Double-click the flier below to see both pages of the PDF. Sign-up form is page 2
WHO? / All Scouts and Venturers of Troop 789WHAT? / Mataguay Shooting Sports Weekend
- Boy Scoutswill have full use of Archery range, .22 Rifles, Shotgun and Muzzle Loading Rifle.
- Venturers and adults will be able to use the equipment listed above plus Center Fire Rifle and Handguns.
WHEN? / November 16-18, 2012
WHERE? / Mataguay Scout Reservation
Meet at Troop 789 scout hut promptly at 5 pm for 5:30pm departure
COST? / If you did not register early, you need to submit full amount on the attached sheet and get reimbursed by Mark Losack, the troop treasurer, for the $13 subsidy for the scouts)
$20forscouts, includes shooting and two nights camping (after $13 reimbursement through troop treasurer)
$35 for venturers, if you want to shoot rifle and pistol (after $13 reimbursement through troop treasurer)
$48 for shooting adults, $8 for adults who do not shoot
Bring additional funds for lost arrow fees and Sunday lunch
OTHER? / MSR Guns ONLY – NO personal guns allowed! – NO Pets
TO REGISTER? / If you have not pre-registered and received a confirmation email from me, use the attached flyer to register directly with council, you must bring a copy of the form with you.
- Meet at the scout hut in Class A uniform at 5:00PM on Friday.
- Be prepared. Bring layered clothing. Have your 10 essentials and camping gear. Use the checklist on pages 292-295 in your scout handbook as a guide. Bring fishing gear if you want to fish.
- Senior scouts ensure you are ready to teach assigned skills using the EDGE method. New scouts, ensure you bring your scout book to work on advancement.
- We should return to the scout hut around 12:30 PM on Sunday afternoon. We will call enroute.
- Bring your permission slip and registration/release form copy
- My cell # 913-871-5157.
Alex Ferda
ASM Troop 789