CameronCounty Children’s
Advocacy Centers, Inc.
Board Member Packet
Confidentiality Clause
Please note that all the information given and discussed during the board meeting is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution, or disclosure of the information discussed at the board meeting is strictly prohibited and confidential.
Cameron County Children’s
Advocacy Centers, Inc.
The Children’s Advocacy Centers is a movement that started in the 1980’s by Budd Cramer a DA in Alabama. He saw the need for place where children would not be re-victimized and be interviewed one time. The interviewer would gather what CPS and Law Enforcement needed to eliminate multiple interviews.
The Cameron County Children’s Advocacy Centers (CCCAC) first opened its doors in Brownsville with Monica’s House on Oct. of 1998. Monica’s House was named after a little girl from Brownsville by the name of Monica Castillo who died at the age of 4 due to severe physical and sexual abuse at the hands of her caregiver.
Maggie’s House opened its doors on October 2001, after seeing the need to expand our services to offer them to the children in the northern part of Cameron County. Maggie’s House was named after Maggie Dittman, a little girl from Harlingen who died from shaken baby at the hands of her babysitter.
Monica’s House and Maggie’s House specialize in conducting forensic videotaped interviews of children between the ages 2-17 who have been severely physically abused, sexually abused, or have witnessed violent crimes. Our Forensic Interviewers are trained to conduct such interviews. The interviews are non-leading and non-suggestive. The objective is to allow the child to tell his/her story in his/her own words. The children are informed about the procedure of the interview such as that it will be recorded and are told where the microphone and camera are placed.
CCCAC staff work with a multidisciplinary team which includes Child Protective Services, the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office, local law enforcement agencies, mental health and medical professionals, and other community organizations as needed to provide for the victim’s immediate safety and long term healing. A Memorandum of Understanding (Interdisciplinary Agreement) allows representatives to work collaboratively on the case management, investigation, and prosecution of child abuse cases. The organizations listed below joined CCCAC in the Memorandum of Understanding with the stated purpose of developing a safety plan and leading or assisting in the investigation, arrest of perpetrators, and prosecution of child abuse within their jurisdictions.
The interviews are conducted while Law Enforcement and CPS observed the interview in a separate room. This allows for a multi-disciplinary team approach where both agencies can initiate their investigations together. Also, this allows for the children to be interviewed once, rather than having multiple interviews, as this often causes trauma and re-victimization.
There are over 200 Children Advocacy Centers in the United States and over 67 in the state of Texas. We are the second county that has more than one site. TarrantCounty has three advocacy centers to cover Dallas/Ft. Worth and surrounding cities.
All cases where children make an outcry are staffed with our Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Members 2 to 3 weeks after coming to the center to ensure that cases are moving along. We also take this opportunity to assist CPS or Law Enforcement with any services like therapy, items from our closets, or referrals to other agencies. We assist our clients with referrals for therapy either in-house or to the community. We have Monica’s House & Maggie’s Closet to assist our clients when the children have needs. We try to meet these needs with any clothing items, school supplies, shoes, and food items.
Additionally, case reviews are conducted with the DA’s office once a month. They are in charge of selecting cases that are coming up for trial. These are once again discussed with CPS and Law Enforcement, any doctors, therapist or other individuals involved with the case. The goal is to make the cases as solid as possible, so that we have a successful outcome. The advocacy centers believe in the MDT approach, and when more people work on one case, the outcome is more successful and better for the sake of the children we serve.
In the end all children are given a toy or stuffed animal to thank them for being brave and having the courage to speak of their abuse. It is not a bribe and the children have no idea they will receive something until after the forensic interview has been conducted.
All this is made possible by the aid of our volunteers. Our centers depend greatly on volunteers and there are a variety of areas where we need assistance such as: clerical, housekeeping, gardening and decorating.
The mission of the Cameron County Children’s Advocacy Center (CCCAC) is to advocate for and serve child victims of abuse through prevention, intervention, and treatment. The Center’s staff is dedicated to the dissemination of prevention information as well as other educational materials. The Center provides a child friendly, nurturing environment that facilitates a coordinated and efficient multi-disciplinary intervention process and represents a commitment to provide accessibility to high quality legal, psychological, social, and medical services to the abused child(ren) and their supportive family members.
CameronCounty Children’s
Advocacy Centers, Inc.
Board Member Information
Name: ______
Home Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Home Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Place of Employment: ______
Professional or Agency Title/Position: ______
Work address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Work Phone Number: ______Fax Phone Number: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Best time to contact: ______
Which Committees would you like to serve on?
Resource Development Committee(Fundraising)
Governance Committee (Responsible for setting policy, monitor org. serve as a public figure for centers)
Finance Committee (oversee financial issues of org.)
CCCAC Board Committees
Committees allow a detailed analysis of specific interest of Cameron County Children Advocacy Centers, Inc. (CCCAC) before the Board discussed these issues. The concentrated work of the board is done at the committee level because board members can focus their energy on specific topics, resulting in more productive board meetings. There are several advantages an effective committee structure offers: (1) a division of the work load; (2) an opportunity for informal discussion of the pros and cons regarding various issues prior to consideration by the full board, (3) an opportunity to bring experts who may not serve on the board of directors into the deliberation process, and (4) the inclusion of these “outside” experts can provide a useful “testing ground” for perspective future board members.
There are seven committees at the CCCAC: Executive Committee, By-Laws, Nominating, Marketing, Resource Development, Program Development, and Administration.
- Executive- comprised of all the officers of the board, the immediate past president and the executive board and possible other members at large. This committee is usually empowered to take action on behalf of the full board, as needed. Traditional responsibilities include mapping out the business of the board, setting agendas, organizing activities of other committees, and serving as a troubleshooter to act on problems that need immediate attention.
- Finance- responsible for studying and making recommendations on all financial issues of the organization.
- Resource Development- responsible for organization all fundraising efforts of the agency, including special events, annual campaigns and capital campaigns. This committee receives its direction for planning from the board’s strategic plan, both short and long term.
- Governance- reviews all programs and develops plans for the future.
- Administration-
- Personnel: develops and reviews all personnel policies, recommends salaries for staff, reviews benefits packages and handles grievance problems when necessary.
- Finance: responsible for studying and making recommendations on all financial issues of the organization, preparing and present the budget, reviewing all financial statements and the annual audit.
- Determine Organization’s Mission and Purpose
- Establish Mission Statement
- Support and understand Mission Statement
- Periodically review Mission Statement – Is it still relevant?
- Revise Mission Statement as needed
- Organize Itself so that the Board Operates Efficiently
- Develop a working knowledge/understanding of organization’s bylaws
- Develop a strong, effective committee structure with appropriate
- Establish a workable meeting schedule and provide opportunity for review of pertinent materials prior to meetings
- Approve and Monitor the Organization’s Program and Services
- Determine appropriate programs
- Monitor (Not Manage) programs
- Raise Money
- Make personal contributions
- Ask friends and colleagues to provide support
- Provide staff with potential corporate/civic/private contacts
- Develop organization’s fundraising strategy and case statement
- Ensure Effective Fiscal Management
- Approve annual operating budget
- Monitor adherence to budget; approve revisions as necessary
- Approve sound financial management policies and monitor compliance
- Require annual independent audit and diligently review findings
- Ensure Sound Risk Management Policies
- Research insurance/risk management needs
- Obtain proper kinds and levels of insurance
- Establish operational policies designed to reduce likelihood of accidents or negligent actions
CameronCounty Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc.
Board Members Job Description
- To secure, safeguard and judiciously manage all funds
- To hire and evaluate the Executive Director
- To establish and support programs/services adequate to meet the organization’s stated mission
- To support the purposes and objectives of the organization
- To define the future goals/plans for the organization
- Three years
- To attend Board orientation
- To regularly attend all board meetings
- To actively serve on a minimum of one Standing Committee
- To fully participate in board and committee meetings
- To participate on any ad hoc committees as needed
- To willingly serve in an officer or leadership position as needed
- To contribute skills, expertise and knowledge to the board and assigned committees
- To be familiar with the organization’s programs/services, bylaws, and the Board’s legal responsibility as the corporation’s governing body
- To personally make a financial contribution to the organization each year
- To actively assist the organization in its fundraising activities and make appropriate contacts on behalf of the organization
- To represent the organization in the communities in which Board members live and work
- To promote the decisions of the Board
- To review and approve annual budget
- To identify prospective Board members and submit the names of those individuals to the Nominating Committee
Cameron County Children's Advocacy Center, Inc.
Commitment to Serve
Recognizing the importance of the responsibility I accept in serving as a member of the Board of Directors of Cameron County Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc., I do hereby declare and affirm my willingness to assume and fulfill the responsibilities of a board member, as is summarized below:
Attend a minimum of 80% of the board meetings per year.
If I agree to assume an officer position, I understand there may be additional meetings, which I will need to attend.
I understand that three consecutive absences (i.e., failure to notify the agency in advance) will be addressed with a letter of concern from the Board President. If after notification there is no written response to the letter, the lack of response shall be regarded as automatic resignation.
I also agree to contribute to discussions at meetings, having read the background material provided in advance, and to contribute individual skills and resources.
To consider, approve and support management policies that promote and enhance the mission of the Cameron County Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc., and to avoid intruding into administrative issues, which are the responsibility of staff.
To report to and represent Cameron County Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc. in a positive manner to those individuals, businesses, organizations, agencies, etc. in my personal and professional circles of contact and influence.
To declare any potential conflicts of interest and to refrain from voting on such issues.
To make a personal contribution to the organization in keeping with my ability to contribute.
To act, when requested, as a liaison with those individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations, etc. in my personal and professional circles of contact and to solicit them for donations.
To serve as an advisor on at least one Board committee:
(Check the committee on which you wish to serve for the coming year):
_____ Program _____ Public Relations _____ Fund Raising _____ Bylaws _____ Finance
_____ Personnel _____ Nominating _____ Other (specify: ______)
I understand that any expenses associated with attendance at Cameron County Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc. events or meetings are my sole responsibility, unless, prior approval has been given by the Cameron County Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc.
PRINTED NAME: ______DATE: ______
I, ______, recognize the important responsibility I am undertaking in serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Cameron County Children’s Advocacy Centers, Inc., hereby pledge to carry out in a trustworthy and diligent manner the duties and obligations in my role as a board member.
My role:
I acknowledge that my primary roles as a board member are (1) to contribute to defining the organization’s mission and governing the fulfillment of that mission, and (2) to carry out the functions of the office of Board Member and/or officer as stated in the by-laws.
My commitment:
I will exercise the duties and responsibilities of an active board member.
To establish as a high priority my attendance at all meetings of the board and committees on which I serve.
To be prepared to discuss the issues and business addressed at scheduled meetings, having read out the agenda and all background material relevant to the topic.
To work with and respect the opinions of my peers who serve on this board and to leave my personal prejudices out of all board discussions.
To always act for the good of the community.
To represent the Cameron County Children’s Advocacy Centers, Inc. in a positive and supportive manner at all times and in all places.
To observe the parliamentary procedures and to display courteous conduct in all board and committee meetings.
To refrain from intruding on administrative issues that is the responsibility of management, except to monitor the results and prohibit methods that conflict with board policy.
To avoid conflicts of interest between my position as a board member and my personal life. If such a conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict before the board and refrain from voting on matters to which I have a conflict.
To support in a positive manner all actions taken by the Board of Directors even when I am in a minority position on such action.
To agree to serve on at least one committee or task force, attend all meetings and participate in the accomplishment of its objectives. If I chair the board, a committee, or a task force, I will:
- Call meetings as necessary until objectives are met.
- Ensure that the agenda and support materials are mailed to all members in advance of the meetings.
- Conduct the meetings in an orderly, fair, open, and efficient manner.
- Make committee progress reports/minutes to the board at its scheduled meeting.
To participate in:
- The annual strategic planning retreat
- Board self-evaluation program
- Board development workshops, seminars, and other educational events that enhance my skills as a board member.
If, for any reason, I find myself unable to carry out the above duties as best I can, I agree to resign from my position as a board member/officer.
Board Member’s Signature Date
The undersigned person acknowledges receipt of a copy of the organization’s By-Laws
Dated May 12, 2011. By my signature affixed below I acknowledge my agreement with the spirit and intent of this resolution and, I agree to report to the President of the Board of Directors any possible conflicts (other than those stated below) that may develop before completion of the next annual statement.
_____ I am not aware of any conflict of interest
_____ I have a conflict of interest in the following area(s)
Signed ______
Dated ______
Type or Print Name ______
CameronCounty Children’s
Advocacy Centers, Inc.
Board of Directors
Personal Information Directive
□ Yes, you may release my home address and home phone number from my Board of Directors File.
□ No, you may not release my home address and home phone number from my Board of Directors File except when required by grantors.
Board of Director Name
Board of Director Signature Date
* All board members are requested to attend the monthly meetings
* Board Meetings begin promptly at 6:15 p.m.
* To accommodate all members, meeting locations are alternated.