Trinity Bioactives conducts independent scientific tests to identify and support the development and marketing of products with health benefits derived from natural products. We reduce the time it takes to develop a new product by using a readily available range of assays and models to characterize the biological activities. We work to identify actives and confirm efficacy of human and animal nutraceuticals.

Trinity has more than 150 operational in vitro and in vivo tests and models. These are used to investigate bioactivities and bioavailability associated with a wide range of natural products, compounds, preparations, extracts and developed products.


Our approach is to customize our tests to your particular needs. We will work with you to establish your requirements.

✔We work with you to clarify your study objectives

✔We develop a study plan for you to sign off

✔We advise you of results as the study progresses

✔ We modify the research program if initial results suggest a better approach and you approve

✔We arrange collection of samples

✔ We produce a report describing and interpreting the study outcomes

Our testing and protocols can help advance your product by:

1)Working with you to confirm or identify product health benefits - for example , by investigating a range of possible health benefits for a specific remedy or product using a range of in vitro bioassays

2) Assisting you to develop new products by determining the effects of formulations on indicators of targeted health conditions, e.g. skin collagens and elastin to indicate skin benefits

3)Conducting scientific tests to support product safety, regulatory and market requirements, and confirm bioavailability

Trinity Bioactives Ltd. Bioassays and Models

Trinity has more than 150 operational in vitro and in vivo tests and models that are used to investigate bioactivities and bioavailability associated with a wide range of natural products, compounds, preparations, extracts and developed products. Our approach is to customize our tests to your particular needs.

Condition / In Vitro / In Vivo
Angiogenesis / 1. Rat aortic ring / 1. Rat mesenteric window
2. Human umbilical venule/ arteriole
3. Macula/retina
4. Sclera
5. Choroid
Obesity / 1. Primary adipocytes / 1. Zucker obese rat
2. Primary hepatocytes / 2. High fat diet (mouse & rat)
3. Hormones, modulators / 3. Metabolic syndrome rodent models
Anti-inflammation / 1. Neutrophils
2. Primary monocytes
3. Primary macrophages
Diabetes / 1. Culture of pancreatic islets / 1. ZDF Rats
2. Glucose uptake by skeletal muscle / 2. Streptozotocin rats
3. Glucose uptake by adipocytes
4. Glucose uptake by hepatocytes
Cancer / 1. Melanoma (mouse & human) / 1. Melanoma (mouse & human)
2. Colon / 2. Colon
3. Brain / 3. Brain
4. Lung / 4. Lung
5. Breast / 5. Breast
6. Prostate / 6. Prostate
7. Phaechromocytoma / 7. Phaechromocytoma
8. Basal cell carcinoma / 8. Basal cell carcinoma
9. Squamous cell carcinoma / 9. Squamous cell carcinoma
10 Chemical induced colon (rat)
Thrombosis / 1. Thrombolysis / 1. Platelet function
2. Clotting
Joint Conditions / 1. Chondrocyte cultures / 1. Acute joint inflammation
2. Synoviocyte cultures / 2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Osteoarthritis
Liver Function / 1. Hepatocyte cultures / 1. Liver function
2. Liver metabolism / 2. Fibrosis & Sclerosis
3, Liver metabolism
4. Toxicology
Hypertension / 1. ANG Recptors / 1. SHR Rats
2. ACE Inhibition
Condition / In Vitro / In Vivo
Extracellular matrix / 1. Collagen genetic variants / 1. Fibrosis models
2. Collagen synthesis / 2. 2. Extracellular matrix
3. Collagen degradation / 3. Collagen composition and metabolism
4. Elastin metabolism / 4. Elastin composition and metabolism
5. Elastin degradation / 5. Glycosaminoglycan, proteoglycan composition and metabolism
6. Basement membrane
7. Glycosaminoglycans
8. Proteoglycans
9. Fibroblast cultures
10. Smooth muscle cell cultures
Oxidative stress / 1. Total anti-oxidative capacity / 1. Total anti-oxidative capacity (serum)
2. Measurement of reactive oxygen / 2. Measurement of reactive oxygen
3. Assay of oxidative metabolism / 3. Assay of oxidative metabolism
4. Lipid oxidation / 4. Lipid oxidation
5. Protein oxidation / 5. Protein oxidation
6. Oxidation enzymes / 6. Oxidation enzymes
7. Anti-oxidative effects
Amino Acid Analysis / 1. Protein analysis
2. Collagen and elastin analyses
3. Serum amino acids
Dermatology / 1. Skin fibroblast cultures
2. Skin keratinocyte cultures
3. Metabolism of skin cells
4. Stressed skin cells (UV radiation , oxidation)
5. Mast cells
6. Skin transport
7. Skin absorption
8. Metabolism of skin tissue
9. Stressed skin tissue (UV radiation , oxidation)
10. Skin inflammation
11. Skin allergic reaction
12. Atopic dermatitis
13. Skin tanning
14. Skin whitening
Condition / In Vitro / In Vivo
Allergy / 1. Mast cell cultures
2. Histamine production
Immune reactivity / 1. T cell proliferation / 1. Spleen immune cells
2. T cell metabolism / 2. Peyers patches cells
3. NK cells / 3. Immunoglobulins
4. T reg cells
5. B cells
Ocular conditions / 1. Macula angiogenesis
2. Retinal angiogenesis
3. Choroid angiogenesis
4. Sclera angiogenesis
Gastroenterology / 1. Gut transport / 1. Inflammatory bowel disease
2. Smooth muscle contraction/relaxation / 2. Bioavailability
Cardiovascular / 1. Serum lipids
2. High-Cholesterol diets
3. Metabolic Syndrome models
Alzheimers disease / 1, Apoptosis
2. Amyloid plaques
3. PC-12 cells
4. Foetal hippocampus cultures
Wound healing / 1. Fibroblast wounds / 1. Excisional wounds (Healthy rats)
2. Angiogenesis / 2. Excisional wounds (Diabetic rats)
3. Delayed wound healing
4. Flaps
5. 'Scaffolds' for wounds
Foetal development / 1. Mating
2. Conception
3. Pregnancy and gestation
4. Delivery
5. Anatomy
Microbial Assays / 1. Bacterial cultures
2. Viral cultures
3. Fungal cultures
4. Anti-infectives
5. Antiseptics
Safety & Toxicity / 1. Cytotoxicity / 1. Sub-chronic
2. Chronic
3. Acute
4. Specific systems (eg neuro, renal etc)
5. Reproductive