Minutes of IEEE SCC21 Distributed Resources (DR)
P1547.2 Work Group (WG) Meeting of
October 9, 2002 – Held at the Holiday Inn, San Francisco, California
1.0 Executive Summary.
The P1547.2 guide development activities and work group operations were reviewed. A web site was opened for P1547.2 (http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/1547.2/1547.2_index.html), and, its password protected area and a supporting work group list serve for P1547.2 are being finalized. Members will be emailed that information in the coming month. Participants received the P1547.2 Preliminary Working Draft and Resource Document developed by Chair Dick Friedman, and at breakout sessions, members volunteered to contribute draft inputs and comments for consideration – these should be provided to the P1547.2 Secretary and Chair. Attendees signed up to indicate their commitment to contributing to various sections of the P1547.2 draft guide. Additionally, attendees signed up to indicate their potential interest in additional SCC21 DR interconnection activities, e.g., Joseph Debs is a contact point for consideration of an activity such as an Interconnection Guide for Networks; other topics of interest were Guide for Islanding and Anti-Islanding, and Guide for Impacts (Tom Basso will be the initial contact for those). The next meeting of the P1547.2 group will likely take place the week of January 20th, 2003 in Washington, DC.
1.1 Meeting Objectives.
The objectives were to proceed with the organization and activities of the Work Group established to develop IEEE P1547.2, Draft Application Guide For "IEEE Draft Standard 1547 Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Electric Power Systems."
1.2 Meeting Agenda and Meeting Pattern
The meeting agenda proceeded as follows:
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Welcome (Dick DeBlasio); Introductions (Tom Basso)
8:30 a.m. Overview of Application Guide and Meeting Goals (Tom Basso)
Discussion of Guide Scope and Purpose (All)
Review Work Group “Participation” Guidelines (Tom Basso)
IEEE List Server Primer
9:30 a.m. Presentation of Preliminary Working Draft and Resource Document
Overview of Document (Tom Basso)
Group Review and Discussion (All)
10:30 a.m. Review/Discussion of Working Draft and Resource Document (cont.)
1:30 p.m. Review Information Needs
2:15 p.m. Develop Preliminary Schedule and Goals
Research and Writing Assignments
3:30 p.m. Research and Writing Break-Out Meetings
4:45 - 5:00 p.m. Meeting Wrap-Up and Adjourn (Tom Basso)
Meeting attendees are listed in Annex A.
1.3 Future Meetings
The next meeting of the P1547.2 group will likely take place the week of January 20th, 2003 in Washington, DC.
2.0 Opening of Meeting.
The SCC 21 and P1547 Chair, Richard (Dick) DeBlasio welcomed the attendees. Dick discussed the P1547 balloting, the resolution of negative comments and the voting process.
Mr. DeBlasio noted that Joseph Debs is a contact point for a potential Interconnection Guide for Networks. He requested that attendees indicate their interest in working on this Guide and other potential guides (Guide for Islanding and Anti-Islanding, and Guide for Impacts) on the sign-in sheets.
Tom Basso, Secretary then gave a presentation on the development status of the P1547 series of standards and discussed potential future activities that might result in Project Authorization Requests (PARs) or task force papers, and discussed the P1547 ballot results and voting breakouts by categories (Annex B). Finally, he provided contact information for potential SCC 21 Standards development work.
Dick DeBlasio added his thanks to those who voted, noted commonality in negative comments, and discussed the group’s responsibility to move forward. He commented that resolving negatives will require some time-consuming effort, but the process will not cause loss of momentum. In response to a group question about the time frame of IEEE P1547 becoming a standard, Mr. DeBlasio commented that the target is to have IEEE Standards Board approval in March 2003 and soon thereafter an approved (blue cover) document. In closing, Mr. DeBlasio mentioned the FERC ANOPR process and its synergism with the SCC 21 activities.
2.1 Overview of the Meeting
Tom Basso gave an overview of the Meeting agenda and the development of P1547.2 (Annex C). He indicated that while 1547.1 is a Standard in support of P1547, 1547.2 is a Guide. He noted that 1547 was purposely technology neutral and states functional requirements. 1547.2 will not interpret 1547, but will present various ways and examples of how to apply the standard. Mr. Basso noted that the group seeks to complete initial preliminary working draft of the Guide by the Fall of 2003.
Mr. Basso then reviewed Work Group “participation” guidelines, encouraging work group members to actively participate. He noted that members can indicate their areas of particular interest. In the development process, another IEEE List Server will be utilized specific to P1547.2 (see Annex D).
2.2 Presentation of Preliminary Working Draft and Resource Document
Tom Basso provided an overview of P1547.2 Preliminary Working Draft and Resource Document , prepared by Dick Friedman (Annex E) Mr. Basso discussed the sections of the Draft, mentioning again that this document will provide representative examples. He noted that the Draft is a “straw man”, not cast in concrete. At this meeting, attendees will form breakouts to look at the structure and content of the draft and recommend concurrence or suggested changes for consideration.
A comment from the group on the outline indicated that the outline structure and content were good. Suggested additional areas for consideration included microgrids and intentional islanding. In response, Mr. Basso noted that this Guide is geared towards P1547--other standards may focus on special circumstances. Issues such as microgrids might be better covered in an Annex as an example of a P1547 application; intentional islanding is not covered in P1547.
A comment was made that acceptable applications (i.e. when the Standard applies) need to be clearly defined from those that are not, with a series of diagrams and applications. However, a question was asked about determining the difference between providing an example of meeting the standard and making an interpretation of the Standard. Mr. Basso commented that P1547.2 will not make interpretations; under IEEE rules, interpretations are done by IEEE.
Reference Material
Some reference material will be made available to the P1547.2 Work Group (e.g., NRECA Application Guide, IEEE standards information on a limited basis). Tom Basso requested all Work Group participants offer what resource materials they have and advise on its use. Such resources should be identified over the next several months. Mr. Basso noted that material relevant to DR interconnection has been and is being developed by numerous organizations. Some of these organizations are already represented on this Work Group. It is important to note that standards development information submitted to the 1547.2 Work Group will be made available to the Work Group members and should not carry proprietary restrictions. We (IEEE) should be given the proper releases for any restrictions on material used or offered for P1547.2 development.
Guide Organization and Content
Several points were made during the discussion, such as:
· During P1547 development, system impacts have been a topic of discussion. Impacts will not be specifically addressed in P1547.2; however, the treatment of technical requirements may refer to situations where parties may need to have their own agreements regarding system impacts (e.g., voltage regulation).
· Discussion of distribution systems is a critical section.
· Defining the intended audience for the document is an important issue. The preliminary draft may necessarily focus exclusively on interconnection; scope of coverage will be an issue for the Work Group to determine.
2. 3 Group Review and Discussion of Working Draft Resource Document
The discussion focused on the scope of the Application Guide. Some participants asked if the Guide might seek to explain why P1547 requires things to be done in a certain way and describe the background and origin of key issues. It was concluded that this Guide need not identify the detailed background and rationale of the technical requirements within IEEE P1547; predominantly, the Guide will provide alternative approaches to good practice for the P1547 requirements.
Use of the Guide by regulators was discussed. Caution was urged against the mindset that this will be written for regulators. The Guide should focus on the technical issues, guide the reader, explain the requirements (often including the rationale) and then possibly refer to a one-line diagram or supporting material in an Annex as detailed examples.
It was suggested that a glossary of terms would be helpful, especially covering many of the terms included in sections 4.1- 4.8.
3. 0 Research and Writing Break-Out Meetings
The attendees particpated in their choice of one of the three break-out meetings to review different parts of the outline. The break-outs were organized in the following fashion:
1) Breakout 1. Introductory Sections – 3 sections of the outline;
2) Breakout 2. Technical Requirements with Application Guidance – 4 sections of the outline;
3) Breakout 3. Reference, Process and Supporting Material – 3 sections of the outline.
The facilitators for the break-outs were Glenn McGrath of the Resource Dynamics Corporation (RDC), Tom Basso of NREL, and Elizabeth Kime of RDC. Members of each breakout were encouraged to take on section writing assignments and review available resource material with the goal of producing some new material by the next meeting (January 2003). The attendees were provided a handout, P1547.2 Preliminary Working Draft and Resource Document, to spark discussion (Annex E). Following the break-outs, the facilitators reported back to the full P1547.2 Work Group.
3.1 Introductory Sections (Breakout 1)
In preparation for the meeting, Dick Friedman developed an annotated Agenda (Annex F) to spur discussion at the meeting. This document provided an overview of the role and importance of each of the sections within the Application Guide (P1547.2). This overview was distributed to meeting attendees, and included a review of the intent of the 3 introductory sections (Introduction to IEEE P1547, Draft Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems; Overview of distributed resource (DR) technologies; and, Discussion of distribution systems). Each of these sections is addressed below.
Section 1 (Introduction to P1547) of the outline introduces P1547, and the break-out meeting needs to focus on what we need to say about IEEE 1547--what it does and what it doesn’t do. The section needs to highlight the importance and need for the “family” of interconnection standards (of which 1547.2 is a key element). Section 2 guidance: How much is needed on the DR technologies? Drawing from IEEE 1001 to some extent, and providing basic understanding of DR options. More needed on interconnection hardware and software technology? Section 2.3, Protection and Coordination, intended as overview of what types of capabilities are included (as base or option) in DR package. Section 3: This is potentially one of the more critical sections in the document. It is here that the Area EPS operators have an opportunity to explain and describe how they design, engineer, operate and maintain their distribution systems. The utility protection and coordination schemes need to be addressed, along with appropriate schematics and examples. System impacts may be addressed to some degree here.
Attendees included Glenn McGrath (facilitator), Andy Garsils, Frank Lambert, Bill Steeley, Ray Hudson, Andrew Skok, Rob Wills, Joe Galdo, Wayne Stec and Ed Quiroz. Suggested changes to the draft document outline follow. A new section on interconnection systems was suggested, as well as an expansion of the section on protection and coordination. Other suggestions included a discussion of microgrids and intentional islanding. Preliminary volunteers to contribute draft information follow:
Introduction to IEEE P1547 - Joe Galdo
Overhead distribution systems - Bill Steeley
Underground distribution systems - Andy Garsils
Other considerations - Rob Wills, Ed Quiroz
Protection & coordination - Wayne Stec
SCADA - Rob Wills
Transformer connections - Andy Garsils, Bill Steeley
Interconnection Systems - Joe Galdo, Dick Friedman
This information will be considered in relation to the overall outline as refined.
3.2 Technical Requirements and Application Guidance (Breakout 2)
The annotated Agenda also addressed the technical requirements of P1547. These sections are the foundation of the Application Guide. “Sample content” has been included on 3 important topics – voltage regulation, isolation device and islanding. The break-out attendees were asked to view the sample content as a starting point, recognizing the need to make the Guide very “hands on”, with the addition of graphics and examples. They should determine if the level of detail is appropriate or not. The intended audience for the Guide should be reviewed – engineers, business people, inspectors, others? The view of the audience will dictate the kind of information that is included..
These breakout attendees divided themselves into 3 sections. Each section presented their findings. The first two breakouts provided written reports to the Secretary of the P1547.2 Work Group and their reports are summarized below. The report of the third breakout (Networks) will be made available as soon as it is received by the Secretary. The reports received to date are summarized below.
Grounding, Faults, Reclosing Coordination, Voltage and Frequency (P1547 sections 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, and 4.2.4)
Attendees included Simon Wall (reporter), Mike Bui, Daniel Goodrich, Mike Doyle, Jim Lemke, Gerry Burke and Mohammad Vaziri. These sections were not included in the October 2nd preliminary draft. The attendees intend to discuss these sections and the overall outline via e-mail. Reference material will also be reviewed.
Voltage Regulation and Power Quality (P1547 sections 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.7, 4.2.5, 4.2.6 and 4.3)
Attendees included Tom Basso, Gerald Johnson, Mickey Pitt, Randy West, Bob Saint, Jason Lin, Steve Chalmers, Kevin Loving and Steve Early. The attendees indicated that one or more of the participants would draft a preliminary section for each of the topics. The NRECA Guide will be used as a starting point, and previous versions of P1547 would be reviewed for relevant material. Other reference materials would also be used (see Annex C). Initial drafts of selected sections would be targeted for completion by early December.
Preliminary volunteers to contribute draft information:
Voltage Regulation - Kevin Loving, Steve Early, Jason Lin
Synchronization - Gerald Johnson, Jason Lin
Inadvertent Energization of the Area EPS - Gerald Johnson, Jason Lin
Isolation Device - Jason Lin
Loss of Synchronization - Mickey Pitt