I.Job Title: Executive Director

II.Formal Organizational Relationships

The Executive Director is responsible to CREC Board of Directors.

Responsible to the Executive Director are:

Assistant Executive Director

Chief Financial Officer

Director of Human Resources

Director of Quality Assurance, Program Development and Student Services

Director of Communications

Executive Assistant

III.Statement of Job Purpose

  • Provide executive leadership to enable CREC to meet its stated purpose:

The primary purpose of the Council shall be to consider problems, opportunities and programs affecting public school education and to assist the various school systems within the Capitol Region in a cooperative effort to improve the quality of public education. In addition, the Council may consider and give assistance with respect to any other educational matter within the Capitol Region.

  • The Executive Director of CREC is the chief executive officer of a complex organization leading a broad program of educational activities which require continuous planning, evaluating and reorganizing. A familiarity with the problems indigenous to the CREC area is necessary for effective administration of this program.

IV.Statement of Job Responsibilities

The Executive Director will:

  • recommend policy to the CREC Board of Directors;
  • implement policy established by the Board of Directors in the areas of:

- Program development, operation and evaluation

- Personnel management

- Fiscal management

  • assist Council to set the organizational goals and benchmarks;
  • lead CREC to meet the Council’s goals;

- design and implement appropriate activities

- secure necessary resources

- report progress to the Council

  • exercise leadership in the organization and in the region and State;
  • communicate the purpose, positions and programs of CREC;

- maintain liaison between CREC and significant others

- use all available media

- be visible




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  • seek, secure and coordinate funding to maintain a strong financial position for CREC;
  • hire, deploy, direct, supervise, evaluate and recognize staff;
  • meet all Federal, State and local requirements of CREC and
  • fulfill charges appropriately assigned by the Board of Directors.

V.Additional Responsibilities Required for Incumbent if not Part of Basic Job Responsibilities (Council may add to this section at any time, but particularly at time of transition.)

VI.Extent and Limits of Decision-Making Authority

Extent:The flexibility of the organization permits reasonable latitude in programs and complete latitude within fiscal and personnel policies and contracts.

Limits:Expectations of individual LEAs;

The need to have some similarity to LEAs to facilitate their understanding;

The Council sets organizational directions and acts on recommendations; An individual LEA can unilaterally withdraw support;

Federal and State law, regulations, guidelines.

VII.Qualifications for Job


A. MinimalAdministrative – 3 yearsAs defined by eligibility

organizationalfor Connecticut

fiscalSuperintendent of Schools


Development of program/


B. PreferredTotal responsibility withEducational Degree in

accountability for anAdministration;

educational endeavorPlus: MB/JD

C. ContinuingParticipation in statewide On-going inservice

organizations withparticipation

leadership service in
