Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the National Roller Hockey Association (NRHA)
Held at The Marriot Hotel, Peterborough - Sunday July 16th 2017 (Start 10.10 a.m.)
The Executive of the NRHA: ECRHA - Simon Hovell
President - Keith Allen SECRHA – Ken Pughe
General Secretary - Debbie PugheNCRHA – Belinda Mason
Treasurer - Michaela Parfitt KCRHA – Ron Barker
Competitions Executive – Lucy Rawlinson
Marketing Executive –Harry Parfitt
Coaching Director – Carlos Amaral
Club Delegates
Cambridge – Alan Pearce
Colchester – xxxxxxxxxx
Cottenham – S. Goodchild
Ely & Chesterton– Brian Barrow
Farnham – Adam. Collis
Grimsby – xxxxxxxxxxx
Halifax – Jason Oldroyd
Herne Bay – xxxxxxxxxxxx
HBU – Aileen Barker
Kings Lynn – Phil Cann
Letchworth – Nigel Allen
London RHC – Joe Gotts
Maidstone – xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Manchester –Paul Colton
Medway Mariners – Scott Howard
Middlesbrough – Tony Czifra
Norwich – Tom Allander
Peterborough – Jen Cann
Plymouth – xxxxxxxxxx
RHC Invicta – Ken Pughe
Rickmansworth - xxxxxxxxxxx
Sheffield – Derek Bell
Skaters – Tracy Callaby
Soham – Marissa Parfitt
Spectrum – xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Spen Valley Flyers – Jeanette Messenger
Sudbury – Ric Parfitt
Walsall – xxxxxxxxxxx
Non Voting Visitors: J. Coomber, L. Coomber, Hayley Hall, Dennis Marshall, R. Sykyo, M. Neville, L. Allander, Jazmine Callaby, Jody McCarthy, Aiden Lawler, Neville Davis, Kos Galtos
Execs / 6 / 6
Clubs / 28 / 20
Regions & Associations / 4 / 4
Total Votes / 38 / 30
1. Welcome by the President, Keith Allen
The President opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees to the 2017AGM.
2. Apologies:
Apologies were received fromDave Fothergill and Scott Neville
3. Minutes of the previous Meeting – 17thJuly 2016 were read by all.
The minutes were agreed and proposed by Jennifer Cann and seconded by Jason Oldroyd.
4. Matters Arising
5. Appointment of Scrutineers –Dennis Marshall and Phil Cannwere appointed Scrutineers.
6. President’s Report:
Report attached.
Deb Pughe asked what the NRHA are to do about increasing the number of people on the Executive. A Ballot Paper for ‘Special Resolution of Members’ was sent out to all the Clubs, but there was a very poor response. It was agreed that this will be re-issued this season.
The Presidents report was accepted. Proposed by Keith Allen and seconded by Debbie Pughe.
7. Treasurers Report
Report Attached.
Michaela Parfitt will send out a completed set of Accounts after Financial year end at the 31st July.
Michaela has agreed to prepare more detailed breakdowns of the Financial Statements. Michaela had all Financial details available for anyone to view, and will send out a Final set of accounts at the end of the Financial year and with the agreement of the Executive, publish these on the web site.
Kos Galtos asked I there is yet a detailed breakdown of income and expenditure for Carlos Amaral.
Carlos Amaral is not required to give details of JCA Accounts to the NRHA. The NRHA pay him £500.00/month for his services, this sum is rightly included in the NRHA Accounts.
The Treasurers Report was accepted. Proposed by Michaela Parfitt and seconded byHarry Parfitt.
8. Secretary’s Report:
Report attached
Deb Pughe reminded Clubs that a DBS check must be put in place for anyone assisting in anyway within a Club. Any Referee, Coach or Assistant who has not instigated their DBS check by the beginning of the 2017/18 season will not be registered and therefore not able to carry out these duties.
Jason Oldroyd asked the question of whether or not the Insurance that the NRHA have in place, is fit for purpose. The NRHA would like someone to take on the job of researching this and request that a Club or Clubs’ would like to look to their members for someone who isprepared to take this task on.
Kos Galtos is to e-mail the Report showing the breakdown of registered players for the 2016/17 season.
Roger Courtnay –Brown asked if there was also a breakdown for Male and Female players.
The breakdown is as follows
Under 95116
Under 1110537
Under 1313654
Under 159432
Under 177727
Under 206113
These figures exclude ‘ Training Only’ players.
The report was accepted. Proposed by Debbie Pughe and seconded by Keith Allen
9. Competitions Report:
A copy of the report is attached
Carlos Amaral confirmed that there will not be any Project Teams entered into any of the National Leagues this coming season.
The Competitions report was accepted. Proposed by Lucy Rawlinson and accepted by Harry Parfitt.
10. CRHR
CRHR Report attached
This report was accepted. Proposed by Kos Galtos and seconded by Deb Pughe
11. Coaching Report:
C. Amaral report is attached
This report was accepted. Proposed by Carlos Amaral and seconded by Lucy Rawlinson
12 . Marketing Report.
Report attached
A suggestion was made that possibly the NRHA invest in a third party for marketing and in order to do this possibly the NRHA membership fees are raised for next season. Also that the Marketing job is split between the management of the Website and Marketing.
Mike Neville asked if it is possible to download the Roller Hockey film made by Sky onto lap tops so that these can be viewed at the venues where tournaments etc are played.
Jason Oldroyd suggested the possibility of maybe going into colleges/universities and put forward the idea of the Marketing of roller hockey as a project for marketing students.
Also are the NRHA still go forward with the changing from Roller Hockey to Rink Hockey.
The NRHA is to also reinforce the fact that Roller Hockey is an all-inclusive mixed gender sport.
This report was accepted. Proposed by Harry Parfitt and seconded by Carlos Amaral.
13.Regional Reports:
ECRHA- Report Attached. This report was accepted. Proposed by Simon Hovell and seconded by Adam Collis.
NCRHA - Report attached. There was an amended made by Tony Czifra to the NCRHA Inter Regional results. The Under 9’s were 1st not 3rd and the U11’s were 3rd not 2nd. This report was accepted. Proposed by Belinda Mason and seconded by Keith Allen.
SECRHA- Report attached. This report was accepted. Proposed by Ken Pughe and seconded by Deb Pughe
14. Life Member
No Life member reports..
15. Proposals
A copy of all proposals is attached.
ECRHA Proposal – this was clarified as already being the case. First claim is at the point of registration. The exact wording is to be added to the Competition Rules
Votes for, 29 Votesagainst, 1 Abstentions 6.
Ely & Chesterton RH Proposal – The Proposer amended the proposal as follows:
That the NRHA allow Ladies to play at a National Level - one year up across all groups – U9/U11/U13/U15/U17/U20
Votes for,15 Votesagainst, 11 Abstentions 4
This ruling will come into play for the 2017/18 season.
16. Election of Officers
Scott Neville and Harry Parfitt resigned their positions as Marketing Officers.
Joe Gotts was proposed forthis position by Kos Galtos and was seconded by Deb Pughe.
17. Election of HonoraryLife Members –
Joe Wheatley was put forward for Honorary Life Membership this was agreed unanimously
18. AOB.
a)Changes to the Constitution.
i)It was agreed that the NRHA will again try to expand the number of representatives on the NRHA Executive , we will again send out the Ballot Paper for ‘Special Resolution of Members’. At the first executive meeting Kos Galtos will again send out the online vote. The NRHA will inform all Clubs that if a response is not received then a fine will be imposed.
ii)It was agreed that a Players representative should be in attendance at the NRHA executive meetings. Tom Allander is to organise a subcommittee for a Players representative to attend the meetings.
b)Future of the Game.
As time had run out it was agreed that discussions will take place between the Executive and the Regions.
c)ECRHA late proposal regarding the possibility of having out of regions clubs in regional leagues. It was agreed that this will be discussed by the Executive.
d)Final Four – an e-mail will be sent to the clubs for their views on this proposal.
Meeting ended at 4.35 p.m.