Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

It opened. / Two men. / Kashoki. / Crocodiles. / Across the bridge.
Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / The white shark. / Four children. / To Japan. / Three women.
No, he didn’t. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / They opened their mouths. / The tiger. / He said a very fast spell.
They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / One man. / Ringo’s dog. / Ringo Dingo. / It had a magic want in its mouth too!
He looked like a kangaroo. / They fell through the bridge. / They climbed out of the hole. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / It attacked Ringo.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

It attacked Ringo. / No, he didn’t. / They climbed out of the hole. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Crocodiles.
It had a magic want in its mouth too! / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Ringo’s dog. / Ringo Dingo. / One man.
Three women. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Four children. / To Japan. / The white shark.
He said a very fast spell. / He looked like a kangaroo. / They opened their mouths. / The tiger. / Whew! They can’t eat us now!
Across the bridge. / It opened. / Kashoki. / They fell through the bridge. / Two men.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Two men. / Kashoki. / It opened. / Across the bridge. / They fell through the bridge.
Ringo Dingo. / No, he didn’t. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / One man.
The white shark. / Four children. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Three women. / To Japan.
Crocodiles. / They climbed out of the hole. / Ringo’s dog. / It attacked Ringo. / They put him in the kangaroo cage.
Whew! They can’t eat us now! / They opened their mouths. / He looked like a kangaroo. / He said a very fast spell. / The tiger.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

It attacked Ringo. / To Japan. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Three women. / The white shark.
Kashoki. / They fell through the bridge. / Two men. / Across the bridge. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there.
They climbed out of the hole. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Ringo’s dog. / Four children. / Crocodiles.
No, he didn’t. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It opened. / One man. / Ringo Dingo.
They opened their mouths. / The tiger. / He looked like a kangaroo. / He said a very fast spell. / Whew! They can’t eat us now!

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Four children. / Crocodiles. / Ringo’s dog. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / They climbed out of the hole.
It had a magic want in its mouth too! / Ringo Dingo. / It opened. / One man. / No, he didn’t.
To Japan. / The white shark. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Three women. / It attacked Ringo.
Across the bridge. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Two men. / They fell through the bridge. / Kashoki.
The tiger. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / He looked like a kangaroo. / He said a very fast spell. / They opened their mouths.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

They climbed out of the hole. / To Japan. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Three women. / The white shark.
No, he didn’t. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It opened. / They fell through the bridge. / Ringo Dingo.
They opened their mouths. / The tiger. / He looked like a kangaroo. / He said a very fast spell. / Two men.
Kashoki. / Across the bridge. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / One man. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there.
It attacked Ringo. / Four children. / Ringo’s dog. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Crocodiles.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

It opened. / One man. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Across the bridge. / Kashoki.
Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Three women. / The white shark. / To Japan. / They climbed out of the hole.
He looked like a kangaroo. / He said a very fast spell. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / The tiger. / They opened their mouths.
Two men. / They fell through the bridge. / Ringo Dingo. / Four children. / No, he didn’t.
Ringo’s dog. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Crocodiles. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It attacked Ringo.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Three women. / They climbed out of the hole. / The white shark. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / To Japan.
They put him in the kangaroo cage. / It attacked Ringo. / Crocodiles. / Ringo’s dog. / It had a magic want in its mouth too!
No, he didn’t. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / He looked like a kangaroo. / The tiger.
They fell through the bridge. / He said a very fast spell. / Two men. / It opened. / Four children.
One man. / Kashoki. / They opened their mouths. / Ringo Dingo. / Across the bridge.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

To Japan. / He said a very fast spell. / They fell through the bridge. / It opened. / Two men.
It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It attacked Ringo. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Ringo’s dog. / Crocodiles.
The tiger. / Four children. / No, he didn’t. / He looked like a kangaroo. / Whew! They can’t eat us now!
They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / They climbed out of the hole. / Three women. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / The white shark.
Across the bridge. / Kashoki. / One man. / Ringo Dingo. / They opened their mouths.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Crocodiles. / It attacked Ringo. / One man. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / Ringo’s dog.
Two men. / Four children. / To Japan. / The tiger. / He looked like a kangaroo.
The white shark. / They climbed out of the hole. / Three women. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths.
Whew! They can’t eat us now! / He said a very fast spell. / They fell through the bridge. / No, he didn’t. / It opened.
They opened their mouths. / Kashoki. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Across the bridge. / Ringo Dingo.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Crocodiles. / No, he didn’t. / He said a very fast spell. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / It opened.
To Japan. / The tiger. / Four children. / Two men. / He looked like a kangaroo.
They put him in the kangaroo cage. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / They fell through the bridge. / The white shark. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths.
One man. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It attacked Ringo. / They climbed out of the hole. / Ringo’s dog.
Three women. / Across the bridge. / Kashoki. / They opened their mouths. / Ringo Dingo.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

It opened. / No, he didn’t. / He said a very fast spell. / Crocodiles. / Whew! They can’t eat us now!
He looked like a kangaroo. / The tiger. / Four children. / To Japan. / Two men.
The white shark. / Across the bridge. / Kashoki. / They climbed out of the hole. / They opened their mouths.
Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / They fell through the bridge. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Ringo Dingo.
Ringo’s dog. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / It attacked Ringo. / One man. / Three women.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Three women. / It opened. / It attacked Ringo. / Ringo’s dog. / One man.
Two men. / The tiger. / Four children. / He looked like a kangaroo. / Crocodiles.
They opened their mouths. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / Kashoki. / The white shark. / They climbed out of the hole.
Ringo Dingo. / Across the bridge. / They fell through the bridge. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / They put him in the kangaroo cage.
Whew! They can’t eat us now! / No, he didn’t. / He said a very fast spell. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / To Japan.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

Kashoki. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / The white shark. / They opened their mouths. / They climbed out of the hole.
Four children. / The tiger. / He looked like a kangaroo. / To Japan. / Crocodiles.
He said a very fast spell. / No, he didn’t. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / Two men. / Whew! They can’t eat us now!
It attacked Ringo. / It opened. / Ringo’s dog. / Three women. / One man.
They fell through the bridge. / Across the bridge. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / Ringo Dingo. / They put him in the kangaroo cage.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Across the bridge. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / They fell through the bridge. / Ringo Dingo.
No, he didn’t. / It opened. / Ringo’s dog. / It attacked Ringo. / Three women.
Crocodiles. / The tiger. / He looked like a kangaroo. / Four children. / To Japan.
They climbed out of the hole. / It had a magic want in its mouth too! / The white shark. / One man. / Kashoki.
Whew! They can’t eat us now! / They opened their mouths. / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / He said a very fast spell. / Two men.

Chatterbox Bingo IV. díl: Unit 10.

One man. / Whew! They can’t eat us now! / They must talk to Kashoki before Spider gets there. / He said a very fast spell. / They opened their mouths.
Ringo Dingo. / They put him in the kangaroo cage. / Suddenly they had magic wands in their mouths. / They fell through the bridge. / Across the bridge.
Three women. / No, he didn’t. / Ringo’s dog. / It attacked Ringo. / It opened.
To Japan. / Crocodiles. / He looked like a kangaroo. / Two men. / The tiger.
Kashoki. / They climbed out of the hole. / The white shark. / Four children. / It had a magic want in its mouth too!

Dostupné zMetodického portálu ISSN:1802-4785, financovaného zESF astátního rozpočtuČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým vPraze.