How to Find Company Information in Business Source Complete (script)

In this database, you can find information on companies, industries, countries, and business topics. We will be focusing on company information in this tutorial.

To find articles on Companies, use the search boxes. Type a keyword in one or more of the boxes. We will search for the firm, Wal-mart and the term, Marketing. We will limit the company name Wal-mart by using the pull-down menu to select the Company Entity field. This will narrow down our results to articles where Wal-mart is the primary topic.

You may wish to limit your results to full text only, scholarly articles, by date, or document type.

Now click on the Search button.

On the results page, there are additional ways to narrow your search listed on the left.

If an article is full text in the database, it will say PDF or HTML. If you do not see PDF or HTML, click the yellow, Get it at BU button beneath the article citation. This button will take you to a screen that will let you know whether the article is available in another database online, or is in paper format in the BU Libraries.

Articles are one way to find company information in Business Source Complete. However, there are additional sources of company information in the database. To get a company overview, click on the Company Information link at the top of the page. Type your company name in the search box and click on the company name in the results list.

The next screen will give you a brief overview of the company, including financials, subsidiaries, executives, and so on. Other useful links are on the left of the screen.

You can also obtain brief reports on companies. They can be found by clicking on the More link at the top of the page and selecting Company Profiles from the pull-down menu.

Type Wal-mart in the Browse box Then hit the Browse button to the right of the box.

Click on the link to a MarketLine Report which is to the right of the company name.

The report may take a few seconds to load.

Take note of the date of the report. The Table of Contents of the report is listed on the left side of the screen. Click on any link to jump to that part of the report. We will select Business Description.

For additional information on companies, try the tutorials for the Business Insights, Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage, and

If you need further library help, go back to the Libraries’ homepage and click on the Ask Us link.

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