“Persist in Prayer” - Sunday, October 16, 2016


We Draw Near to God


Welcome and announcements

Call to Worship

♫ Opening Hymn 438 When morning gilds the skies

Prayers of Adoration & Confession

The Lord’s Prayer (831)

Assurance of Pardon

♫ Hymn 81 Unto the hills

We Listen to God's Word

The Written Word of God read by Margaret Black

Old Testament Genesis 32: 22-31 (OT 28)

Responsive Psalm 121

RI lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,who made heaven and earth.
The Lord will not let your foot be moved;
The Lord who keeps you will not slumber.
The one who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. R
The Lord is your keeper;the Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you byday,nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from allevil; he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your cominginfrom this time on and for evermore. R

Epistle 2 Timothy 3:14 – 4: 5 (NT 213)

Gospel Luke 18: 1-8 (NT 81)

Anthem “ Grace” Carolyn Hamlin

Sermon “Persist in Prayer ”

Hymn 364 Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat (all remain seated)

We Respond to God

We present our gifts to God

♫ Doxology (830) & Prayer of Dedication

♫ Hymn 703 Happy the home when God is there

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

♫ Closing Hymn 638 Take time to be holy

♫ Choral Amen (780-IV)

Iona announcements

Bible study continues on Thursdays at 7:00 pm based on 1 Peter.

All are encourage to attend.

Parish Nursing Ministry Announcements

Understanding Mental Health

A Parish Nursing Presentation on Sunday, October 23, 2016

10:15 am - St. Christopher’s (including Cantonese translation)

12:15 pm - Iona & St. Cyprian’s - Iona Worship Area

(pick up your coffee in Fellowship Room and bring it with you!)

1:15 pm - Trinity Mandarin (including Mandarin translation)

Mark this date on your calendar and don’t miss it! Dr. Susan Kagan, RN, EdD will be giving us an overview of mental health and how to promote it.

Tri-Church Announcements

Outdoor Fall Cleanup

Saturday, October 22 starting at 8:30 am. Wear work clothes, bring gloves, willing hands and glad hearts, as we get things in shape for the winter months.


Again, we are asking for donations of the following items to fill these bags for downtown agencies. Combs, hair brushes, tooth brushes and tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant, mittens, socks, toques, etc.
A box will be placed in the foyer for donations.

Mission Moments

World Food Day

Across the globe, small-scale farmers are suffering the effects of climate change. Prolonged drought, erratic rainfall and a growing rate of weather related disasters are also taking their toll. In Ethiopia, Meserete Jima’s crops were obliterated in the wake of a powerful El Niño phenomenon sweeping southern Africa. “I’m very concerned about my family’s future,” admits Meserete. In times of disaster, Presbyterian World Service & Development responds with food assistance to sustain families until they can plant again. The rations Meserete received with support from Canadian Foodgrains Bank are vital to her family’s well-being. On World Food Day, we reflect on the global struggle against hunger and the need to address climate change to ensure food security for all.

PWS&D provides food assistance for communities in need.


Address: 1080 Finch Avenue East, North York, Ontario M2J 2X2

Church tel: (416) 494-2442



Facebook: Iona Presbyterian Church Toronto
Twitter: IonaPresChurch

Minister: Rev. Robert Reid

Director of Music: Robert Williams

“Persist in Prayer”

October 16, 2016

A cordial welcome is extended to our visitors this morning

Please stay for a time of fellowship following the service.

Usherstoday: Melba Shaver, Joyce Ostler

Ushers next week: Joe & Anna Subrata

Fellowship hosts Joyce Ostler, Melba Shaver

Hosts next week: Greta Baksh, Marjorie Knights