Maus Tic-Tac-Toe

Your Task:

During our study of Maus, you will be asked to explore the themes of the story through various types of media and writing. Complete the assignments to make a horizontal or diagonal line.

Book Review
In a well-developed paragraph, write a review of Maus. Your review should contain more than personal opinion about the quality of the book, but also examine themes of the book and how they are explored through character, setting, plot, symbolism, and conflict (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words) / All
Chapter Questions Complete / Collage
Using pictures from the internet or any other appropriate source, create a collage of images that represent a theme of the book. In a short paragraph, explain the theme of your collage and how you expressed it. (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words)
Paragraph Response
In a well-developed paragraph, explain one source of personal conflict from the text, and explain how it demonstrates the author’s message about conflict. (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words) / All
Chapter Questions Complete / Video Clip
Using the computers, complete a 30 second video clip that explains the Holocaust. In a short paragraph, explain the theme of your clip and how your pictures and music demonstrate your theme. (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words)
In proper report format, write an article explaining what the Holocaust is, how it affected the people involved at the time, and why it remains important to study the impact of the Holocaust today. (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words) / All
Chapter Questions Complete / Propaganda Poster
Create a propaganda poster in the style of German propaganda during the 1930s. In a short paragraph, explain the purpose of your poster and the effect it may have had on the actions and beliefs of the German people. (Max. 1 page typed, 150-250 words)
Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 / Insufficient / Absent
20 16.8 / 15.6 14.5 / 13.6 12.4 / 11.6 10.4 / 8 6 / 0
Knowledge and Understanding
(Reading 1.3; 2.1) / identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts with thorough effectiveness
identify a variety of characteristics of informational, literary, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning with thorough effectiveness / identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts with considerable effectiveness
identify a variety of characteristics of informational, literary, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning with considerable effectiveness / identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts with some effectiveness
identify a variety of characteristics of informational, literary, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning with some effectiveness / identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts with limited effectiveness
identify a variety of characteristics of informational, literary, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning with limited effectiveness / Does not identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts effectively
Does not identify a variety of characteristics of informational, literary, and graphic text forms and explain how they help communicate meaning effectively / ____
20 16.8 / 15.6 14.5 / 13.6 12.4 / 11.6 10.4 / 8 6 / 0
Thinking and Inquiry
(Reading 1.6; Media 3.3) / analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, and themes they explore, and methods of developing these concepts with thorough effectiveness
explain how form and development of media texts will help communicate a specific aspect of their intended meaning with thorough effectiveness / analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, and themes they explore, and methods of developing these concepts with considerable effectiveness
explain how form and development of media texts will help communicate a specific aspect of their intended meaning with considerable effectiveness / analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, and themes they explore, and methods of developing these concepts with some effectiveness
explain how form and development of media texts will help communicate a specific aspect of their intended meaning with some effectiveness / analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, and themes they explore, and methods of developing these concepts with limited effectiveness
explain how form and development of media texts will help communicate a specific aspect of their intended meaning with limited effectiveness / Does not analyse texts in terms of the information, ideas, issues, and themes they explore, and methods of developing these concepts effectively
Does not explain how form and development of media texts will help communicate a specific aspect of their intended meaning effectively / ____
20 16.8 / 15.6 14.5 / 13.6 12.4 / 11.6 10.4 / 8 6 / 0
(Writing 1.4; 3.4) / identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks with thorough effectiveness
use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning with thorough effectiveness / identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks with considerable effectiveness
use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning with considerable effectiveness / identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks with some effectiveness
use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning with some effectiveness / identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks with limited effectiveness
use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning with limited effectiveness / Does not identify, sort, and order main ideas and supporting details for writing tasks effectively
Does not use grammar conventions correctly and appropriately to communicate their intended meaning effectively / ____
20 16.8 / 15.6 14.5 / 13.6 12.4 / 11.6 10.4 / 8 6 / 0
(Media 3.4; Reading 1.5) / produce media texts, including increasingly complex texts, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques with thorough effectiveness
extend understanding of texts, by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them with thorough effectiveness. / produce media texts, including increasingly complex texts, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques with considerable effectiveness
extend understanding of texts, by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them with considerable effectiveness / produce media texts, including increasingly complex texts, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques with some effectiveness
extend understanding of texts, by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them with some effectiveness / produce media texts, including increasingly complex texts, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques with limited effectiveness
extend understanding of texts, by making appropriate and increasingly rich connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them with limited effectiveness / Does not produce media texts, including increasingly complex texts, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques effectively
Does not extend understanding of texts effectively / ____