South Riding Golf Club
Junior Golf Program
Willy Lutz, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Jim Burns, PGA
Director of Instruction
Chris Lee
Assistant Professional
Pro Shop: 703-327-3673
Dear Parents, Grandparents, Guardians and Junior Golfers,
On behalf of the South Riding Golf Club, I’m proud to announce the 2008 South Riding Golf Club Junior Golf Program. Our goal with the SRGC Junior Golf Program is simple:
Provide a safe, fun and educational environment for Junior Golfers
to learn the game of Golf.
By participating in the SRGC Junior Golf Program, your child will be exposed to all facets of golf through a series of Spring, Summer and Fall Group Clinics. Participation in these clinics is open to all Juniors, ages 6 – 13. Registration will open for the 2008 Junior Golf Program on February 1, 2008.
On Sunday, April 13th, the South Riding Golf Club will offer a FREE Junior Clinic to all interested participants as a way of introducing our staff and “jumpstarting” the Junior Golf Program.
Our 2008 Junior Program will be led by Jim Burns, PGA SRGC Director of Instruction. Jim has been a PGA member since 1995 and has been working in golf for the past 17 years. Jim brings a wealth of experience to South Riding that is certain to be enjoyed by our junior golfers. Jim will be assisted by Assistant Professional, Chris Lee. Chris was an integral part of the 2007 program and is back for another great season of junior golf in 2008.
Please note that there are some changes from the 2007 program. The biggest is the policy change in regards to age of juniors. We will now only be accepting children that are 6 years old by the start date of any session. We feel that while some 5 year olds are capable of participation, most have a difficult time staying focused on instruction and can be a distraction to other students. We will allow 5 year olds that participated last year to be “grand fathered” in. (Please see me personally for guidelines)
As Head Professional, I look forward to participating with our staff and South Riding Juniors in a productive and rewarding Junior Golf Program. We will also provide enough golf instructors and volunteers to ensure our teacher/student ratio remains low to facilitate quality instruction for your junior. If the group clinic structure does not meet your specific needs, private instruction is available and can be scheduled by contacting the pro shop and speaking with one of the golf professionals.
Thank you for taking the time to review the enclosed information on the South Riding Golf Club Junior Program. We are really looking forward to the 2008 golf season!! Please remember to sign up early as programs are first come first serve and space is limited. Please contact me or my staff if you have any additional questions.
Willy Lutz, PGA
Head Golf Professional
The professional staff at South Riding Golf Club believes golf instruction to Juniors encompasses much more than learning to hit the golf ball and make putts! Our program is designed to ensure Juniors are exposed to the following aspects of the game of Golf:
v Provide a safe, fun and educational environment for junior golfers
v Introduce Juniors ages 6 to 13 to the game of golf
v Teach the basic fundamentals of the golf swing, rules and etiquette
v Develop and re-enforce social skills, emotional control, and positive values
v Establish an appreciation for the game of golf and the life values it instills
Instruction used for our Junior Program is based on the US Kids Golf Personal Tee Golf Learning Program. “This unique program is designed for use by PGA or LPGA professionals to provide balanced instruction and positive incentives to encourage young golfers to reach their full potential in the game.”[1] The US Kids Golf Personal Tee Golf Learning Program is broken down into color coded levels based upon skill. Juniors will be classified as Green (Level I), Yellow (Level II), or Red (Level III) depending on their respective age and skill level as follows: Green, Ages 6-7 and Yellow/Red: Ages 8-13
The 2008 SRGC Junior Golf Program is comprised of 3 phases throughout the year. Please note, ALL JUNIORS are required to provide, use and carry their own clubs. The golf professional staff can assist parents with getting kids into the “right” clubs.
Phase I: Spring Clinics
$30 per clinic
Sun, April 13, 3:00 – 5:00 FREE Spring Clinic, Icebreaker
Sun, May 4, 3:00- 5:00 Spring Clinic, Putting and Chipping
Sun, May 18, 3:00- 5:00 Spring Clinic, Review and Full Swing
Sun, June 1, 3:00- 5:00 Spring Clinic, Pitching and Bunker Play
Phase II: Summer Sessions*
Green: $70/session, 9:00 – 11:00 (Tues, Thurs – 4 instructional hours)
Yellow: $100/session, 9:00 – 11:00 (Mon, Wed, Fri – 6 instructional hours)
Red: $125/session, 12:00 – 3:00 (Mon, Wed, Fri – 9 instructional hours)
* Discounted if registered for all 5 sessions (Green/$300, Yellow/$450, Red/$575)
Mon-Fri, Jun 23 - June 27 Session 1
Mon-Fri, Jul 7 - Jul 11 Session 2
Mon-Fri, Jul 21 - Jul 25 Session 3
Mon-Fri, Aug 11 - Aug 15 Session 4
Mon-Fri, Aug 18 - Aug 22 Make up week
All Juniors will receive a US Kids Personal Tee Advancement Booklet if they sign up for at least one summer session. These books provide a great reference for Juniors as they work on improving their golf skills.
Summer Sessions will cover the fundamentals, from Short Game to Full Swing, however, each session will build upon instruction from the previous week. For this reason, parents are encouraged to consider allowing their children to participate fully in the summer program.
All Juniors will be assessed for skill level and group assignment during the Spring Clinics or may attend a FREE assessment period on the following date prior to the start of the summer sessions:
Sun, June 8, 1:30-3:30 Assessments
Junior Tournaments: In addition to the Summer Sessions, South Riding Golf Club will host 2 Junior Tournaments for those Juniors who have successfully passed a Player Ability Evaluation. The Player Ability Evaluation is based on the Junior’s ability to pass the following criteria as well as a 10 question rules/etiquette test:
Putting / Short, 2' / Make 3 of 5Medium, 10' / 2 putt, 3 of 5
Chipping / Short, 20' / 3 of 5 within 10'
Medium, 40' / 3 of 5 within 20'
Full Swing / 7 Iron / 3 of 5 with 25 yard carry
Driver / 3 of 5 with 25 yard carry
Tournament costs are 20$ per event and will be 3, 6 or 9 hole events depending on age and skill level. Separate Sign Up sheets will be available at a later date.
Tournament Dates:
Mon, Jul 28 @ 5PM Tournament 1
Mon, Aug 25 @ 5PM SRGC JT Championship!!
Phase III: Fall Clinics
$30 per clinic
Sun, Sept 28, 2:00 – 4:00
Sat, Oct 12, 2:00 – 4:00
Sat, Oct 26, 2:00 – 4:00
As discussed previously, Junior Golf Instruction at South Riding Golf Club is based on the US Kids Golf Personal Tee Golf Learning Program. Juniors are classified for instruction and placed in appropriate instructional situations based on their age AND skill level. Classifications are as follows:
v Green (Level I), ages 6-7
v Yellow (Level II), ages 8-13
v Red (Level III), ages 8-13
The Green Tee is designed for Juniors who are at least age 6 and have expressed an interest in golf. This entry level program is designed to introduce Juniors to swing fundamentals and some elementary rules and etiquette basic to the game.
The Yellow Tee is designed for Juniors who have successfully completed the Green Tee skills and rules assessments. This beginner/intermediate level program will further develop each player’s swing fundamentals and understanding of basic swing mechanics. Rules and etiquette instruction becomes more significant as well.
The Red Tee is the highest developmental level offered as part of the South Riding Golf Club Junior Golf Program and is designed for the intermediate/advanced junior golfer. Junior golfers who complete this level are at a point where individual/private instruction is recommended. Red level instruction helps develop the thought processes and mental skills to play the game of golf effectively.
In order to progress to the next level of instruction, Juniors must complete a skills evaluation based upon the Level Criteria table at the end of this section.
Skills Evaluation Criteria
GREEN / SCORE / PASS (Y/N)Putting / Short, 2' / Make 3 of 5
Medium, 10' / 2 putt, 3 of 5
Chipping / Short, 20' / 3 of 5 within 10'
Medium, 40' / 3 of 5 within 20'
Full Swing / 7 Iron / 3 of 5 with 25 yard carry
Driver / 3 of 5 with 25 yard carry
Putting / Short, 2' / Make 3 of 5
Medium, 20' / 2 putt, 3 of 5
Long, 40' / 3 putt, 3 of 5
Chipping / Short, 20' / 3 of 5 within 8'
Medium, 40' / 3 of 5 within 16'
Pitching / Short, 20 yds / Hit green 3 of 5
Sand / Greenside, Low Lip / 3 of 5 out of bunker
Full Swing / 7 Iron / 3 of 5 with 50 yard carry
Driver / 3 of 5 with 50 yard carry
Putting / Medium, 20' / 2 putt, 4 of 5
Opposite Side, 20' / 2 putt, 4 of 5
Long, 40' / 2 putt, 3 of 5
Chipping / Short, 20' (9I or W) / 3 of 5 within 6'
Medium, 40' (7I) / 3 of 5 within 12'
Long, 60', (5I) / 3 of 5 within 18'
Pitching / Short, 20 yds / Hit green 4 of 5
Long, 240 yds / Hit green 3 of 5
Sand / Greenside, Low Lip / 3 of 5 on green
Full Swing / 7 Iron / 3 of 5 with 75 yard carry
Driver / 3 of 5 with 100 yard carry
Code of Conduct
The South Riding Golf Club Junior Golf Program Code of Conduct exists to ensure all participants, including Juniors, parents, guardians and sponsors are provided the best possible environment to enjoy the game of golf.
All participants are expected to follow the guidelines provided in this Code of Conduct.
Dress Code:
All participants are expected to dress in a manner that reflects decorum, good taste and an understanding of current and traditional golf attire when using any of the golf facilities at the South Riding Golf Club. Examples of clothing considered NOT APPROPRIATE are as follows:
o Denim jeans, skirts, or shorts, any color.
o Cut-off or frayed shorts, athletic (gym) shorts, tennis shorts or skirts, spandex biking shorts
o Sweat Suits or Warm Up suits.
o Any tee-shirts, halter tops, tube-tops or tank tops
o Young men shall wear collared or mock tee golf shirts, tucked in at all times. Baseball/Golf style hats shall never be worn backwards.
o Young ladies may wear non-collared, yet appropriate golf attire.
o All players are expected to maintain the golf course by repairing ball marks, raking bunkers, replacing divots, picking up and disposing of trash, etc. “leave the course in better condition than you found it.”
o Any conduct that is detrimental to the South Riding Golf Club, the Junior Golf Program, other players or the staff will not be tolerated. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to:
o Throwing Clubs
o Abusive Language / Profanity
o Fighting
o Gambling
o Use of Tobacco, Alcohol or Illegal Drugs
o Abusive Treatment of Any Property or Person
Breach of any of the above guidelines will result in a warning and parental notification. Any subsequent violation will result in suspension from the Junior Golf Program for the remainder of the season.
Tournament Guidelines for Players, Spectators and Volunteers
Parental involvement in the Junior Program, especially as volunteers during Tournament Events, is welcomed and encouraged. The following guidelines apply to Junior Tournaments conducted at the South Riding Golf Club:
o Caddies and/or carts will not be permitted at any SRGC Junior Tour Event.
o Each player must carry his/her own clubs. Pull carts are not permitted.
o Players are required to walk and handle their own clubs at all times during the round, including between holes.
o Players may not ride in a golf cart, with the exception of an emergency, once they have teed off.
o Exception: any player with a physical disability will be permitted to ride provided that there is a volunteer to drive.
o Volunteer Scorers and Spectators (Parents, etc) are encouraged to attend and support the Junior Events. However, we do ask that these simple guidelines be followed at all times. Penalty for breach of these guidelines will be assessed to the player and could cause them to be penalized up to 2 strokes or disqualified.
o Volunteer Scorers may act, in a limited capacity, as a caddy for all players in the group by carrying items such as water, towels, umbrellas or food for use by players in the group.
o Volunteer Scorers or Spectators are not Rules Officials. Please refrain from attempting to make rules decisions at any time
o Volunteer Scorers may help with yardage and similar public knowledge issues, but may NOT give advice to any player. Advice is any counsel or suggestion which could influence a player in determining his/her play, the choice of club or the method of making a stroke. Examples of advice include, “You should hit a 6 Iron”, “Keep your head down”, or Just relax and take one shot at a time”.