Dear Second Grade Parent(s):
Starting this week, your second grader will have to write one sentence for each of the vocabulary words. This assignment will be written on Tuesday’s gold sheet and will be due on Friday. Notebook paper will be sent home for these sentences. If your child wants to get them done early, that is fine. I will have a basket set up in my room to turn them in when completed. It will be the second grader’s job to turn them in. I will not be monitoring the sentences until they are due on Friday. Keep in mind, that there will not be any extra days for students to make up the work. They are due Friday!!! Students who do not turn in these sentences will receive a 0 with no opportunity to make it up! If absent, they are due on Monday!!!!
THESE SENTENCES ARE FOR A WEEKLY READING GRADE. Parents can help, but please, don’t think of the sentences for your child. He/She should come up with them. You can help with the rest.
HANDWRITING: Please monitor your child’s handwriting. I will not accept handwriting that is all over the place and messy. We have been discussing handwriting a lot in class. Tall letters should be tall, short letters should be short, and low letters should hang down below.
Sentences RULES:
- Sentences must be about the story, Babu’s Song.
DO NOT JUST COPY THE VOCABULARY WORD SENTENCES FROM THE BOOK, OR JUST CHANGE A WORD OR TWO. MAKE YOUR OWN!!!! I do check for this! Vocabulary words must be spelled correctly. Use the book!
- Sentences must have capital letters, spacing, and end marks.
- Sentences must have 5 or more words. No less! Can have more You can only use one vocabulary word per sentence.
- Sentences must contain a good subject. Do not begin with I, He, She, We, They, Our, etc. We have been studying subjects in grammar. Use the character names!!!! They must be spelled correctly. Use the book! Make sure sentences are not all starting with the same character name.
These sentence directions will apply to each week’s vocabulary sentence homework.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Carol Hosek