COMMITTEE NAME: Adult Mental Health Practice Group

November 28, 2017 / Time:
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. / Presiding:
Mary Pat Angelini, Harry Marmorstein / Recorded By:
Shauna Moses


PRESENT:Milissa Aaronson, Mary Pat Angelini (via conference call), Nadine Bennett, Cindy Colton, Carmine Deo (via conference call), Bridget DiFiccio (via conference call), Linda Gochfeld, Harry Marmorstein, Jim McCreath (via conference call), Hilary Pearsall (via conference call), Howard Schulman (via conference call), Jonathan Tew (via conference call),John Zukauskas
GUEST: Dr. Theresa Miskimen, Vice President of Medical Services and Professor, Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care; Speaker for the Assembly for the American Psychiatric Association
STAFF:Mary Abrams, Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Updates / State Issues: Budget - There are no budget shortfalls for the current year and there is not much discus-sion yet about the FY 2019 budget as the new Administration has not yet been inaugurated. NJAMHAA continues to advocate for recur-rence of funds that have been dedicated from lapsed funds to address the opioid crisis; brick and mortar funding; and fee-for-service (FFS) oversight and increases for FFS outpatient and Community Support Services rates. NJAMHAA will testify at the Department of Human Services hearing on December 1, 2017. NJAMHAA will soon submit a position paper on the increased minimum wage.
Community Support Services and FFS: Implementation has been postponed to June 30, 2018. Provi-ders noted problems that need to be addressed. The Mental Health Coalition will soon meet with Valerie Mielke, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, on these issues.
Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) Exclusion/Medicaid Com-prehensive Waiver: The IMD is one part of the waiver that has been approved by (Continued) / N/A
[This paper has been completed. Click here to download it.] / N/A / N/A
Updates (Continued) / the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the state is still negotiating other components of the full waiver.
Transfer of Services to the Department of Health (DOH): NJAMHAA began communicating with Christopher Rinn, Acting Commissioner of DOH.
Governor-Elect Murphy and the New Administration: NJAMHAA developed position papers on children’s issues, the behavioral health workforce, and rates and other funding to present to the new Administration and NJAMHAA’s President and CEO was appointed to Governor-elect Murphy’s Department of Health Transition Team Committee.
Federal Issues: Healthcare Reform: NJAMHAA has been sending updates and legislative alerts. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Debra Wentz
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams, Ksenia Lebedeva
Old and New Business / Early Intervention Support Services (EISS-S3162) and Screening Bills (S3163): Bills to expand EISS programs and screen-ing services are on the Senate Bud-get and Appropriations Commit-tee’s calendar for November 30, 2017. NJAMHAA has worked closely with the bill sponsors and has testified on them.
Residential Bed Policy: DMHAS recently held a meeting about delays in referrals to residential programs and the issue of limiting each bed to one referral. / [Due to significant changes made to the EISS bill that would not achieve the intended impact, NJAMHAA successfully advocated to have it pulled and a new version is expected to be introduced in early 2018. The screening bill was passed by both houses.]
NJAMHAA will request updates from Roger Borichewski, Assistant Director, DMHAS, and request that NJAMHAA staff be notified of future meetings on this and other topics. / N/A
Following this meeting / N/A
Shauna Moses
Advocacy Training / This presentation provided an overview of NJAMHAA’s Part-ners in Advocacy program, the state legislative process and NJAMHAA’s advocacy priorities, as well as resources that NJAMHAA provides. / Click here to read this presentation. / N/A / N/A
Just-in-Time Prescribing/ Scheduling / Dr. Miskimen reviewed the princi-ples of pharmacologic treatment and strategies for increasing access and streamlining documentation. She noted that open-access sched-uling has decreased no-show rates by up to 20 percent and increased clients’ satisfaction. The strategy for streamlining documentation is to complete it in collaboration with clients during their appointments, which increases clients’ engage-ment and enhances therapeutic relationships. / Dr. Miskimen will send articles on open-access scheduling and its bene-fits, which will be shared with the practice group. / Following this meeting / Dr. Miskimen, Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Standing Agenda Topics / Members were encouraged to share ideas for topics and guest speakers. / Ideas can be shared with Shauna at 609-838-5488, ext. 204, or
. / Ongoing / Members

Upcoming Practice Group Meetings: Jan. 23, March 27 and May 22, 2018 at NJAMHAA*

Membership Meetings: Feb. 14 and June 20, 2018at NJAMHAA