Food Web,Chain, Ecology, and Dichotomous Key Review-use your ppt notes and worksheets to complete

1.To increase a population in an ecosystem what factor must be increased?


2. What happens to a population when it's food source is decreased?

the population decreases

3. Which trophic level in an ecosystem is the most efficient users of solar energy?


4. What is a producer? (How do they get their food?)

5. What is a consumer? (How do they get their food?)

6. What is a primary consumer? (How do they get their food?)

7. What is a secondary consumer? (How do they get their food?)

8. What is a decomposer? (How do they get their food?)

9. What characteristics do both primary and secondary consumers share?

they both gain energy by eating other things

10. What is the definition of a population? List/draw an example.

same species in the same place at the same time

11. What is the definition of a community? List/draw an example.

different populations (species) in the same place at the same time

12. What is the definition of an ecosystem? List/draw an example.

both living and nonliving factors in a region (plants, animals, climate, soil, temperature, etc.)

13. What is the definition of a biome? List an example.

regional or global land area that is characterized by the plants, animals and climate in that area

14. What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors.

abiotic is nonliving, biotic is living things

15. List 3 abiotic factors. List examples of changes that result from an abiotic factors.

a. rainfall


c. sunlight

16. List 2 biotic factors.

a. plants

b. animals

17. What is the definition of a dichotomous key? How is it used by scientist?

An organized way for scientists to identify individual species

18. What percentage of energy is passed on in an energy pyramid when a plant/animal is eaten?


19. In which level can the most energy be found? producers

20. What happens to the other 90% of energy that does not get passed on?

given off as heat

21. What is difference between a food web and a food chain?

web- shows a more realistic view of how organisms fed on multiple energy sources

chain- one single feeding scenario.

22. Explain how the animals and plants in an ecosystem depend on one another.

The population size of an energy source directly determines the size of the population that is feeding on them.

23. Work through the dichotomous key and determine the id of the bird.

Black tailed godwit