Core Theme 1: Educational Attainment and Student Success
Shoreline Community College (SCC) will provide excellence in academics so that all students will complete their program and/or graduate with the academic preparation and skills necessary to continue their education, meet the demands of the workplace or improve their quality of life through leisure-time activity.
Explanation: SCC is committed to facilitating the success of each student’s stated educational goals and to supporting students in the attainment of course completion, certificates, degrees, personal enrichment, and/or professional development.
What are we trying to reach in that core theme? / INDICATORS:
How do we measure and assess if we achieved this objective? / RATIONALE:
Why did we choose these indicators?
How will they help us achieve the objective?
Objective #1:
University Transfer Students:
Students who successfully complete an academic transfer program have the knowledge, skills and study habits to enter baccalaureate or professional programs, are prepared to successfully attain their educational goals, and compare favorably with students already in such programs. / 1A: / #1: Rationale:
Objective #2:
Professional/Technical Training
Students who successfully complete a professional/technical program, will have the knowledge, skills and work habits necessary to compete for entry-level of employmentthat will lead to economic self-sufficiency. / 2A: / #2 Rationale:
Objective #3:
Developmental Program Students
Students who successfully complete the following developmental or remedial programs in:
- Basics Skills Educationhave basic literacy survival skills in reading, language, arithmetic.
- English as a Second Language develop speaking, reading and writing fluency in English.
- Adult Basic Education (ABE) have the necessary skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science and social science to earn a high school diploma or GED certificate.
- GED program transition to college-level courses and programs.
- College-Preparatory Educationhave the necessary language, mathematics and study skills to complete entry-level courses of a college program of study.
3c. ABE gains, transitions to college-level coursework and programs
3d. GED completions and transitions.
3e. Developmental Math and English, SAI, / #3 Rationale:
Objective 4:
Center for Business and Continuing Education Program (CBCE)
Students who successfully complete a Continuing Education or Community Service Program or course*have the knowledge and skills necessary to remain current in their job, upgrade job skills, or improve their quality of life through leisure-time activity. / *Note: Sometimes students will take only a course or set of courses without the intent to obtain a degree.
Core Theme 2: Program Excellence
Shoreline Community College fosters excellence in its educational program.
Explanation: SCC offers excellent programs, services and resources to meet the needs of students, employers, and the community. ….to meet the learning styles of all students….The College provides high quality and relevant learning environments.
What are we trying to reach in that core theme? / INDICATORS:
How do we measure and assess if we achieved this objective? / RATIONALE:
Why did we choose these indicators?
How will they help us achieve the objective?
Objective 1:
The quality of educational programs is improved annually through innovation, the use of advanced technologies and continuous improvements. / Innovation:
Use of Advanced technologies: eLearning, Elluminate, upgrades, etc.
Continuous improvements to meet learning styles????? / The College provides high quality and relevant learning environments.
Objective 2:
The College meets standards for assessment of student learning and program effectiveness. / Standards for assessment of student learning ? grading policies?
Program Review criteria: program completions, certification tests,
Programs meet industry standards? / The College is responsive to the needs of business, industry and the community.
Objective 3:
Transfer and professional technical programs are created and revised based on community needs, economic trends and college strengths. / The College is responsive to the needs of business, industry and the community.
Objective 4:
College personnel advocate for and work with public officials, the private sector and the Shoreline Community College Foundation for funding for state-of-the-art classrooms, buildings, and technology. / Foundation report:
Master Plan: College efforts to fund buildings
College personnel advocacy report / The college provides high quality and relevant learning environments.
Shoreline has an infrastructure and technology for the 21st Century equal to or greater than any other community college in the state.
Objective 5:
The college provides high quality pre-college programs and comprehensive learning assistance.
Objective 6:
The college continues its commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, in both curriculum and operations. / 6 A. Curriculum: Curriculum Reports
6B. Operations: Facilities Report / SCC is the environmental leader in the state’s community college system, committed to environmental stewardship and sustainability in curriculum and operations.
Objective 7:
The College provides innovative approaches to promoting global citizenship through service learning, international programs and partnerships. / 7.A. Service Learning:
7B. International Programs
7C: Partnerships
Objective 8:
International students are well integrated into the campus community. / 7A: International students engaged in student activities
Other activities?
Core Theme 3: Community Engagement
Shoreline Community College initiates, cultivates and nurtures relationships with cities, including Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, local school systems, businesses, the Shoreline Community College Foundation, community-based and international organizations. Explanation: As the learning, entertainment, and gathering hub of the community, the College is a proactive, responsive and responsible partner and resource in community and economic development and sustainability.
What are we trying to reach in that core theme? / INDICATORS:
How do we measure and assess if we achieved this objective? / RATIONALE:
Why did we choose these indicators?
How will they help us achieve the objective?
Objective 1:
Shoreline Community College articulates to the community that it is the premier local academic transfer and professional-technical College, providing unique and innovative programs. / The College and the Foundation build community partnerships with the cities of Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, local schools, businesses, and community-based organizations to provide unique and innovative programs that attract and serve the community.
Objective 2:
The community views the college as the local resource for quality, affordable, timely, flexible and specialized training for employees and employers. / The college is the local resource for quality, affordable, timely, flexible and specialized training for employees and employers.
Objective 3:
The college is the local, quality, affordable, timely, flexible and specialized resource for technical assistance, business counseling services, and expert information. / Community survey? / The College provides high quality, affordable, timely, flexible and specialized training for employees and employers in our communities, including technical assistance, business counseling services and expert information.
Objective 4:
The College is the proactive, responsive and responsible partner in community and economic development and sustainability.
Objective 5:
The College is the center for diverse multicultural, musical, theatrical, artistic, athletic and social program experiences for life-long learning and community enrichment. / Strat Plan: SCC is a center for diverse multicultural, musical, theatrical, artistic, athletic and social experiences for life-long learning and community enrichment.
Core Theme 4: Access and Diversity
Shoreline Community College maximizes student access to all its transfer, professional/technicaland developmental programs. SCC promotes a diverse student body and staffthat reflect the local, state, regional and international communities that the college serves.
What are we trying to reach in that core theme? / INDICATORS:
How do we measure and assess if we achieved this objective? / RATIONALE:
Why did we choose these indicators?
How will they help us achieve the objective?
Objective 1:
SCC maximizes student access to all its programs, / Transfer program enrollments
Professional/technical program enrollments
Developmental programs:
- Enrollment reportsof IBEST
- GED program enrollments
- ABE program enrollment reports
Objective 2:
Underserved populations have equal access in reaching their educational goals through creative support programs, high quality pre-college programs, and comprehensive learning assistance. / Financial Aid reports including:
- tuition assistance,
- low tuition,
- tuition waivers,
- grants and financial aid.
Student Achievement Initiative reports & momentum points
Objective 3:
The College actively advocates towards a tuition- free program for underserved and unrepresented populations. / SCC aims for tuition-free and other support programs for low-income students.
Objective 4:
The College continually recruits, develops, and retains a diverse community of learning. / Recruitment, retention, and diversity statistics from HR
Objective 5:
The College implements a comprehensive program
to recruit and retain international students. / International Programs reports
Objective 6:
The College recruits, develops, and retains a
diverse college workforce.
Core Theme 5: College Stewardship
Shoreline Community College serves as a model of effective stewardship to citizens of the State of Washington.
What are we trying to reach in that core theme? / INDICATORS:
How do we measure and assess if we achieved this objective? / RATIONALE:
Why did we choose these indicators?
How will they help us achieve the objective?
Objective 1:
The College prudently manages its resources.
. / Facilities reports of improvements and maintenance reports
HR reports of managing human resources
Instructional programs reports
Each area?
Objective 2:
The College provides trained and qualified college employees. / HR trainings
Reports of Prof Develop at all levels for all employees:
- Faculty professional Development Reports
- Professional-Technical Certification reports
- Sabbatical reports
- Classified staff prof development reports
- Administrator professional development reports
Objective 3:
The College is in compliance with local, state and federal laws, regulations and rules.
Objective 4:
The College prudently manages campus facilities.
. / Advisory Committee reports
Report on existing partnerships to reaffirm
New partnerships
Foundation reports
Objective 5:
The College strengthens and reaffirms existing partnerships and sponsors.
Objective 6:
In collaboration with the Shoreline Community College Foundation, the College develops new partnerships and funding from non-traditional sources. / The College and Foundation secure funding for state of the art buildings, classrooms and technology.