Physiology 1 – Introduction to Human Physiology

FALL 2016 - Los Angeles City College

Instructor: Victor Arai O.D.

Sections: 3508 T 3:30 to 6:40 SCI 114

Th 3:30 to 6:40 SCI 114

Office Phone: 323-953-4000 x 1791 E-mail:

Office Location: SCI 222


LACC Web Address:

Instructor Website:

Prerequisites: ANATOMY 1 Advisory English 21

Physiology 1 is an intensive lecture and laboratory course that focuses on the function of organ systems of the human body. The lectures correspond closely with weekly laboratories allowing the student several modalities to learn the fundamental concepts of physiology including: homeostasis, membrane transport, and the function of muscle, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems. Standard laboratories and computer-assisted laboratories enhance the study of this interesting subject matter.


1. To learn the fundamental concepts of human physiology for advancement to allied health programs and bachelor degree programs at the university level.

2. To understand basic laboratory aspects of human body function working individually and in small groups, as will be expected in future course work and/or professional endeavors.

3. To learn to organize, process, and think critically about complex scientific processes in such a way as to become an independent learner, able to continue to grow as a student of science.

Upon successful completion of Physiology 1, the studentswill be able to demonstrate competence in thefollowing Student Learning Outcome:

Integrating salient concepts such as human organ body system function and homeostasis with specific disease pathology, the student will research and write a comprehensive paper on the pathophysiology of a human disease.

Note: Students with a verified disability who may need a reasonable accommodation (s) for the class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Office of Special Services (CH 109, (323) 953-4000 ext. 2270) as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential.



Human Anatomy & Physiology, Elaine Marieb (9th Edition, 2013)

A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology, Stuart Fox (14th Edition, 2011)


Laboratory Quizzes (12) X 15 = 135) total points; 1 lowest dropped)

A total of 12 laboratory quizzes will be administered during the semester. Each quiz will start at the beginning of lab class and will take approximately twenty minutes. Quizzes will emphasize all reading assignments and material covered in previous laboratory meetings. The quizzes are intended to stress the importance of reading the assigned material in the text before coming into the laboratory and staying up with the material. Each quiz will be worth 15 points. At the end of the semester, the lowest quiz scores will be dropped for emergency absences. Quizzes cannot be made up.

Research Paper (50 points)

Students will be required to research and write a paper on a topic related to a human disease of interest to him/her. The paper is to be a minimum of five pages double-spaced and typed. The objectives and guidelines will be discussed in class. A rubric is available online. You MUST cite all sources using a reference page and using IN-TEXT citations! You must also attach copies of your 3 main references to the paper!

Deadlines will be:

5th week Topic Selection Submitted in Writing

10th week Reference page with at least 3 sources

14th week Final Research Paper due

Midterm Examinations (4 or5 X 100 = 400 or 500points)

There will be 4 or 5 midterm examinations. Examinations will cover material presented in lecture and in the lecture note book. No make-up examinations will be given. The lowest midterm score will be dropped in case of emergency absence. Each student should purchase Scantron Answer Sheets for the Midterms, and Final Exam.

Final Examination (130 points)

The Final Examination will be given as follows:

Sect 3508 see Finals schedule

It will cover all material covered in the course. No make-up Final Exam will be given. Therefore, schedule all future personal, family, and vacation plans accordingly.

The total number of points and percentage of final grade follows:

Evaluation Number X Points Total

Quizzes 11 or 12 15 165

Term Paper 1 50 50

Midterms 5 100 drop one 400

Final Exam 1 130 130


* = Lowest score dropped

Tentative Grading Scale

Point Total Percentage Letter Grade

765 - 689 100 - 90 A

688 - 604 89 - 80 B

603 - 535 79 - 70 C

536 – 459 69 - 60 D

458 - lower 59 - lower F


My office hours T 2:30 to 3:30 Th 2:30 to 3:30 In addition, appointments to meet at other times may be arranged.


· Read the textbook prior to attending the lecture! (1) Read text (2) attend lecture (3) study the text and lecture notes. I cannot learn the material for you. But I can sure help make sense of it all.

· Come to class prepared! This cannot be overemphasized. It is essential for you to read the textbook prior to lectures and the laboratories prior to the labs. Lectures are intended to assist you in organizing and understanding material that can be detailed and complex. Becoming familiar with the vocabulary and the concepts will make the lectures much more interesting and instructional. Reading the laboratories prior to entering the lab is a must! Laboratory time is limited and everyone must know what is to be accomplished.

· Do not fall behind! This is a fast-paced course that covers a lot of material in less than 30 class meetings. Seek help before you begin to get in trouble. I am here to help you learn.

· Work together! This is not a correspondence course. We get together twice each week and in the laboratory

so that classmates and lab partners can assist one another in learning physiology. Come to class prepared to learn and seek the assistance of others during labs. Read all labs prior to attendance!

· Ask Questions! There is no such thing as a stupid question. Chances are, if you do not understand something, 80% of the class is sitting there as ignorant as you and is waiting for someone to ask. We have all been confused at some point, so speak up.

· PLEASE BE POLITE and turn OFF your cell phone or put it in silent/discrete mode!

· There is NO EATING OR DRINKING in the LECTURE or the LAB rooms

·  You are expected to attend both the lecture and laboratory hours.

If you miss more than a total of six hours of lecture and laboratory,

you are subject to dismissal from the class.


1 Class Intro; Safety, Microscopy & Metrics 1.1and 1.3

2 Colorimetry* 2.1

3 Thin Layer Chromatography & Electrophoresis 4.2, (2.2), & 2.3

4 Diffusion,Osmosis,Tonicity* 2.6

5Genetics of Metabolism & Blood, Heredity Patterns* 2.5, 6.3, and 11.3

6 Reflex Arc & Sensory Physiology 3.3-3.6

7Muscle Physiology&theFrogHeart* 5.1-5.3 & 7.1

8 ECG, Blood Pressure & Heart Sounds* 7.2, 7.3, 7.5- 7.7

9 Hemoglobin & Oxygen Transport 6.1

10 Differential White Blood Cell Count & Immunit 6.2

11 Pulmonary Function; Spirometry* 8.1

12 Exercise & Lung Function; Acid/Base Balance* 8.2 & 8.4

13 Renal Function and Urinalysis* 9.1, 9.2, & 9.3

14 Digestion and Enzymes* 10.1 & 10.2

15 Endocrinology & Reproduction* 4.1 & 11.2

LAB schedule may change.


If you need help paying for books and other college expenses,

call the Financial Aid Office at

(323) 953-4000 extension 2010,

or see them at Student Services Village room 117

The deadline to drop without a “W” is the last day of Week 2 (of the semester), which is Sunday, Sep 11 2016 for the Fall 2016 semester. If you must drop a course, drop before the specified deadline for dropping a class without a grade of "W." Dropping after Week 2 will result in a “W” on your transcript. Effective since July 1, 2012 students now have just 3 attempts to pass a class. If a student gets a "W" or grade of "D", "F", “I”, or "NP" in a class, that will count as an attempt. A student’s past record of course attempts district wide will also be considered. Therefore, before the end of Week 2 you should carefully consider if you can reasonably manage this course with the other factors in your life (e.g. work, family, course load). If you think you will not be able to complete this course with a C or better, drop by September 14, 2014. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to me. You may also see a counselor in the Counseling Center in AD 108.

Classroom Rules of Conduct—i.e. Academic Dishonesty, Board Rule 9803.28

Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one's identity for the purpose of enhancing one's grade.

The Sheriff’s Department is located on campus. Their number is 323-662-5276. It would be a good idea to program this number into your cell phone. From a campus phone you can press #3 to reach them. In case of an emergency in which you need police assistance call them and not 911. Doing so may direct your call to another enforcement agency. They in turn will require time to determine that they need to forward it to our Sheriff’s Department, and precious time will be lost.

Accommodations for OSS Students

1)If you have averifieddisabilityand need reasonable accommodation(s) for this class, notify the

teacher immediately and contact the Office of Special Services (ext: 2270). All information will remain confidential.

For Your Information

1)Effective July 1, 2012students will only have 3 attempts to pass a class. If a student gets a "W" or grade of "D", "F", “I”, or "NP" in a class, that will count as an attempt.A student’s past record of course attempts district wide will also be considered.If you think you will not be able to complete this course with a C or better, drop the class by the due date (see “Important Dates”)

Financial Aid

At Los Angeles City College, we believe that the cost of education should not prevent a person from attending college. Education is the single most important investment a person will make in a lifetime. If you would like information about financial aid, call (323) 953-4000 ext. 2010 or 2025 or go to

Life Skills Center

The Life Skills Center (LSC) provides mental health counseling and related psychological services for LACC students, faculty, and staff. The LSC goal is to enable LACC students to adapt positively to personal, family, and environmental challenges as well as pressures that can interfere with the ability to succeed academically and personally. Appointments with the LSC can be made via phone (323) 953-4000, extension 2274.

Fall 2016: August 29, 2016 to December 18, 2016
The dates below apply only to regular 16-week classes.For deadlines for short-term or late-start classes, please contact
the Admissions and Records Office.
First Day of Classes / Mon, Aug 29, 2016
Last Day to Drop for Refund: / Sun, Sept 11, 2016
Last Day to Drop without Fee & without a “W”: / Sun, Sept 11, 2016
Last Day to Add Classes: / Mon, Sept 12, 2016
Census Date / Mon. Sept 12, 2016
Last Day to File Pass/No Pass / Fri, Sept 30, 2016
Last Day to Drop with a “W”: / Sun, Nov 20, 2016
Final Exams: / Mon, Dec 12, 2016 to Sun, Dec 18, 2016
Grades Due: / Tuesday, Dec 27, 2016
Holidays/Campus Closed:
Labor Day Holiday / Mon, Sept 5, 2016
Veterans’ Day Holiday / Fri, Nov 11, 2016
Thanksgiving Holiday & Non-Instruction / Thurs, Nov 24 to Sun, Nov 27,