Army ROTC Lab Schedule (Thurs 1500-1650)
Spring 2010 Semester

Lab 13. 21 Jan: Records Check, Counseling, Issue and Social

Lab 14. 28 Jan: First Aid Training I

Lab 15. 04 Feb: I.M.T./Squad Movement

Lab 16. 11 Feb: React to Contact/Recon Battle Drills

Lab 17. 18 Feb: Ambush Battle Drills

Lab 18. 25 Feb: Conduct PCC / PCI

BN FTX. 26-27 Feb: NAS-K (APFT, Patrol Base Ops,

Land Nav, Battle Drills)

Lab 19. 04 Mar: Platoon Movement

Lab 20. 11 Mar: Platoon Tactics

Lab 21. 18 Mar: NO LAB

Lab 22. 25 Mar: Land Nav IV (Orienteering/Written)

Lab 23. 01 Apr: Land Nav Practical

Lab 24. 08 Apr: Conduct PCC/PCI

Lab 25 15 Apr: First Aid Training II

Lab 26. 22 Apr: OPORD/Sand Table/Terrain Models

Lab 27. 29 Apr: CWST

Lab 28. 06 May: Social/Award Ceremony

Jav BN. 07 May: Military Ball - Location/Time – TBD

Lab 29 13 May: Equipment Turn in