PRESENT In the Chair: Councillor Christine Willoughby

Councillors: S Batt, D Goode, H Lyon, J Monaghan, B Rigby, and

A Willoughby

Staff present: The Deputy Clerk and The Office Assistant

Late arrivals: Councillor D Goode (9.00 p.m.) Early Departures: None

OS15/001 ITEM 1 - To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting

Apologies in advance had been given by Councillor D Goode, but in the event he arrived five minutes after the meeting had commenced.

OS15/002 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

No Declarations of Interest

OS15/003 ITEM 3 – To consider, and if thought fit, approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on:

3.1 Monday 13 April 2015

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Office Services Committee Meeting held on Monday 13 April 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. nem con

OS15/004 ITEM 4 – Public Speaking Session

None - the Chair moved to the next item

OS15/005 ITEM 5 - Business Remaining

5.1 Standing Orders

This item had been deferred from the previous council to consider Knaresborough Town Council’s current standing orders in comparison with the Model Standing Orders as produced by NALC.

Various discussions ensued regarding the best way forward to tackle this task and it was:

RESOLVED: That an additional Office Services Committee meeting, dedicated entirely to this matter, would be convened for one month’s time. At that meeting the NALC Model Standing Orders would be used as a starting point, with a view to updating Knaresborough Town Council’s current Standing Orders. Unanimous

5.2 Newsletter to consider publishing an edition

Various examples of newsletters published by local parish councils

were provided for members to look at. Members were in agreement

regarding the importance of communicating with the people of

Knaresborough. It was felt that the town council’s website needs a

total refresh and that production of a newsletter, in the first instance

designed for the website, with a paper copy for distribution to local

venues was an excellent idea. It was therefore

RESOLVED: That the staff in the office should put together a newsletter, which

following proof reading by the council, will be put on the town council’s

web site, and also distributed in hard copy to various locations in the

town for people to read. Unanimous

Discussion then centred around communication, with the press in

particular. Some members felt there were no issues, and others felt it

important to understand when a personal view was being expressed

and when the council (corporate body) view was being expressed. It

was therefore

RESOLVED: That the committee looks at the national guidance as provided, for

example, by NALC covering communications.

(5 for, 1 against, 1 abstention)

Councillor J Monaghan offered his expertise to help office staff to update the website.

OS15/006 ITEM 6 - To consider changes to filming council meetings policy, notification from YLCA

RESOLVED: To Receive and Note nem con

Meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.

Signed by the Chair: ......