15 & 16JULY 2017 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh


Spiritual Disciple & Gifts

LISTEN Exercise

i)In your CG, learn to practice the gift of prophecy for one another. Turn to someone you least know and ask the Holy Spiirt for a word for the person.

ii)Be bold in releasing the words following the rule of “encouraging, non-corrective and non-directive.”


i)Get hold of the Bible Reading Plan from:

ii)Request one of your members to share a journal entry.

iii)Pair up members to share with, and pray for one another.

Share Your Story

Whether your story is about how you came to know Christ, of illness healed, an act of kindness in your times of need, or of how you served people or how people have served you, give glory to God. Share your story so that more people will be encouraged and God's love is known. Share your story at: dumc.my/shareyourstory

Looking Ahead

Corporate Prayer emphasis (July)

-Church Prayer Altar (every Sat, 7 – 9 a.m., Room 101/102)

-Zone Prayer (typically on last week of every month)

Encourage your members to gather regularly for corporate prayer – at least once per month with the wider body of Christ.

Church Calendar & Equip Schedule

i)Please refer to our church website Google Calendar for the latest event, Celebration Weekend bulletin.

ii)For Equip training schedule at:

iii)For classes related to spiritual gifts, kindly sign up for Ministry 201 & Ministry 202.


LISTEN, Hear from God & Prophesy to Build Others Up series

We All Can Build the Church(1 Corinthians 12:1-31)

By Senior Pastor Chris Kam

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting theKEY POINTS. Do not preach the whole sermon again, as majority of your members would have heard the sermon already. Allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Sermon Resource at:

For the Word session, focus on the main message (the Big Idea):

We All Can Build the Church

Use the WORD Activity sheet as your guide or refer to these questions to facilitate your discussion.

Reflection & Application Questions:

  1. From 1 Corinthians 12:1, why would God want us to be informed about spiritual gifts? Why would ignorance of such things inhibit us from being used by God? How well versed are you in this matter? Share your journey on your knowledge and use of spiritual gifts. Share with your group what are some of your gifts as far you know.
  2. From 1 Corinthians 14:1, why do you think the Bible specifically commands us to desire spiritual gifts? Why is there an emphasis on prophecy? Why do you think Satan would try so hard to discredit spiritual gifts from Christians?
  3. Can you think of a situation where you experienced any of the gifts, whether as someone exercising the gifts or the beneficiary of them?
  4. From 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, why do you think each member of the Church or Cell Group is an important part of the body? What does v26 mean? What would happen if some members stop functioning in the exercise of their spiritual gifts?
  5. What should be the posture of our hearts so that we can use these gifts to bless others? Do you have any reservation or inhibation? How can you overcome them?

Note to Word leader:

As you are preparing for this session, this is a great time to pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to use the questions efficaciously. You can select, modify or entirely create your own questions, according to the needs of your CG.

WORD Activity Sheet (for Printing)

  1. My Spiritual Gifts

List out your spiritual gifts
(as far as you are aware of) / As you read out your gifts, write down those that your cell members/others can vouch for (i.e. others can confirm) / Share your journey on your knowledge and use of spiritual gifts. Also, write your most memorable moment in exercising your spiritual gift to serve people.

BIG IDEA: WE ALL CAN BUILD THE CHURCH (by utilising our spiritual gifts)

  1. More spiritual gifts?

To discuss:

a)From 1 Cor 14:1, why does the Bible specifically commands us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts? Why an emphasis on prophecy?

b)What other spiritual gifts would you eagerly desire at this point of your life? Why?

c)What are the three characteristics of spiritual gifts that we learned about from the sermon last weekend?

  1. What will we do with our spiritual gifts?

My commitment to exercising spiritual gifts in the cell group is:




My commitment to exercising spiritual gifts at my workplace/community is:




Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1