Second Announcement
41st Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop
The 41st Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop will be held in Vancouver, BC, April 24 - 26, 2006. There will be a mixer and pre-registration on the evening of April 23rd, 2006 and a dinner cruise on Tuesday evening, April 24th.
This workshop will provide an opportunity to describe progress in methods development; present research, completed and work in progress; discuss problems; share information concerning testing activities; and provide updates concerning new testing technologies in relation to trace organic analysis of food, feeds, air, tissues, plants, soils and water.
We are putting out a call for oral presentations of about 15-20 minutes in duration (prepared using PowerPoint) and/or poster presentations. Please note that since this is an informal scientific meeting, presentations do not need to be highly polished. Also take note the deadline for presentations is February 28!
Registration cost for the workshop is $125.00. We are also offering for the first time a transferable pass for $150.00. This will enable those who may not be able to attend all three days in a row to transfer their registration to another person. For instance a private lab may wish to send 20 employees to different presentations on different days, but cannot afford to pay for 20 registrations and have 20 people absent from the lab for 3 days straight. In this case they may wish to purchase 10 transferable registrations and send all 20 but at different times and on different days. Anyone interested in this option can contact a committee member for clarification if required.
For updated information visit:
Location and Accommodations
The workshop will be held at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel, 128 West Hastings Street, Vancouver British Columbia. A block of rooms has been set aside for this workshop with a daily rate of $95.00 (single) with upgrades to a water view available for $125.00 and concierge for $145.00. This is a very good price for this quality of room and hotel location. As we have entered into an agreement with the hotel for an entire workshop package (meeting rooms, food and beverage, etc.) to obtain this rate we urge everyone who can to stay at this hotel. This rate is at or below the government rate for most if not all the hotels in this area. The deadline for reservations at this rate is Thursday, March 23, 2006.
Please phone (604) 684-1128 or 1-800-207-4150 for reservations (please advise the hotel that you will be attending the workshop). A weblink should now be established.
To facilitate the logistics of the workshop, please complete the attached form and return by March 31, 2006.
Please feel free to circulate this correspondence to any of your colleagues that may be interested.
Organizing Committee
Angelo DiCicco, Health Canada
Brad McPherson, Environment Canada
Vesna Furtula, Environment Canada
Charles LeBlanc, Cantest Laboratories
41st Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop
April 24 – 26, 2006
Please return by March 31, 2006 by mail, fax or email to Angelo DiCicco
Phone Fax
I am planning to attend the workshop yes no
I am planning to attend the social evening on April 23rd yes no
I am planning to attend the dinner cruise on April 25th yes no
I will not be attending but keep me on the mail list yes no
I am uncertain if I will be able to attend the workshop, keep me on the mailing list yes no
I am interested in presentations in the following areas:
Workshop Focus Areas / Please check all applicable areasInstrumentation /
Pesticides (including herbicides) /
Environmental Pollutants /
Pharmaceuticals /
Field studies, sample collection, survey results /
Veterinary Drug Residues /
Quality Assurance /
Other (please specify)
I am interested in making an oral presentation yes no
Area: ______
I am interested in making a poster presentation yes no
Area: ______
Title: ______
Please make cheques payable to: Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop
Mail to: Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop
c/o Angelo DiCicco
Health Canada
3155 Willingdon Green
Burnaby, BC V5G 4P2
Fax:(604) 666-0626
Phone: (604) 666-4696