Annex I
Support to Galileo Standardisation and High-level Documents Management
Table of Contents
I.1. Introduction 3
I.2. Purpose of the Contract 3
I.3. List of Acronyms 4
I.4. Tasks 5
I.4.2. TASK 2 – Aviation Standardisation 7
I.4.3. TASK 3 – Maritime Standardisation 9
I.4.4. TASK 4 – Location Based Services Standardisation 10
I.4.5. TASK 5 – Standardisation Roadmap for other application domains 11
I.4.6. TASK 6 – Development of Service ICD's 12
I.4.7. TASK 7 – Support to a SIS ICD Consultation Process 13
I.4.8. TASK 8 - Support in configuration control activities via DOORS 14
I.5. Project milestones and meetings 15
I.6. Project duration 15
I.7. Deliverables 15
I.7.1. Reports and documents to produce 15
I.7.2. Report format and publication 15
I.8. Place of Performance 15
I.9. Contract Value 15
II. Terms of contract 16
II.1. Terms of payment 16
II.2. Financial guarantees 16
II.3. Subcontracting 16
II.4. Legal form to be taken by the grouping of service providers to whom the contract is awarded 16
III.1. General 17
III.2. Structure of the tender 17
III.2.1. Section One: administrative proposal 17
III.2.2. Section Two: Technical proposal 18
III.2.3. Section Three: Financial proposal 18
IV.1. Exclusion criteria (exclusion of tenderers) 20
IV.1.1. Evidence to be provided by the tenderers 21
IV.1.2. Other cases of exclusion 21
IV.1.3. Declaration 21
IV.2. Administrative and financial penalties 22
IV.3.1. Economic and financial capacity – References required 23
IV.3.2. Technical and professional capacity – References required 23
IV.5. Information for tenderers 25
IV.6. Annexes 25
I.1. Introduction
Galileo and EGNOS will provide services over wide geographical areas and for a broad range of user communities and applications. Standardisation is a powerful tool that applies equally to the regulatory process involved in safety of life applications, as it does to Galileo's commercial success for mass-market and specialised application.
Developing standards for the Galileo signals, services and receiving equipments will be a key enabler to gain user acceptance for Galileo unique features (e.g. integrity service, authentification, TCAR…), to support community regulations involving the use of satellite navigation and to support market penetration.
The Standardisation effort for EGNOS and Galileo has started a number of years ago but is a lengthy process that is time and effort consuming due to the tailoring needed to support each user community and to the usually very formal development process that involves multiple bodies during the drafting and approval stages. The standard development has also to be phased with the system design activities as well as specific research programmes that both feed the standard-making bodies with the technical material necessary to consolidate and validate the norms being developed.
The intent of this tender is to continue the standardisation process already started in the fields of aviation, maritime and location based services with the objective to have fully established norms in time for the system entry into operations. This activity is complementary to the on-going space industry standardization activities on-going in CEN, CENELEC and ETSI.
Another important aspect for the correct development of the European GNSS programs and for gaining the user acceptance for Galileo and EGNOS is strict configuration management and publication process for the high-level documents defining the mission of Galileo and EGNOS. We can ascribe to this category the Mission Requirements Documents (MRD's) and the Interface Control Documents (ICD's) towards the users (Signal in Space ICD's and Services ICD's). The Galileo MRD is fundamental for the development and implementation of the system, and the ICD's are of the utmost importance for the market penetration of Galileo.
It is intended that support is provided to maintain a strict configuration control of these documents, using a S/W tool already adopted by all Galileo stakeholders for documents configuration control.
For the SIS ICD of Galileo a consultation process is envisaged for obtaining from industry, operators, researchers and users' communities a feedback that will be extremely useful for the improvement of the structure and content of the document.
I.2. Purpose of the Contract
The aim of this contract is to carry on the standardization process for EGNOS and Galileo in key application areas and to develop a standardization roadmap for other applications where the standardization work has not yet fully started.
This contract includes the execution of the following tasks:
Task 1: Management
Task 2: Aviation Standardisation
Task 3: Maritime Standardisation
Task 4: Location Based Services Standardisation
Task 5: Standardisation roadmap for other domains
Task 6: Development of Service ICD's
Task 7: Support to a SIS ICD Consultation Process
Task 8: Support in configuration control activities via DOORS
The activities associated with these tasks are described in detail in the following sections.
For Standardisation activities, the main outcomes expected from this contract are:
· Full set of ICAO SARPs for Galileo OS and SoL service/signals
· A consolidated Interface Control Document and associated ICAO SARPs for future SBAS L5 signals
· A mature aviation Galileo receiver standard (EUROCAE MOPS)
· A draft combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS receiver standards developed jointly by EUROCAE and RTCA in the US
· Draft standards for GBAS architectures supporting the use of Galileo signals
· A recognition file for adoption of Galileo by IMO
· A mature maritime receiver standard adopted by IEC
· Mature differential Galileo standards developed by RTCM
· Finalize location based services standards for the use of Galileo in GSM and UMTS networks (for both 3GPP and OMA solutions)
· Draft standards for the use of Galileo based positioning in future 4G/WIMAX networks
· Roadmap for standardization in Rail, Road and other applications
Regarding the consolidation of high-level documents, the main outcomes will be
· Galileo OS and SoL service ICD sReport on user consultation process
· Migration of the Galileo/EGNOS MRD's in DOORS
· Traceability of requirements (specifically, GMRD->GSRD)
· Definition of the compliance statement (GMRD-GSRD)
· Support in the preparation of the Galileo/EGNOS MRD CCB
· Update of Galileo/EGNOS DOORS databases at any release of the respective MRD's.
I.3. List of Acronyms
CCB / Configuration Control Board (for Galileo MRD and ICD)CEN / Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization)
CENELEC / Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization )
DOORS / Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirement System
EGNOS / European Global Navigation Overlay System
EMRF / European Maritime Radionavigation Forum
EPO / ESA EGNOS Project Office
ESA / European Space Agency
ETSI / European Telecommunication Standards Institute
EUROCAE / European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment
GAGAN / GPS And GEO Augmented Navigation
GBAS / Ground Based Augmentation Systems
GMRD / Galileo Mission Requirement Document
GSA / European GNSS Supervisory Authority
GSRD / Galileo System Requirement Document
IALA / International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
ICAO / International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD / Interface Control Document
IMO / International Maritime Organization
IEC / International Electrotechnical Commission
ITU / International Telecommunication Union
MOPS / Minimum Operational Performance Standard
MRD / Mission Requirements Document
MSAS / MTSAT Satellite-based Augmentation System
MSC / Maritime Safety Committee (of IMO)
NAV / Navigation Sub Committee (of IMO MSC)
NMEA / National Maritime Electronics Association
NSP / Navigation Systems Panel
OMA / Open Mobile Alliance
OS / Open Service (of Galileo)
RTCA / Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTCM / Radio Technical Commission for Maritime services
SARPs / Standards and Recommended Practices
SBAS / Satellite Based Augmentation System
SIS / Signal In Space
SoL / Safety of Life Service (of Galileo)
SRD / System Requirements Document
SUPL / Secured User PLane (protocol)
TCAR / Triple Carrier Ambiguity Resolution
TSO / Technical Standard Order
WAAS / Wide Area Augmentation System
3GPP / Third Generation Partnership Project
I.4. Tasks
I.4.1.1. Description
The task consists in providing the overall management for the contract. The main activities to be performed throughout the whole duration of the contract are:
· Contractual management
· Organization and coordination of internal communication flow
· Documentation management
· Tracking project status
· Establish and maintain travel plan
· Review and verification of deliverables
· Organization of progress meetings (calling notice, agenda, chairing and reporting)
· Identify needs for interfaces with external entities
· Ensure coordination between the different activities as necessary
· Provide inputs for the GSA knowledge management database (GKMF) in line with the format and guidelines to be provided at Kick-Off
I.4.1.2. Deliverables
Ref / Title / Delivery / CommentsD110x / Status Report / Every 3 months / Includes both technical and administrative status
D1200 / Final Report / To+24 months / Including Coordination issues and Risk management.
I.4.1.3. Milestones
Progress meetings will be organized on a 3-monthly basis to present the status of the work and steer the next period.
Technical coordination meetings will be held with the customer as required to progress on each specific topics.
I.4.2. TASK 2 – Aviation Standardisation
I.4.2.1. Description
The activities to be performed shall address Galileo and SBAS and GBAS standard evolutions. In each case, work is required in the areas of signal in space and performance definition as well as on user receiving equipment standardization. The tasks to perform shall include:
· Refinement of Galileo stand-alone receiver standard: The objective is to mature the draft EUROCAE MOPS for Galileo receiver based on feedback received from prototype receiver developments launched by avionics manufacturers. The outcome of this work should be a fairly stable standard that fully covers the functional, performance, environmental and testing specifications.
· Development of ICAO SARPs for Galileo: The intent is to complete the development of ICAO SARPs for Galileo Open and Safety of Life services/signals. The work shall include the update of draft SARPs already existing to reflect the latest evolutions of the Galileo system (e.g. updated performance levels, consolidated integrity concept, CBOC on E1, interference environment…). Part of the work required is to assemble a validation file that includes systematic validation material against each proposed SARPs requirement. Other task to be considered is the preparation of working papers for ICAO Navigation System Panel meetings as necessary to present relevant developments and study results from European GNSS programmes.
· Participation to the development of Combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS receiver standards: The objective is to support the work carried out in cooperation between EUROCAE WG 62 and RTCA SC 159 towards the development of a MOPS for combined receivers. This shall include studies on the optimal combination of system/signals at receiver levels, definition of switching logics, assessment of performance of different receiver architectures through simulations, derivation of operational benefits and drafting of combined receiver standards.
· SBAS L5 ICD and SARPs: The first objective is to finalize the development of an SBAS L5 ICD that defines the RF signal characteristics, the navigation message structure/content, the parameter definitions, the protocols for data applications and the requirements for both service providers and receiving equipments. This work shall be initially performed in the frame of EUROCAE WG62. However, since the SBAS standards is shared with numerous service providers (EGNOS, WAAS, MSAS, GAGAN…), it is important that this development is carefully coordinated at international level. Once the SBAS L5 ICD has reached consensus, the work will consist in developing corresponding ICAO SARPs. A justification/validation file will also have to be developed.
· Antenna Standard: The objective is to develop, in cooperation with RTCA in the US, an antenna MOPS for triple band (E1, L5, E5) aeronautical antennas. The work shall include theoretical analyses for the derivation of key performance requirements and shall use the test results of other on-going technology-oriented contracts dealing with such antenna prototype developments.
· GBAS standards: The objective is to start the introduction of Galileo functionalities in the GBAS standards adopted by aviation. The work shall consider the following steps :
o Introduction of Galileo- E1 GBAS alternative to existing GPS-L1 GBAS standards for Cat I operations
o Introduction of Galileo-E1 in addition to GPS-L1 for GBAS standards supporting Cat II/III operations with some potential restrictions (so called GAST-D concept)
o Development of new Galileo E1-E5 GBAS standards to fully support Cat II/III operations
o Development of new Galileo/GPS multifrequency GBAS standards to fully support Cat II/III if operationally justified
The work to perform shall briefly study the different solutions listed above and provide recommendations on the optimal approach. The activity shall then be dedicated to the development of draft standards for the retained configurations. The standards shall first be developed within EUROCAE (WG28 and/or WG 62). Once a sufficient level of maturity is reached, coordination with RTCA and ICAO shall be supported.
I.4.2.2. Deliverables
Ref / Title / DeliveryD2110
D2120 / Draft Galileo MOPS
Final Galileo MOPS / T0+12 month
T0+24 month
D2220 / Draft Galileo ICAO SARPs
Final Galileo ICAO SARPs / T0+12 month
T0+24 month
D2230 / Galileo SARPs validation file / T0+24 month
D2310 / Report on Optimal combined receiver architecture / T0+12 month
D2320 / Draft Combined Galileo/GPS/SBAS MOPS (not including testing section) / T0+24 month
D2410 / SBAS L5 ICD / T0+12 month
D2420 / SBAS L5 SARPs / T0+24 month
D2430 / SBAS L5 SARPs validation file / T0+24 month
D2520 / Draft Antenna MOPS
Final Antenna MOPS / T0+12 month
T0+24 month
D2610 / Analysis of GBAS standardisation options / T0+6 months
D2620 / Draft standards for retained Galileo GBAS configurations / T0+12 months
T0+24 months
Other Outputs / Working Papers for ICAO NSP, EUROCAE and RTCA meetings
I.4.2.3. Participation to standardization committees
Participation to the following meetings has to be provided:
· ICAO GNSSP Technical Working Group (All meetings – 2 per year outside of Europe)
· EUROCAE WG 62 (All meetings in Europe– 4 per year)
· RTCA SC 159 (All meetings – 3 to 4 per year in the USA)