents asked about i-Ready reading and math program, and Mr. Muniz gave a brief explanation of how it works and what it does for student achievement.

Also parent asked if K grade participated on i-Ready?

Kinder is no longer participating in i-Ready unless the school pays for the licenses for that grade. Instead, K teachers administer the DRA assessment for reading and teach according to results. Report card conferences will include results explained to parents.

How often students doing i-Ready Diagnostic?

School does a student diagnostic 3 times per year, but a teacher may decide to run it about every 8 weeks.

Discussion about assessment was started. Principal explained that the CST is no longer administered, we now use the SBAC as our state assessment.

How are we preparing students for SBAC was discussed.

Do students of Dual Immersion participate on the SBAC test and how do we help them? We have ELD, Istation for K-3rd. School is using 3 computer labs for SBAC practice and test. Every class visits the labs multiple times a week.

What other programs are available at EDM was next topic: Meet the Masters, School Library, three computer labs, i-Ready, FLG, iStation.

Parent asked about homework. Concern was if student/child not getting enough homework? Principal explained that each team has a HW policy. Support was offered. If parents have concerns principal offered to meet- set up appointment.

Parent commented about problems or concerns of school staff not being on the blacktop to supervise. Principal explained policy of supervision, number of people, and rotation schedule.

Students uniform discussion was pursued; why they are needed was discussed?

It helps identify school students, for safety, prevents bullying, and looks professional, so that students are prepared.

Playworks: Principal talked about how it helps develop student physical abilities and keeps kids safe.

Parent asked about improving Cafeteria food: Principal explained that District Kitchen is being modernized at this time. Equals less hot food available. More packaged food.