RSI-HTPD Latex Template for use with Revtex4.1 and the AIP Substyle

This template will provide you with the basic outline that you will need to create a properly

formatted article for submission to the 22nd Topical Conference High Temperature Plasma

Diagnostics. Please note that the template provides an estimate of the final product, not a precise replica. Contributed articles are limited to five (5) pages, while invited articles are limited to nine (9) pages.

If you have any questions while using this template, please contact the PXP Help Desk.

(Please include your files if possible.)


The template begins with the documentclass declaration.

\documentclass[aip,rsi,reprint,graphicx]{revtex4-1} % for checking your page length

The reprint option will produce a two-column output. THIS FORMAT OPTION IS REQUIRED



Next is the title block.

\title{} %Title of your paper

\thanks{Contributed paper published as part of the Proceedings of the 22nd Topical Conference

on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, San Diego, California, April, 2018.\\}

% If your paper is a contributed paper or

\thanks{Invited paper published as part of the Proceedings of the 22nd Topical Conference on

High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, San Diego, California, April, 2018.\\}

% if your paper is an invited paper

Please place the title of your manuscript between the French brackets.

This will add the required footnote to your manuscript. Please include only one footnote.


The author information is next. There are many options that can be included in your author block.


%\email[]{Your e-mail address}

%\homepage[]{Your web page}




If multiple authors share the same affiliation please list all authors first, then the affiliation.

Use altaffiliation for those authors with multiple affiliations.


Enter your abstract information.


% insert abstract here



To create sections in your manuscript you will need to repeat the following for each section.






\section{Part 1}


\subsection{Sub Topic A}

\subsection{Sub Topic B}

\subsubsection{Sub Sub Topic Q}

\section{Part 2}


You only will need to add the sections or subsections you require, comment out the rest.


Figures, just like equations and tables, may be placed anywhere in the flow of your document.

Our peer review system supports the submission of figures in TIF, PDF, PS, and EPS formats.

ONLY EPS figures will be displayed inline in your latex compiled PDF.

If you are submitting figures in a format other than EPS please comment out your "\includegraphics"


Please make certain you are not using nested directory names to find your figures.






This is pointing to a directory on your local computer and that figure will not be found on our servers.


Please make use of the tables coded as below.


\caption{\label{} }





When creating your bibliography you should run the bibtex file on your local computer first.

This will generate a BBL file.

Please copy the contents of this file into your main latex document, replacing the "\bibliography"


This will allow all of your references to be found by our latex servers.

% Create the reference section using BibTeX:


% Run this once to generate your BBL file. Then copy the contents of your BBL file into your

main latex file, commenting out "\bibliography"


If you have any questions please submit a help request with the PXP Help Desk.