Mentor Activity System (MAS)

Setting up Mentor – Beginning Teacher Relationships

The principal or his/her designated campus contact have access to MAS.

To Access MAS:

1.  Go to the employee website using INTERNET EXPLORER (not Chrome). Click on my HISD.

2.  Log on to the Portal using Internet Explorer and use the password that does not change every 90 days. If you get an error message check for these two things. If you are at an HISD location click the Log in button identified in the screenshot below with a red square. If you are not at an HISD location click the Remote Log in button identified by the red triangle..

3.  Under APPLICATIONs click on MORE. Then click on Mentor Activity System.

4. The Mentor Activity System opens. A welcome window displays.

Click on the Mentor / Mentee Relationship link on the side navigation bar.

5. Click on the Department drop down list box and select your School.

The Principal name will automatically populate.

6.  Click the Add Relationship button located on the bottom right to create the initial relationship. You may need to use your bottom scroll bar to scroll over to bring this button into view.

a.  Notice there may be up to a 10 second delay when clicking this button because the system is searching

7. The relationship window displays.

a. Select Mentor Name and Mentee Name. MAS pulls names on faculty roster from PeopleSoft, therefore if name of beginning teacher is not listed on drop down, you will need to return in a couple of days when mentee’s name has been entered into the PeopleSoft system.

b. If the Principal is logged on, the Principal Approval function will be active. Principal can click on Accept. This is the principal’s electronic signature. If you are the CIC, this function will not be active.

8.  The completed Relationship displays.

a.  Click Save to complete the relationship set up.

b.  You can click close and start over if you need to cancel your input.

c.  An email notification is sent to the mentor and mentee.

9.  This completes the steps in creating a Mentor/Mentee relationship.

10.  Complete this process for all first year beginning and international teachers new to the district this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Vanessa Nieto Gomez