Annotation Samples
Book: Single Author
Bear, Craig S. The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941. New York: Times Books, 1993.The author offers an overview of the Great Depression focusing on both the political and social aspects of this era. This book helped me understand the hardships during the Great Depression and the important role played by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The site provided useful photo images and primary source documents that I glued on my exhibit board.
Book: Multiple Authors
Braun, Judy and Nancy Gilmore. Unknown Women in American History. New York: Wet Ink Press, 1999.This book tells of interesting, over-looked stories in women’s history. The sections about suffragist Alice Paul helped me understand the full depth of her personality and personal courage. I used many quotes from the book in my historical research paper.
Encyclopedia Article
Wellner, Ora. "The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising." Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. 1990.This encyclopedia entry gave factual information on Warsaw, Poland during World War II and the events leading up to the uprising. This article was important to my project because it verified dates and names of the important figures involved in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
Magazine Article
Alexander, Alison. "The Great Pyramid of Giza." National Geographic Jan. 2001: 6-29.This article was very important to my project because it gave specific information about the great pyramid of Giza. This article includes colorful photo images of one of the oldest and only surviving, of the Seven Ancient Wonders.
General Online Site
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2007 < .
This site houses digital archives such as photographs and video clips from the Roosevelt family. The resources provided primary sources for my documentary on the controversial civil rights stand Eleanor Roosevelt took in support of the famous African American opera singer, Marian Anderson.
Encyclopedia Article Online
"Stock Market Crash of 1929." Britannica Online. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2007 < >.This article provided information about the 1929 Stock Market Crash, and explained the economic conditions that led up to the Great Depression. I used information from this article on the first panel of my exhibit board.
Newspapers Online
Kole, William J. " Alps Glaciers Will Melt by 2050." The New York Times. 22 Jan. 2007. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2007 <This article explains how ice on the Swiss Alps is melting, and will all but disappear from the Alps within 30-50 years. Based on evidence of slow but steady melting glaciers, scientists say that if the ice continues to melt at this rate, it will by gone as early as 2037. This article provided direct evidence for my thesis that global warming is actually happening.