NO.F.2 (12) R.D./2005/



Dated, Agartala,the ______th November, 2005.

Copy to:-

1. The Secretary to the Chief Minister, Tripura for kind information of the Hon’ble Chief Minister.

2. PA to the Minister, RD for kind information of the Hon’ble Minister

3. PA to the Commissioner & Secretary, Govt. of Tripura, Rural Development Department,

4. PA to the Additional Secretary, Govt. of Tripura, Rural Development,


5. The DM & Collector, South Tripura District, Udaipur.

6. The DM & Collector, Dhalai Tripura District, Ambassa.

7. The DM & Collector, West Tripura District, Agartala.

8. The DM & Collector, North Tripura District, Kailashahar.

9. The ADM,North Tripura District, Kailashahar.

10. The ADM,Dhalai Tripura District.,Ambassa.

11 The ADM, South Tripura District,Udaipur.

12. The Director (Project), SLMC, SGSY, R.D.Deptt.Govt.

of Tripura, Secretariat, Agartala.

13. The Director, Agriculture, Govt. of Tripura. Agartala

14. The Director,Fisheries, Govt. of Tripura, Agartala

15.  The Director, Horticulture, Agartala

16.  The Director,School Education,West Tripura, Agartala.

17.  The Director,Social Welfare & Social Education ,Agartala.

16. The Project Director,DRDA,West, Agartala

17. The Additional Director, Department of Panchayat. Agartala

18. The Project Director,DRDA,Dhalai,Ambassa.

19.  The Project Director,DRDA,North,Kailashahar.

20.  The Project Director,DRDA,South,Udaipur,Tripura.

21. The Deputy Secretary,Rural Development Department

22. The Under Secretary,Rural Development Department,

23. The Chief Engineer, Public Health Engineering, Agartala.

24. The Superintending Engineer,RD Circle,Agartala.

25. The Superintending Engineer,Minor Irrigation &Flood Control.

26. The Deputy Soil Conservation Officer. Agartala.

27.. The Executive Engineer (Planning), Public Health Engineering,Agartala.

28.. The Executive Engineer (Planning), Public Health Engineering,Agartala.

29.. The Executive Engineer, RDD, North, Kumarghat.

30. The Executive Engineer, RDD, Dhalai, Kumarghat.

31. The Executive Engineer (Planning), Agartala.

32. The Executive Engineer (Store Division),Agartala.

33. Shri Supritam Loadh, DIO, NIC,O/o the DM & Collector,West Tripura,Agartala.


Under Secretary

Govt. of Tripura,

Rural Development Deptt.


Time & Venue : Conference Time: 10.00 A.M., Date 11.11.2005

at Circuit House, Agartala.

In presence of: -

Shri Jitendra Chowdhury,

Hon’ble Minister: Govt. of Tripura,

Rural Development Department,

1.Dr.G.S.G.Ayyangar, Commissioner & Secretary, Govt. of Tripura, Rural Development Department,

2.Shri B.K.Sahu, Additional Secretary, Govt. of Tripura, Rural Development,


3. Shri P. Agarwal, DM & Collector,South Tripura District

4. Shri Y.Kumar, DM & Collector, Dhalai Tripura District

5. Shri J.K.Sinha, DM & Collector,West Tripura District

6. Shri D.Datta, DM & Collector,North Tripura District

7. Shri S.N.Debbarma,ADM,North Tripura District

8. Shri K.N.Debbarma,ADM,Dhalai Tripura District

9 Shri D.C.Debbarma,ADM, South Tripura District

10.Shri K.M.Das, Director (Project), SLMC, SGSY, R.D.Deptt.Govt.

of Tripura.

11.Shri Amar Das,Director, Agriculture, Govt. of Tripura.

12.Shri R.K.Datta,Director,Fisheries, Govt. of Tripura

13.Dr.I.S.Singh, Director, Horticulture,

14.Shri P.K.Chakma, Project Director,DRDA,West,

15.Shri N.Das, Additional Director, Department of Panchayat.

16.Shri S.Bandopadhyay, Project Director,DRDA,Dhalai,

17.Shri L.N.Rokhume, Project Director,DRDA,North,

18.Shri Abhishek Chandra, Deputy Secretary,Rural Development Department

19.Shri S.C.Saha,Under Secretary,Rural Development Department,

20.Shri S.Bhowmik, Chief Engineer, Public Health Engineering, Agartala.

21.Shri Sahadeb Das, Superintending Engineer,

22.Shri S.C.Poddar, Superintending Engineer,Minor Irrigation &Flood Control.

23.Shri R. Chakraborty, Deputy Soil Conservation Officer.

24.. Er. K.A.Roy, Executive Engineer (Planning), Public Health Engineering,

25.. Er.D.K.Das, Executive Engineer (Planning), Public Health Engineering,

26.. Er.R.Debbarma, Executive Engineer, RDD, North, Kumarghat.

27. Er.M.K.Gop, Executive Engineer, RDD, Dhalai, Kumarghat.

28. Shri S.S.Debnath, Executive Engineer (Planning), Agartala.

29. Shri Swapan Kr.Das,Executive Engineer(Store Division)

30. Shri Supritam Loadh, DIO, NIC


  1. List of the participants is at Annexure ‘A’
  2. Hon’ble Minister, RD has chaired the meeting
  3. Physical and financial achievement of RD schemes of the year 2005-06 is at Annexure ‘B’
  1. Meeting on RD of the NE States

Date has not yet been finalized

2.  Submission of action plan by the DMs for creation of water area for fishery, irrigation etc.

(a) DMs have confirmed submission of action plan as follows for creation of

water areas:-

DM(N) over 77 Ha

DM(D) over 548 ha

DM(W) over 623 ha including NABARD scheme

DM(S) over 702 ha

(b) It has been decided that

i) DM(N) will submit action plan for creation of water area over 175 ha.

ii) Water harvesting area created should have permanent bundh

iii)  Fund would be provided out of

a)  Horticulture Technology Mission

b)  IWDP




f)  PDF

iv)  Director Fishery will furnish target for reclamation and renovation of water area by 16th November,2005 .

3.  Submission of list of water bodies/ community tanks in forest area by the Director of Fisheries

Director, Fisheries has confirmed to have furnished list.

4.  Release of fund for seed replacement

DMs have confirmed release of fund as follows:-

DM(W) Rs.28.84 lakhs

DM(N) Rs.5.11 lakhs

DM(S) Rs.4.08 lakhs

It has been decided that balance fund would be released on receipt of SGRY/PDF 2nd installment.

5.Refresher training to the cashier/Accountants/BDOs

DM(W) has confirmed about the training on 7th of every month

DM(N)has confirmed to have fixed dates on 18th and 19th November,2005

DM(D) and DM(S) have confirmed that training would be imparted in November,2005 .

It has been decided that upto December,2005 training should be imparted to the Cashers/Accountants/BDOs every month.

6.  Holding of DPC

DM (W) has confirmed that DPC was held on 7th October,2005 as per prefixed schedule and would again be held on 12th November,2005

7.  Training to the JEs(Electrical/Mechanical) on Civil Engineering

SE,RDC has confirmed that training would be imparted in November,2005

8.  Submission of action plan on drinking water for coverage of tribal habitations including AWCs/SECs/Schools

Action plan is received from DM(W) & DM(N) . DM (D) has confirmed to have submitted action plan on 10th November, 2005. DM (S) will submit action plan on 14.11.2005.

9.  Retention of 99 LDCs of Revenue Department for functioning as cashier in Blocks.

DMs have confirmed that LDCs of Revenue Department have joined their respective places of posting. It is decided that they would be given training to function as cashier over a period of time and they shall take over charges of cash of Blocks from 1.4.2006.Then Panchayat Secretaries now functioning as casher should be released for field work.

10.  Bharat Nirman

Action plan on drinking water under Bharat Nirman is submitted by DM (N), DM(D) and DM(W) and the same would be submitted by DM(S) on 14th November,2005 .CE, PHE has submitted action plan separately. It is reiterated that the RD Department will send action plan to the Govt. of India taking the entire state as a unit. It is decided that

i)  CE,PHE will send the district wise action plan prepared by the CE,PHE and shall send the consolidated plan to the “RD Department as quickly as possible to enable the RD Department to send a consolidated plan to the Govt of India by 28.11.2005 .

ii)  The main thrust of the action plan should be on

a) to cover NC & PC – shipped back Habitatins/ schools/ AWCs/ SECs;

b)  to ensure supply of quality water.

iii)  Guidelines on Bharat Nirman (Housing) is yet to be received from the Govt. of India.

iv)  CE,PHE shall make drinking water survey report available by 30.11.2005 .

11.  BPL Survey

Data on BPL survey after removing discrepancies, DM (S) will submit on 20.11.05, Data from other 3(three) Districts is received.

12. Proposal for release of 2nd installment

12.  DM (S) has confirmed that proposal for release of IAY 2nd installment is sent on 11.11.2005 and proposal for release of 2nd installment of SGSY would be sent on 20.11.2005.

DM (N) has confirmed that proposal for release of Swajaldhara 2nd installment would be submitted on 20.11.2005.

13.  Detailed report on Swajaldhara for release of 1st installment is received from DM(S) and DM(W), DM(N) has confirmed to send on 20.11.2005 and DM(D) has confirmed to send on 30.11.2005 .

13.  IWDP

2-3  items including creation of water bodies, drinking water sources should be targeted dovetailing fund under SGRY,NFFWP, NLWDPRA,IWDP and WDPSCA

14.  Updating websites

a)  Data should be entered and kept updated by the DMs /PDs and BDOs on regular basis on following websites:- i) http://www.ddws.nic.in/for SGRY/IAY/NFFWP/SGSY/DRDA etc.

ii)  http://www.ddws.nic.in for Swajaldhara /Bharat Nirman/TSP etc.

iii)  http://www.tripura.nic.in/rd for SGRY(as per Supreme Court order)

b)  Delay in data entry may be allowed for a period of maximum one month only.

c)  Data entry in Blocks should reach upto the level minimum of 3000 by next month. Blocks which do not have CICs should avail facilities of neighboring blocks and arrange for minimum 2000 entries.

d)  DIO, NIC should provide pass word and user ID within 30 days.

e)  Agenda and Minutes of meeting of the RD Department would be available on website.

Difficulties, if any faced by the DMs may be pointed out by them.

15.  Fishery

i)  Fishery Department will furnish list of projects which they can take up to the District Magistrates so that DMs can assess requirement of fund for the remaining projects

ii)  Fund for training of the members of SHGs (Fishery) may be given by the PD, DRDA (W)/(D)/(S) out of PDF.

iii)  DMs will provide necessary help in creation of water bodies in forest area by the Fishery Department

iv)  Water bodies created should be brought under ambit of fish culture having technical guidance provided by the officers of the Fishery Department.

v)  Effort should be made to create double the water area.

vi)  CD on survey done by the Fishery Department is sent to the DMs.DMs who have not received the CD may intimate the Director, Fisheries for sending the same again.

16.  Drinking water

a)  Five masonry wells given to the EE, PHE, Ambassa Division under Chawmanu Action Plan for construction should be completed by 15.12.05. CE, PHE will pass necessary instructions to the ED, PHE, Ambassa.

b)  DM (D) will send report on quality of water and actual use of the sources

c)  Hon’ble Minister, RD has desired that action plan of the PHE should include 50% habitations in inaccessible area to meet the insufficiency of RD fund.

d)  PHE may prepare comprehensive action plan on sustainability of sources, testing of quality/ quantity, surveillance and monitoring of drinking water and submit the same by 30.11.2005

e)  Utilization Certificate of fund under PMs Announcement, ARWSP-2004-05 including additional fund and CR should be submitted immediately.

f)  Sanction of ARWSP (PHE) fund for Rs.162.55 lakh out of provisional additional allocation of Rs.325 lakhs is received from the Govt of India.

g)  Meeting of the SWSM is scheduled to be held on 17.11.2005. CE, PHE is requested to send his agenda immediately.

17.  TSC/Nirmal Gram Puraskar

a)  Target date for total sanitation is 31st March,2006 , DMs have confirmed that efforts are made for achievement of target by date.

b)  DMs will send report containing their strategy regarding construction of Super structure of latrine with GCI sheets, forcib technique, squatting plates of Fiber glasses etc. by 20.11.05.

c)  DMs will send proposal for Nirmal Gram Puraskar after verifying the requirements noted in agenda.

d)  Report containing strategy on an effective IEC conforming to National commission’s strategy for sanitation promotions will be sent by the DMs by 30.11.2005.

e)  Health and Family welfare Department will take up de-worming exercise throughout the state. Fund would be placed with the DMs, District wise under PDF.

18.  SGRY

1) DM, Dhalai confirmed about issue of work order for mandays

generation for 20 family regrouped at Gejachera, Chownamu


2) D.M. Dhalai may arrange for an advance of Rs.5 lakhs to Manager, TSIC Brick kiln at Gandachara for supply of bricks to BDO, Dumburnagar. Besides, arrangements may be made for supply of bricks from Brick kilns located in Ambassa/ Salema blocks to Dumburnagar block.

3. a)Hon’ble RD Minister has mentioned that 15 hamlets in tribal areas identified and brought under Special Area Based Projects and desired for flow of SGRY fund to those hamlets. DMs will ensure flow of SGRY fund.

b) Hon’ble Minister,RD has also mentioned that sidewalls of irrigation Projects done by the RD Department in Chowmanu and Dumburnagar Blocks are washed out and desired for repairs out of SGRY fund.

DM ,Dhalai will ensure repair of projects

19. IAY

a)  Due to revision in allocation of central share vis-à-vis in matching state share, release of fund for construction of IAY house would be falling short. After reckoning, deficit would be bridged out of PDF.

b)  IAY houses, to make them durable, it is considered necessary to make the GCI sheets painted. SE, RDC will examine cost effectiveness and other aspects and send detailed report immediately.

c)  SE,RDC will examine for construction of disaster proof IAY house and send report immediately.


Target for available area being brought under irrigation is finalized by the DM(W) and DM(N) during 2005-06 as follows:-

DM(W) 3251 ha

DM(N) 2400 ha

DM(D) and DM(S) will send report by 20.11.2005.

Inconsistency in target fixed for supply of pump set and demand for pump set is reported by the DMs. Non-existence of source of water for irrigation is reported as one of the reasons in some block areas besides, beneficiary contribution. DMs will assess block wise realistic number of pump set required based on availability of source of water both surface and ground water for irrigation and finalize strategy about use of optimal number of pump sets. Strategy report should be submitted by 15.11.2005.

21.  Construction Materials

Stock position of materials in different district stores is satisfactory other then GCI sheet. Supply has started in West and North Tripura District.

Till stock position remains adequate in deficit District, materials may be sent to deficit District from surplus Districts.

Stock of materials upto requirement of the month of May, 2006 should be adequate.

22.  BPL Survey

State wise compilation of BPL survey would be completed by NIC very soon and cut off score will be finalized by the State Govt.

23.  SGSY/(SHG) 1. Director , Projects may arange to depute few SHGS to attend the

saras fair at Panaji , Goa from 24.11.05 to 4.12.05.

2. Director, Projects may arrange to depute few SHGs to attend the