The University of New Mexico
The Clauve Outstanding Senior Awards
The Clauve Award is based on leadership and involvement as well as academics. Students must be outstanding in both areas to be chosen to receive the Clauve Award. UNM seniors must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. Those selected will have made significant contributions to the campus and community. The Clauve Awards will be presented at the annual Recognition Reception, Friday, April 20, 2018.
Application instructions
Application must include:
1. Application form filled out by student applicant. DO NOT attach resume.
2. Clauve Award Letter of Recommendation
Clauve recommendation letters may be written by faculty, staff, administrators, peer students, community member, or an alumni member. No more than two letters of recommendation may be submitted.
3. The submission deadline is Friday, February 23, 2018
All application materials must be submitted to the Student Activities Center, Student Union Building, room 1018, MSC 03-2210. Application materials can also be submitted by email to
APPLICANT Information
Address: apt:
City: State: zip:
Hours earned:
(must have senior standing)
Hours currently enrolled:
(must be currently enrolled)
Major(s): Minor:
Cumulative grade point average:
Graduation Date - month and year:
(must have graduated in Dec. ‘17 or be graduating in May ’18 or Dec. ‘18)
The Clauve Outstanding Senior Awards
Student ID number:
I believe all of the enclosed information to be true and I authorize the Dean of Students Office or the Student Activities Center staff to verify my grade point average, enrollment, and conduct history.
Student applicant’s Signature Date
This form must be filled out completely, signed and submitted
with the rest of the packet in order for the applicant
to be considered for the Clauve Outstanding Senior Award
Read Instructions Carefully
Please list your campus & community co-curricular involvement and results. The selection committee is interested in the results of your participation, so please tell us the impact you have made on each listing of participation. Indicate also whether results are from individual or group effort. If projects were group effort, what was your role? DO NOT ATTACH A RESUME. Please use as much space as needed under each heading.
1. On-Campus Activities
Officer, chairmanship or other leadership positions in student organizations (include your impact on the organization and the results of your leadership role in the organization)
Memberships in student organizations (include your impact on the organization and results of your membership)
Volunteer service on campus (include your impact on the organization and results of your membership)
Student government positions (include your impact on the organization and results of your membership)
Other campus cocurricular involvement e.g., internships, musical groups/bands, peer educators, RA, NSO Leader, ROTC, sports team, University committees, tutoring, mascots, chaparrals, cheerleaders, theater, etc. (include your impact on the organization and results of your membership)
Non-Academic honors (e.g. Who’s Who):
2. Off-Campus Activities
Off-campus community organization participation e.g., service, civic, cultural or religious organizations
Student’s Name:______
STUDENT’S personal Statement
Please write a brief personal statement on one of the following topics:
· How did you balance academics and campus/community involvement and why?
· Why is campus/community involvement and leadership valuable to you?
Personal statements should be no more than 1 page long, Please use 12-font, Times New Roman, and 1-inch margins. If space allows, please use the available space below.
1. Academic Record & Special Academic Programs
Academic scholarships:
Academic honors (e.g., dean’s list, University Honors Program, departmental honors, etc.):
Exchange programs:
Research or other academic projects:
Clauve Award Letter of RECOMMENDATION
Student applicant:
Recommender’s Title/Position:
Recommender’s Mailing Address or MSC:
(Recipients and those who recommend them will be invited to the Recognition Reception for award presentations.)
The Clauve Awards are given to UNM seniors who have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. The award is based on leadership and involvement as well as academics. Students must be outstanding in both areas to be chosen to receive the Clauve Award. Those selected will have made significant contributions to the campus and community.
Instructions: The letter of recommendation should address the areas listed below. Emphasis is on individual achievement, quality of leadership and results and accomplishments. Those selected will have made a significant contribution to the campus and community. Anyone who writes letters for several students should elaborate so that the selection committee can distinguish the most outstanding among them. No more than two letters of recommendation may be submitted for each student applicant.
The characteristics in the following questions are the primary basis for the award. Please address them in your letter.
· Describe the quality of the student’s leadership (vision, drive, risk taking, values, dedication).
· Describe the results and outcome of the student’s efforts. If projects were a group effort, define the student’s role.
· What degree of initiative was displayed by this student?
· How much does the student exceed the expectation of the student’s role vs. merely fulfilling duties of their role?
· What is the variety of involvement and scope of depth of involvement undertaken by this student?
· Is there anything noteworthy about the student not addressed by the previous questions?
Signature ______date______
Return to Clauve Selection Committee by Friday, February 23, 2018
Student Activities Center
Student Union Building Room 1018
MSC 02-2210
Albuquerque, NM, 87131-0001