Writing an Exegesis
Due on the Last Day of Class
Please note: Any papers turned in after the due date will be marked down 10 points for each day it is late. Please print out your paper. There are no exceptions to the due date.
Length: 1,400-1,750 words (not including footnotes, pericope, and bibliography)
Pericope: I Samuel 9:27-10:8 or Judges 11:29-40
General Steps in Bible Exegesis:
- Establish the context of the passage in the biblical book as a whole.
a)Skim your selection and Judges or I Samuel
b)Read the brief introduction found in the commentary section of a study bible
c)Read the material surrounding your passage so that you can place your particular passage into context
- Establish the historical setting or context for the passage.
a)Include the historical period influencing the author
b)When and under what circumstance was this passage written?
- Analyze the Content of the text.
a)Read your pericope verse by verse looking for theologically significant words and phrases
b)Ask yourself: what does this term or phrase mean? What is its significance?
c)Who are the people mentioned in the text?
d)What is their relationship to eachother and to the narrative in general?
- Apply a variety of critical methods to analyze the text in both its content and its context.
a)Literary form or Genre
b)What is the setting in time and space?
c)Stages of development behind the text
d)Compare your pericope to similar ones
e)Is there a reference to other sources in the Hebrew Bible?
- Analyze the text theologically
a)Bring out the major points stressed in the commentaries and other resources used
- Add your own analysis and/or application.
a)Give a clear synopsis of what happens in your passage
The goal of the exegesis is to describe clearly and concisely what the passage says and what it must have meant to its original readers.
Avoid these common mistakes
- Simply reporting what others have said or showing too heavy dependence on secondary sources
- The temptation to stray from the passage itself to some related topic, matters of personal interest, etc.
- Making the exegesis a series of word studies or disconnected verse-by-verse notations.
- Not focusing on the major message of the passage and instead devoting time and space to side issues.
- Sermonizing or moralizing
- Errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
- Procrastination
Resources: Use major commentaries, a concordance, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, topic specific books and journal articles.
1. The Exegesis might follow this outline but the organization is somewhat dependent on the nature of the passage being interpreted.
1. Introduction
a. central focus of the passage
b. how you intend to demonstrate this in the course of the paper
c. the author and background of your gospel
2. A synopsis of your passage
a. context in which this passage occurs
b. what is the overall message
c. how does the author convey this
d. what literary style does the author use – including form and structure
e. discuss the passage section by section
-highlight each sentence/phrase/word and its importance to the passage
-how everything works together to make the central point as you identify it
3. What is the theological meaning of this passage
a. indicate how the passage is related to the overall concerns of the Deuteronomistic History
4. Your conclusion about the passage
a. summarize your findings
b. comment briefly on the implications of the passage for contemporary theology
2. Include a copy of the pericope.
3. Include a bibliography page (Chicago/Turabian)
4. Use footnotes at the BOTTOM of the page (Chicago/Turabian). You must cite biblical verses within the text proper. Even if you did not directly quote the passage, you did refer to it and it needs to be cited.
I’ll be asking…did student do the following?
- Discuss unclear terms/phrases?
- Describe the people mentioned in the text and their relationship to each other and to the narrative in general?
- Discuss the possible author(s), if known of this passage?
- The historical period of the author. When and under what circumstance was this passage written?
- Try to bring out the major points stressed in the commentaries?
- Discuss if the passage is mentioned elsewhere in the OT or in the NT (with citations)?
- Give a clear synopsis of what happens in the passage?
- State the theological significance of the passage? (What was the ancient writer trying to teach his/her audience about God, Jesus or life in general; the lesson/biblical truth?)
- Introduce and conclude the exegesis
- Show mature reflection on the passage and its meaning
Student Name:______
Exegesis Scoring RubricComponents / Proficient (A) / Competent (B) / Marginal (C) / Unacceptable (D)
______ / Insightfully develops a clear thesis, exegetically derived from a biblical text, and demonstrates a strong awareness of purpose. / Develops a thesis derived from a biblical text, and demonstrates an awareness of purpose. / Implies a thesis derived from a biblical text, and demonstrates little awareness of purpose. / May imply a thesis derived from a biblical text, but with little or no awareness of purpose.
Steps of Exegesis
______ / Clearly reflects all of the steps of exegesis. / Clearly reflects most of the steps of exegesis. / Reflects few of the steps of exegesis. / Shows little or no use of the steps of exegesis.
______ / Supports thesis with substantial reference to the biblical text and excellent scholarly secondary literature. / Supports thesis with sufficient reference to the biblical text and appropriate secondary literature. / Supports thesis with some reference to the biblical text and limited secondary literature. / Contains little or no evidence to support ideas.
______ / Organization is logical and coherent, making insightful connections among ideas / Organization is logical and coherent, clearly making connections among ideas / Organization is limited, demonstrating serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas / Organization is so limited that the piece is difficult, if not impossible, to understand
Grammar and Style
______ / Exhibits skillful use of language, appropriate vocabulary, and variety in sentence structure, and is free of most errors in grammar and punctuation. / Exhibits adequate use of language, appropriate vocabulary, and some variety in sentence structure. Shows control of grammar and mechanics but may display some errors. / Use of language is inconsistent, with limited vocabulary and little variety in sentence structure. Repeated errors in grammar and mechanics interfere with the writer’s purpose. / Use of language and vocabulary are limited and demonstrates frequent problems in sentence structure. Errors in grammar and mechanics are so prevalent that the piece is difficult, if not impossible, to understand.
Use of Sources/
______ / Comprehensive citation according to AGST guide for written work. / Adequate and consistent citation of sources. / Inconsistent citation of sources. / Fails to document sources or uses inappropriate sources.