Spaxton Parish Council – Meeting AGENDA

Monday 31 October 2016, at 7.30pm at

Greenway Farm, Skimmerton Lane, Wembdon TA5 2AX


The meeting will open with a public session of up to 30 minutes duration should any member of the public so request it.

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

1.  Apologies for absence.

2.  Dispensation requests.

3.  The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 31 October 2016 at Spaxton Village Hall to be approved.

4.  Matters arising:

·  Distribute Householder Questionnaires re. May 2016 flooding

·  Dog fouling

·  Water pipe across allotments

·  Report from Josh Schwieso on Parish Plan

·  Update from Carol Harmon re. strimming training.

5.  Reports - Footpath: SALC: QHJAC: Parish Cluster: Hinkley Point SSG (as appropriate)

6.  Financial items:

·  Statement of accounts

·  To agree payments as necessary

·  Parish precept 2017/18

7.  Planning items: correct at the time of writing. Please check the agenda published on the website prior to the meeting to see if any new planning applications have been received in the interim:

Applications decided since last meeting:

45/16/00024 Mr Traynor, erection of a part single storey, part two storey, extension to west elevation and relocation of secondary access at Dore Lodge, Splatt Lane, Spaxton – permission refused.

45/16/00025 Mrs S Upfield, erection of building to be used as garage/store/workshop, with first floor studio, on site of existing (to be demolished) at Dobbies Barn, Splatt Lane, Spaxton – permission refused.

45/06/00028 Mr P Williams, erection of single storey extension to north elevation to form garden room at Orchard Cottage, Barford Road, Spaxton – permission granted.

New applications:

45/16/00026 Mr & Mrs N Sparkes, erection of building to be used to house goats at OS Field No. 6614, Peartwater Road, Spaxton.

8.  Correspondence received: to be circulated at meeting.

9.  Matters of report and items for the next meeting.

10.  Date & time of next meetings.