Mrs. Staub’s 7th Grade English Class Overview
First, I would like to welcome you to 7th grade! I am excited to meet you, and I look forward to working with you. This year in English class, we will develop and practice strategies in reading and writing that will improve your skills in the English language.
To tell you a little about myself, I am originally from South Williamsport, PA. I achieved my undergraduate degree from Messiah College in Grantham, PA, and a teaching certificate and a Masters in Education from McDaniel College in Maryland, where I lived for four years. In Maryland I taught 8th Grade English at Robert Frost Middle School, where I also coached girls soccer. After returning to Pennsylvania, I taught 6th grade English and social studies at Montgomery Middle School for one year and 10th/11th grade PSSA reading and math remediation for the Penns Valley School District. My hobbies include reading, running with my Golden Retriever Linde, and riding our horses, Tilly and Flex. After a wonderful summer of travelingand spending time relaxing with my husband Mark, I am ready to begin my fifth year here at Park Forest. I absolutely love young people, and I am sure that we will have an exciting year together!
Something especially exciting is the fact that we will have a full-year PDS intern in our room this school year. Please read the introduction below of Jeff Luttermoser.
I love language! I especially love teaching how to use it, how other people have used it, and how to make it work for you in your life. I am new to the State College community and am looking forward to working with Mrs. Staub and all of you! I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Eastern Michigan University in 2005 and am currently earning my Masters Degree in Education from Penn State University. I am originally from Detroit, MI, but have been a resident of Harrisburg, PA, for the past four years, where I worked as a teaching artist for the Harrisburg Shakespeare Company and as an instructor at Harrisburg Area Community College. My hobbies include hiking, camping, traveling, reading, theatre, film, volunteering, and hanging out with my super-cool nephews and nieces. I look forward to getting to know all of you, and I wish you all a great year!
- Pencils
- Pens – any color but black
- Highlighter (any color)
- A separate three-ring binder specifically for English class – one section for handouts, one section for notes, a section for warm-ups, and a section of blank, lined paper
Course Overview
The seventh grade units of study include short stories, Greek mythology, expository, persuasive and narrative writing, poetry, topics in diversity (novel-based), grammar, and friendship (novel-based). Other units may be incorporated as time permits.
Writing skills to be covered include prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, word choice, grammar elements, and punctuation.
Reading skills include before, during and after reading strategies, analyzing literal and symbolic meaning, making inferences, recognizing literary elements, defining vocabulary, and comparing literary works.
Homework is assigned when independent practice at home would be helpful to master a task, or when extra time is needed to finish an assignment. Some assignments simply will be checked for completeness, while others may be graded.
*All major writing assignments will be completed in school, however, smaller written tasks may be assigned as class work or homework.
*Plagiarism is not tolerated. We will discuss in class the definition of the term, as well as ways to paraphrase and to quote correctly.
Major grades include tests, projects, major writing assignments, and long-term homework. Writing assignments may be revised for higher scores.
Minor grades include overnight homework, some in-class assignments, and quizzes.
Late work policy: Late or incomplete daily homework will receive ½ credit. For major projects, writing assignments, or long-term homework, 10% of the value of the assignment will be deducted for each school day the assignment is late. The maximum deduction will be 50%; the assignment will not be accepted after 5 school days.
Attendance/Late Work
It is YOUR responsibility to make up work missed due to an absence. If you miss class as a result of an activity, you are considered to be in school and are therefore responsible to turn in to me any work that is due. You are also responsible for any work assigned that day. Make sure to read the board in the classroom, to check my website by navigating to Park Forest Staff – Mrs. Staub, and/or to ask peers in your class for assignments.
Classroom Rules
- Be prompt. – Be in your seat and working on the warm-up at the start of class.
- Be prepared. – Come to class with all necessary materials, and be ready to learn!
- Be polite. – Treat others as you wish to be treated. Respect all people, materials, and equipment in the room.
Classroom Procedures
1. Sharpen pencils before class or after the lesson.
2. Objectives/agenda will be written on the board daily. You are expected to copy the agenda into your assignment book at the start of class each day.
3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
4. Turn work in by the day it is due.
5. Keep the room clean by picking up any loose papers and by returning all materials to their original places at the end of class.
6. Restroom use should occur in the time between classes and not during the lesson.
* I celebrate and respect differences in personality and learning style and will differentiate instruction to meet student needs. Therefore, I expect and encourage all students to perform to the best of their abilities.
I believe that we as parents and teachers work as partners to educate our children, and I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress in my class, or if you have any questions, I encourage you to email me at .
Please acknowledge that you and your child have read and discussed the overview of English 7 by signing below. Retain the previous portion of the overview, and send this piece to class with your child NO LATER THAN Friday, August 31. Your child will receive 10 pointsfor this assignment.
Printed Student NameSignatureDate
Printed Parent/Guardian NameSignatureDate
Phone #: ______and/or email: ______