Event # 2010088305 and 2010088306
SINCE 1963
(Licensed by the American Kennel Club)
Show hours: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm - unbenched
Building will be available to exhibitors from 4 - 7 pm on Friday.
Building opens at 7 am on the 12th.
ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Armada Fair Grounds 74280 Fair St. Armada MI
First entry of a dog in conformation or obedience - $22.00. Additional entry of the same dog - $18.00.
First Rally entry is $22.00, second rally entry is $18.00.
Puppy classes (6-9 mos and 9-12 mos) - $18.00. Bred-by-Exhibitor Class - $18.00
Veterans (Breed or Obedience) - $14.00. Junior Showmanship – FREE!
Brace (Obedience) - $14.00 as a unit. Parade of Titlists - $10.00.
Sweepstakes – FREE! but the dog MUST be entered in a regular class.
Note: If a bitch entered in the Obedience Classes comes in season after the Trial's closing date, the entry fee, less $5.00 will be refunded. To be eligible for a refund, a statement from a veterinarian must be presented to the Show Secretary before 10:00 am on the day of the show. Move ups in obedience or rally will be accepted, but must be presented to the Show Secretary before the first class of that event.
TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, AND UNSIGNED ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. Entries not on official AKC entry forms and photocopies of entry forms without the agreement and rules on the reverse side of Official AKC entry forms are not acceptable.
NO ENTRY shall be made and no entry shall be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance.
ENTRY FEES SHALL NOT BE REFUNDED in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by a Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of the show committee. If because of riots, civil disturbance or other acts beyond the control of the management, it is impossible to open or complete the show, no refund of entry will be made.
Fees include the $3.00 AKC EVENT SERVICE FEE AND A RECORDING FEE of $.50 on the first entry of a dog and a $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee for each additional entry of the same dog in the regular and non-regular recordable single entry classes, or the $3.00 AKC Event Service Fee on each entry of a dog in Rally. (There is no recording fee or event service fee for sweepstakes, futurities, brace/team, multi-dog classes or special attractions.) These fees are to be collected by the Show-giving club and paid to the American Kennel Club. (AKC Rule, Chapter 11, Section 2).
THE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER DETROIT, INC. assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, or any of their dogs or property. SSCGD further assumes no responsibility for injury to children. PARENTS & GUARDIANS MUST KEEP THEIR CHILDREN UNDER CONTROL ON THE SHOW GROUNDS.The welfare of an exhibitor's child is assumed to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors will exercise control and restraint over their children while on the show grounds.
SSCGD will charge a $15.00 Processing Fee for all checks returned for insufficient funds.
Admission to the show is free, exhibitors and spectators are advised to bring their own chairs.
Rings will be inside a large pole barn (typical fair building).
NO FIREARMS are allowed within the show site limits.
No selling of items without a vendor permit.
Vendors – contact Pam Moore 517-474-3233
Food! Food! Food!
Lunch will be available onsite.
Educational event!
To be determined
On Sunday, September 19, 2010
From 9:00-4:00 pm
at the
Armada Fairgrounds, MI 48005
Online entries will only be accepted by sending a completed entry form to the trial secretary by email and sending the appropriate fees (plus $1.00 per entry for online fees) using Paypal to .
This space intentionally left blank.
Suzanne Healy Scottsdale, AZ 85260-5733
Kim Aston Carp, Ontario, Canada K0A 1L0
Delvyn R. Lunn Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada N8A4S9
Delvyn R. Lunn Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada N8A4S9
Show Secretary: Pam MoorePO Box 281 Rives Junction, MI 49277 (517) 474-3233
Make ALL checks and money orders payable to SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF GREATER DETROIT. NO CASH PLEASE! Entries close 11:00 pm, Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the home of the Show Secretary, after which time entries CANNOT be accepted, canceled, altered or substituted.
Regular Breed Classes (divided by sex) NO NOVICE CLASSES WILL BE OFFERED
Puppy, 6-9 mos; American Bred;
Puppy, 9-12 mos; Open, Black;
Junior, 12-18 mos; Open, Blue;
Amateur-Owner-Handler; Open, Sable & White;
Bred-by-Exhibitor Winners; Best of Breed Competition
Non-Regular Breed Classes
Veteran; for Dogs & Bitches 7 -9 years of age, Veteran; for Dogs & Bitches 10 years of age or older Stud Dog, Brood Bitch
Regular Obedience Classes – please include jump heights except for Novice
Novice A, Novice B, Open A, Open B, Utility A, Utility B
Non-Regular Obedience Classes
Veterans (for Dogs & Bitches 7 years of age or older). (Veterans will perform Novice exercises only & may be entered in another obedience class);
Brace (for two Dogs or Bitches, not necessarily owned by the same person).
Regular Rally Classes – please include jump heights for Advanced & Excellent
Novice A, Novice B, Advanced A, Advanced B, Excellent A, Excellent B
Parade of Titlists - any AKC title of record
There will be a noncompetitive Parade of Titlists following the regular judging at this show. Any Shetland Sheepdog which holds an AKC title of record is eligible for this Parade. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for the Parade. The entry blank must have PARADE OF TITLISTS written on it. Each entrant will receive a Rosette with their name written on it.
Other Breed Prizes
The following trophies have been donated through the generosity of the members and friends of The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Detroit.
Best of Breed -
Rosette & Crystal item as a memento of the win plus The “Randy” Memorial Challenge Trophy and the “Clint” Memorial Challenge Trophy
Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed -
Rosette & Carved Wooden Clock
Best of Winners – Rosette
Winners Dog –Rosette, ASSA Medallion & Carved Wooden Clock
Winners Bitch –Rosette, ASSA Medallion &Carved Wooden Clock
Reserve Winners Dog -Rosette & Carved Wooden SSCGD initials
Reserve Winners Bitch -Rosette & Carved Wooden SSCGD initials
All the wood items are handcrafted by Ross Carrier, SSCGD member
Class prizes offered by the friends of SSCGD:
1st in each Regular and Non-regular class – Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
1st in Open Black Dog class – Wooden berry bowl in memory of Touche’
2nd – 4th in each Regular and Non-regular class – Dog toy
If you have or know of someone with a rescue sheltie that would like to take part in this, please contact Pam Moore at 517-474-3233
Each sheltie will receive a certificate of participation with the option of purchasing a rosette with their name on it. There is no closing date on this, come at the last minute if necessary! Be sure and find Pam at the show so we'll know you're there!
The parade will take place during the break between dog and bitch conformation judging.
We look forward to seeing you there!
To qualify for Special Obedience Trophies marked with an asterisk you must register with the Obedience Ring Steward before entering the ring.
"Dog" means either sex. Qualifying scores necessary for all prizes in Regular classes.
Obedience Prizes
The following trophies have been donated through the generosity of the members and friends of The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Detroit unless otherwise noted.
Special Prizes
Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes -
ASSA Medallion and Carved Wooden Clock
Highest Combined Score by a Dog in Utility A or B and Open B-
Carved Wooden SSCGD initials
Highest Scoring Dog(s) in Non-Regular Classes – Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
*Highest Scoring Veteran (7 yrs or older) in regular classes- Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
*Highest Scoring AKC Champion of Record in regular classes-Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
*Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes Handled by a Junior Handler (18 years or younger) -Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
*Highest scoring Dog in Regular classes with an ILP number -Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
All the wood items are handcrafted by Ross Carrier, SSCGD member
Class prizes offered by the friends of SSCGD:
1st in each Regular and Non-regular class – Wooden Sheltie head letter opener
2nd – 4th in each Regular and Non-regular class – Dog toy
Event # 2010088305 and 2010088306
2010-2012 Officers
President...... Priscilla Gardner
Vice President...... Pam Moore
Recording Secretary...... Deb Devers
Financial Secretary...... Nancy Heinrich
Treasurer...... Becky Bucata
Corresponding Secretary...... Patti O’Dell 610 Hamlet Rd, Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Board of Directors
Barb Carrier, Anita Paull, Gini Shaw and club officers
Show Committee
Show Chair: Barb Carrier
Assistant Chair: Becky Bucata
Obedience Chair: Nancy Potter
Trophy Chair: Sharon Schutte
Rescue Chair: Pam Moore
Advertising: Pam Moore
Hospitality: Sharon Schutte
Vendors: Pam Moore
Food: Barb Carrier
Show Secretary: Pam Moore PO Box 281, Rives Junction, MI 49277 (517)
and All Officers and Directors of the Club
Veterinarian (on call)Wilson Veterinary Hospital 586-752-6217
Permission is granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding
of this event under American Kennel Club rules and regulations.
James Crowley, Secretary
FIRST PRIZE - Blue Ribbon
THIRD PRIZE - Yellow Ribbon
FOURTH PRIZE - White Ribbon
BEST OF BREED - Purple & Gold Rosette
BEST OF WINNERS - Blue & White Rosette
WINNERS - Purple Rosette
RESERVE WINNERS - Purple & White Rosette
Blue & Gold Rosette
Blue & Green Rosette
Dark green Ribbon
FIRST PRIZE - Rose Ribbon
SECOND PRIZE - Brown Ribbon
THIRD PRIZE - Light Green Ribbon
FOURTH PRIZE - Gray Ribbon
SWEEPSTAKES WINNER - Pink & Green Rosette
BEST JUNIOR HANDLER - Pink & Green Rosette
Hotels that will accept dogs in crates
Super 8 Motel 6951 Newark Rd Imlay City (810) 724-8700
Lodge Keeper Inn 29101 23 Mile Rd New Baltimore (586) 949-4520
Days Inn 6692 Newark Road Imlay City (810) 724-8005
Rates are $69-79 per night.
Hotels that will not accept dogs
Chesterfield Motor Inn 50900 Gratiot Chesterfield Twp (586) 949-9110
Comfort Inn 11401 Hall Rd (M-59) Utica (586) 739-7111
Camping on site
Available Friday afternoon - contact Ross Carrier (810) 845-0198
for info.
Pre-registration is appreciated. Send in form with entries.
Name ______
Phone ______
Day & time of arrival______
Sweepstakes Rules
Judge: Kim Aston – Laureate Shelties
No Champions of Record may be entered in Sweepstakes.
All entries must also be entered in a Regular Class.
"Sweepstakes" must be indicated on the regular entry form.
Division of Sweepstake Classes
All Classes Divided by Sex
Puppy, 6 mos & under 9 mos.
Puppy, 9 mos & under 12 mos.
Junior, 12 mos & under 18 mos.
The Best In Sweepstakes winner shall be selected from among the winners of each of the above six classes. A Runner Up to Best in Sweepstakes shall be selected from the remaining class winners.
Sweepstakes Prizes
Best in Sweepstakes. Rosette offered by the SSCGD
$25 cash donated by Pam Moore, Phoenix Shelties
Runner Up to Best in Sweepstakes. Rosette offered by the SSCGD
Send Ads & Photos to:
Pam Moore PO Box 281, Rives Junction, MI 49277 (517) 474-3233
ABSOLUTE Ad Deadline: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Camera Ready Rates:
Full Page with or without one photo . . . $15.00 - additional photo ...... $5.00
Non-Camera Ready Ads will be charged an additional $8.00 fee for setup.
Breeders Directory ...... $ 5.00
Business Cards ...... $ 5.00
Well wishers ...... $ 1.00
Obedience Listing ...... $ 1.00 (per dog listed)
Note: Be aware this catalog will be copied, not printed. Photos may not reproduce well. Try copying your photo to see the results before submitting ad.
All ads must be Prepaid! Make checks out to SSCGD.
There will be a briefing for all new exhibitors. If you are interested please go to the show secretary’s table at 9:00am.
Breed Prizes
Best of Breed -
The following trophies have been donated by Sharon Schutte.
The “Randy” Memorial Challenge Trophy
In Memory of Am/Can Ch Willow Laynes Makin Out CC ROM/ROMC
The Award is a Waterford Crystal Bowl named “The Book of Kells”. This award must be won three times by the exact same singular owner or exact same combination of co-owners, but not necessarily with the same dog. In the event that a co-ownership retires the trophy, it will be up to the co-owners who will possess the trophy. There will be no duplicate trophies given to cover all co-owners.
Until the trophy is permanently retired, it will remain in the possession of the club to be displayed at all club specialties and show events and another crystal item will be awarded to commemorate the win. The award will be given to the handler of the winning dog(s). There will be no duplicate trophies to cover co-owners.
Special Best of Breed Award:
The “Clint” Memorial Challenge Trophy
In Memory of Ch. Brynmeres Sudden Impact CC
The Award is a Waterford Crystal “Rose Bowl”, a piece from the “Jim O’Leary signature Classic Collection”. This trophy is being offered to honor the “Breeder / Owner / Handlers”. This trophy will be awarded ONLY if the winner of Best of Breed is Breeder / Owner / Handled. The handler must actually be the breeder/owner or one of the breeders/owners of the dog, no family substitutions. In keeping with the true spirit of this award, professional handlers, handlers receiving any form of compensation for handling dogs or any handler listed as an “agent” are excluded from competing for this award, even if the win is with a dog(s) that they bred and own. For permanent possession this award must be won three times by the same owner/handler but not necessarily with the same dog. If the winning dog is co-bred, the owner/handler MUST be one of the breeders. However, the other co-breeders do not have to be exactly the same if the wins are accomplished with different dogs.
Until the trophy is permanently retired, it will remain in the possession of the club to be displayed at all club specialties and show events and another crystal item will be awarded to commemorate the win. The award will be given to the handler of the winning dog(s). There will be no duplicate trophies to cover co-breeders/co-owners.
Dogs which according to their owner's records have completed the requirements for a championship after the closing of entries for the show, but whose championships are unconfirmed, may transfer from one of the regular classes to the Best of Breed competition, provided this transfer is made by the Show Secretary at least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of any regular conformation judging at the show. (Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules).
Junior Handlers who win a 3rd Novice Class after the closing of entries for a show may transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class, provided that this transfer is made by the Show Secretary at least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of any regular conformation judging or one half hour prior to the scheduled start of Jr. Showmanship judging at the show, whichever is earlier.
General location - At the Armada Fairgrounds. Armada is approximately 25 miles northeast of Detroit.
Best Main Routes:
I-75 to M-59 East to M-53 North
I-69 to M-53 South
I-69 to Capac Road South
I-94 to New Haven Road Northwest
To Show Site:
From M-53: Take 32 Mile road east. Turn left (north) on Wolcott Road, to Armada Ridge Road (turn right on to Armada Ridge Rd - east) Armada Ridge becomes Main Street in the town of Armada. Continue through town, Armada Fairgrounds is on the left (north side) at the edge of town.
From I-94: Take New Haven Road northwest thru New Haven (Main Street). Turn right (north) on North Road to the town of Armada (Fulton Street). Turn right (east) in the town Armada on Armada Ridge Road (Main Street). Armada Fairgrounds is on the left (north side) at the edge of the town of Armada.
From I-69: Use either the M-53 exit or Capac Road exit. (For M-53 see above directions). Take Capac Road south. Turn left (east) on Armada Center Road. Turn right (south) on North Road to the town of Armada (Fulton Street). Turn left (east) in the town of Armada (Main Street). Armada Fairgrounds is on the left (north side) at the edge of the town of Armada.
Junior Showmanship Competition
Novice Junior Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years and under 12 years of age on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.