Pastor Charles Holmes
312-1 {232} There you are. You know her in the Bible. She was the wife of Ahab. And here is the woman, church, Jezebel, the wife of the false prophet which is supposed to be the genuine prophet of God: the pope (Right.), the genuine prophet and his wife Jezebel. Now, Ahab was supposed to be a genuine Jew, but he was a rascal; you know that. Because his wife just led him anyway he wanted to. We find out Jezebel takes her money and leads these the way they want to too.
... which calleth herself a prophetess... (Get it?)... to teach and... seduce my servants... (See, that Jezebel teaching just swept the country.)... to commit fornications,... to eat things sacrificed to idols.
... I gave her space to repent... (See?)... of her fornication; and she repented not. (Watch this next verse.)
... I will cast her into a bed... (That's hell.)... and them that commit adultery with her, unto great tribulation... (That's going into great tribulation, not the Church now.)... except they repent of their deeds. (Now, watch out here.)
... I will kill her children... (her harlots)... with death;... (Spiritual death... You believe it? That's the Word. "I will kill them with death." And if they're killed, they're eternal separated.)
514-4 {343} 39. Question: Concerning the sixty-eight million slain by the Roman Catholic church, what time in history did this take place, and over how long a period of time did this take place?
Take Smucker's "Glorious Reformation," I guess some of these scholars have that; and it's the history of the church. And I forget now just what page it's on, but it taken place from the time of the--the--the thing was produced or given to the church by Saint Augustine of Hippo, Africa. That was AD 354, and it lasted until 1850, the massacre of Ireland. You see? So that time is--were from AD 33--or AD 30--354, let me get that right now. See? From AD 3-5-4 to--to AD 1-8-5-0, 1850, according to the history there were sixty-eight million Protestants put to death recorded on the Roman martyrology for disagreeing with the pope of Rome. That's history. If you want to say it's wrong, well then, maybe George Washington wasn't here or Lincoln (You know none of us lived back to see it.); but I believe they was here anyhow. I see signs that they were here.
115 Notice. Now, we find that, Satan, that great agent, he only was able to get the church, the first time, by making them accept his wisdom of the world, and get away from common faith that God told them to have in His Word. That was His first program. He succeeded there. And there is where he's done it, every time. Oh, if we could only see that that's it. And when he can get you from behind that Word, that's all he has to do. You're--you're in his hands right then.
Notice, just believe His Word, and live.
116 Now, Eve, That wasn't enough for her. She had to have some of the wisdom of the world.
117 That's the way we do today. We've just got to have some doctor, Ph.D., LL.D., to tell us about It. Brother, if it's contrary to this Word, you leave it alone. I don't care if it's the pope of Rome, or if it's the... any hierarchy, or the archbishop of Canterbury. I don't care who it is. You believe God's Word. And let every other word be a lie, if anything is contrary to the Word.
118 I found out this one thing. Live by the Word. If God makes a promise, He's got to keep that Word. If He doesn't keep that Word, then it's not God.
572 Notice, Lucifer comes in, cunning, like he did then, and by temptations and false promises, of power outside, apart from the Word of God. He did the same at Nicaea, Rome. He's doing the same today at the World Council of Ecumenical churches.
573 "Let's all unite together," the pope says. "I want all my ecumenical brethren out there to unite with me. We are one." That's right, in organizations you are one. But that has nothing to do with the Bride of Christ; not a thing, brother. You'll never wash Her in anything like that.
113 I was reading a circular letter that was put out by a great Pentecostal that set side-by-side with the pope, not long ago, in the ecumenical council. I got wrote down, thirty-three years ago, that that very thing would take place. Now, you'll never be able to swing real, spiritual pentecostals into that thing. They know better than that. It sounds awful good to the intellectual, but the spiritual mind grasps it quick that that's wrong. They know that that's wrong. They know what God has said about those things. And so, they, they'll never catch it.
225 Some say, "These people are good." Sure. I don't say they're not good people. I don't say Saint Cecilia and all them wasn't good women; so was my mother, but I sure don't pray to her. Certainly not. Certainly, I've seen lots of good people, but they're not goddesses. They're women, men. "There's only one Mediator between God and man."
226 Then why, why would a man, a Pentecostal, world man... that circular letter that Brother duPlessis, our precious brother, has got circulate. Maybe some of you has got it. Set... Yeah, you got it. In the Ecumenical Council, by the side of the pope, and said, "It was very spiritual." That's discernment of spirit, isn't it? "Oh, the Spirit of the Lord was there, very spiritual." Yeah. There you are.
227 Why? Because it's a opportunity to unite the Protestants and that together, which we have fought for for years, and the Bible has stood for and told us that would come. And our... one of our greatest leaders comes right in, said, "That's right. That's what we do," and the whole Protestant church is falling for it.
228 And just exactly, if you'll look up there, THUS SAITH THE LORD. First, the Word said it. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, in 1933, that told all these other things about the nations going to war, and how the machines would be, and everything like that, said that's exactly what would happen at the end. And here it is. It's never failed. And here we see it shaping up.
229 You remember my sermon on Jezebel Religion not long ago? You remember Elisha coming down the road that morning, to tell them? That, I preached on that. See? And how I predicted then that the time would come when this Ecumenical Council would finally become the mark of the beast, because it would unite with the beast. It's doing it. In my age, I've lived to see it. And here the Protestants, by the millions, fall for it. Why? That's what they're looking for.
230 They are blind! Jesus told those Pharisees, "You blind leaders of the blind. If the blind leads the blind," He said, "won't they all fall in the ditch?" And that's where they fall. How could I ever believe that a man that stood with me and talked with me, could ever sit and make a remark like that! See, "It's hid, the eyes, from the wise and prudent, and reveal It to babes such as will learn."
99 The Catholic, when that pope says something, that's it. That's the absolute of the Catholic church. I don't care what the priest says, what the bishop says, what the cardinal says; when the pope says it, that's it. That's the absolute. It's correctly.
100 In the Methodist church and many of the Protestant denominations, what the bishop says, that's the absolute. That's all. What the creed says, that's the absolute.
101 In the Pentecostals, it's what the general overseer says, whether you can have this person for a revival, or not. That's the absolute. You disagree his words, you're kicked out of the organization. See, the Word ain't considered at all. See? You get these absolutes, each one having his own absolute.
102 But, you know, I don't say this sacrilegiously. I say it for truth. I feel like that way Paul did, when He said, in Acts 20:24, "None of these things move me." "I am determined to know nothing among you; but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." I'm not bothered about these absolutes, whether it's the pope, bishop, or a general overseer, or a counselor, or a system, or whatever it is, none of these things move me. I don't care if they say, "Well, we--we won't co-..." That don't make a bit of difference. I'm determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ, His Word made manifest among us. I'm tied to That. That's my anchor. I've anchored in That.
103 "Since I..." Paul said, "Since I met Him, on the road, I've turned around. I've... He straightened me out."
104 My, how He straightened me out! What a straightening He had to do on me. But since He straightened me out, I got tied to It. I seen the Word was Truth, everything contrary to It was wrong.
75 Now we find that in this, all this thing and how I've blasted against organization, isn't it a strange thing that the pope of Rome would leave Rome for his first time to go back to Jerusalem? And doing this... Jerusalem is known the oldest church in all the world.
76 When Melchizedec met Abraham from the slaughter of the kings, he was the King of Jerusalem, a Priest, which was Christ, it was God; no one else could be Melchizedec but Christ Himself, God Himself, rather, see, God Himself, because he was without father and without mother. See? Jesus had both father and mother, see. So this Man was without father, without mother, without beginning of days or ending of life. And whoever He is, He still lives. And He was King at that time, of Salem, which is interpreted, "King of Peace, Shalom." King of Jerusalem, who met Abraham and give him wine and bread, communion, after the battle. A very beautiful type there in the 7th chapter of Hebrews, we find it. Now, gave him bread and wine after the battle was over. As He...
77 That's the first thing we'll take after we enter into the New Kingdom, we'll eat it anew with Him in the Father's Kingdom, the bread and wine. "I'll not drink the fruit of the vine, nor eat the bread anymore, until I eat it with you, anew, in the Father's Kingdom, and at that day."
78 Now, now when we find out that after King Shalom was in the... come from the city, then creed took it over, later. And it's constantly been creed, but it represents the old church. And we're taught in the New Testament, don't fail to get this, in the New Testament that we are not of this city Jerusalem, on earth, but we are from the New Jerusalem, above. So this must be the moon, Jerusalem, and not the New Jerusalem, above. So the moon representing the church, earthly.
79 And isn't it strange that just before the pope took his journey to Jerusalem, that the moon in the heavens made a total blackout, just a few days before he took it, his journey. He's coming here also, you know, see. Now that's never been known, see. But what does it show? That, this, he's doing this to win fellowship as he met on the day after he come into Jerusalem, he met the Greek Orthodox hierarchy. And what does that reflect? Fellowship, they're wanting Protestants and Catholicism joining together, which they are doing and will completely do. And God reflected this to us, in the moon, of a total blackout. By His mercy and grace...