Raising Student Achievement Conference
PreliminarySchool Improvement Planning Document (Due Monday 12/18/2005)
Mailing address:
Directions: Complete each of the sections of this preliminary School Improvement Plan on a word processor and email the completed document to .You may choose to fax your document to 773-553-6698, attention Gerald G. Beimler, or to mail the document to
Gerald G. Beimler
320 N. Elizabeth St.
Floor 5
Chicago, IL60607
This submission will complete the requirements for 7.5 hours of administrative academy credit.
Part I.
1. Writethevision statement (or technology vision statement) for your school/district:
2. List two (2) significant accomplishmentsof your school/district:
Part II. Determine School/district Level Targets
Utilize and analyze multiple measures of data to determine school/district level SMART goals.
SMART Goal 1 Reading Grade #(or Math Grade #) :[choose grade K – 12]
SMART Goal 2 Technology Integration(or other special goal):
Part III: Identify Success Strategies
Consider the strategies that have been most successful in your school/district and those areas where intervention may be needed. Provide evidence acquired through strategic data analysis.
Instructional Leadership
Professional Capacity
School/district Climate
Part IV: Set and Describe Strategies
Provide specific descriptions of strategic activities to be implemented to monitor progress toward meeting each of the twoSMART goals. Be sure to include ELL and Special Education students.
Raising Student Achievement Conference
PreliminarySchool Improvement Planning Document (Due Monday 12/18/2005)
Strategy A (Literacy or Math):
Activity A1:
- Rationale:
- Tasks:
- Timeline:
- Indicator of success:
- Technology Integration
- Financial resources:
Activity A2:
- Rationale:
- Tasks:
- Timeline:
- Indicator of success:
- Technology Integration
- Financial resources:
Strategy B (Technology or other):
Activity B1:
- Rationale:
- Tasks:
- Timeline:
- Indicator of success:
- Technology Integration
- Financial resources:
Activity B2:
- Rationale:
- Tasks:
- Timeline:
- Indicator of success:
- Technology Integration
- Financial resources:
Raising Student Achievement Conference
PreliminarySchool Improvement Planning Document (Due Monday 12/18/2005)
Part V: Determine Leadership Practices
Describe how you will act as a leader to…
1. Ensure ongoing monitoring and assessment of SIPAAA implementation:
2. Build shared responsibility and accountability for results:
3. Engage and develop faculty for high quality implementation:
4. Ensure curricular coherence and alignment to the Illinois Learning Standards:
5. Ensure effective technology integration using the National Education Technology Standards:
6. How will you help your teachers translate this strategic plan into classroom-based decisions that improve instructional practices in a climate of data transparency and safety?