Topics for Phd students (Postdoctoral and staff exchange) offered by Tadulako University
Important Note:
- If you are interested to our topics, and would like to establish a contact, it is kindly suggested to CC your email to Aiyen()
- English proficiency: both good in written and oral form, a level of C1, or between C1-B2 is needed
Topic / Description / Faculty / Contact Person
Plant pest and diseases /
- Cacao pod borer (Cacao pest and diseases)
- Exploration and testing of biocontrol agents to combat cacao pest and diseases
- Role of fungi and bacteria in plant health
- Role of Pollinators
- Insects diversity and their ecosystem roles at the cacao plantation
Biotechnology /
1.Plant breeding
2.Tissue culture
3.Plant Polymorphsm
4.Plant specific protein localization
6.Stress responses in Plant Cell
/ Agriculture Facultyand Math and Natural Sciences Faculty / Prof. Dr.ZainuddinBasri
Dr. INengahSuwastika
Mycorrhiza /
- Role of Mycorrhiza in supporting plant growth at abiotic and biotic stress and non stress conditions
- Role of Mycorrhiza related to nutrition status of plants
- Role of mycorrhiza in in existing and sustainability of tree diversity in the forest.
Soil-Plant transfer /
- Role of macro and micro nutrition in plant growth and health
- Role of Rhizosphere on nutrition uptake
- Soil organic and in organic amendment and plant growth
- Bioeffector (Bacteria and fungi) and role in plant development
- Nutrients decomposition rate (waste management)
- Carbon sequestration and budgeting
Dr. Henry N. Barus
Specific Metal Uptake /
- Studying metal hyperaccumulating plants (in particular Ni, Cd, Al, and metalloid such as Hg)
- Nickel phytomining
Soil physics / Permeability and soil stability / Agriculture Faculty / Dr.UswahHasanah
Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation /
- Aquaculture
- Indigenous fishes
- Aquatic Biodiversity of Sulawesi/ Walacea Area
- Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity
- Invasif Species in Ancient Lakes
- Plankton of Ancient Lakes and of Tropical Waters
Dr. Jusri Nilawati
Coral / Coral and Marine research / Animal husbandry and fisheries faculty / James Walalangi MSc.
Dr. Jusri Nilawati
Agro-forestry /
- Cacao Agroforestry
- Role of Agroforestry and income
- Forest economy
Forestry /
- Forest management
- Forest development
Climate Change /
- Agricultural Land Supply, Marginal Productivity, and Adaptation to Climate Change
- REDD topics
Dr. Abdul Rauf
Biodiversity /
- Study on Central Sulawesi Plants Collections
- Identification of plants