/ Russian Association
of Allergologists and
Clinical Immunologists
Saint-Petersburg Regional Branch
Information Letter
XVth Russian Forum with international participation
«Immunology Days in St.Petersburg»
in memory of Acad. V.I. Ioffe
June 1 – 4, 2015
Important Dates:
1. March 15, 2015 – Abstracts submission
2. April 1, 2015 – Advance registration
3. April 30, 2015 – Final registration, payment
The Symposium will be held at the:
Russia, St.Petersburg, Vasilevsky Island, river embankment Smolenka, 2.
Congress Hall "Vasilevsky"
SPb RB RAACI President
PhD, MD, Professor, RAS corresponding member Irina S. Freidlin
Russia, 197376, St.Petersburg, Academician Pavlov str., 12.
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Department of Immunology
tel.: +7(812) 234-29-29,
SPb RB RAACI Vice-President
PhD, MD, Professor, RAS corresponding member Areg A. Totolian
Russia, 197101, St.Petersburg, Mira str., 14
St.Petersburg Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Deputy-director on Science, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Seroepidemiology, chief
tel.: +7(812) 232-00-66,
tel./fax: +7(812) 233-08-58,
Address for correspondence:
Russia, 197136, St.Petersburg, P.B. 58, SPb RB RAACI
www.spbraaci.ru www.allergologi-immunologi.ru
Forum Organizers:
·  Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
·  Russian Academy of Medical Science
·  Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
·  Committee on Science and Higher Education of St. Petersburg Government
·  Health Committee of St. Petersburg Government
·  Institute of Experimental Medicine
·  St.Petersburg Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
·  Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
·  North-Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov
·  Federal North-West Medical Research Centre
·  Russian Society for Immunology
·  Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists, Saint-Petersburg Regional Branch
·  Russian Cytokine Society
·  Russian Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Parasitologists
·  Russian Society for Clinical Chemistry
·  St.Petersburg Association of Clinical Pharmacologists
Abstract Topics
XVth Russian Forum with international participation «Immunology Days in St.Petersburg» in memory of Acad. V.I. Ioffe is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Immunology. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the Russia and others ex-soviet countries. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
·  Immunology
·  Immunology Regulatory Networks
·  Understanding Host-Pathogen Interaction
·  Regulatory T cells, Cytokines and Inflammation
·  Tumor and Transplant Immunology
·  Adjuvants and Vaccines
·  Autoimmunity: Emerging Concepts
·  Cell therapy:DCS, Stem Cells and NKT
·  Immune Mechanisms underlying infectious diseases
·  Immunodeficiencies and HIV
·  Stem cells and Regenerative Medicines
·  Tolerance, Transplantation and Histocompatibility
·  Tumor Immunology: New Insights and Emerging Therapeutics
·  Cross talk between innate and adaptive immunity
·  Immunodiagnostics and therapy including nanotechnology
·  Complement system in health and disease
·  T and B cell memory
·  Microbicides and Mucosal Immune system

Abstract submission and publication

Abstract Guidelines
(All abstracts are due no later than April 1, 2015)
1.  All abstracts must be in DOC-format. Max 1800 characters.
2.  Please submit your abstracts as an email attachment and send it to:
3.  Subject line of the e-mail should be either Speaker's abstract or Participant's abstract.
4.  Include your name and telephone number in the body of the email.
5.  If the file is incorrectly formatted you will be contacted for resubmission. See instructions below.
6.  Faxed and regular mail submissions cannot be processed and therefore will not be accepted.
7.  No revisions will be accepted after May 1.
8.  Acknowledgement of acceptable abstract will be issued by a return email.
9.  All abstracts accepted will published in the special issue of the official Journal of Saint-Petersburg Regional Branch of Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists – “Medical Immunology” www.mimmun.ru

Abstract Creation Instructions:

1.  All abstracts must be in WORD format. Max 1800 characters.
2.  The abstract should have a maximum of one page of text.
3.  Use only 12 pt Times or 12 pt Times New Roman Font throughout the abstract. Do not make the title bigger and the references smaller.
4.  Set up margins of 1.5 inch (3.5 cm) throughout (top, bottom and sides).
5.  Single space the abstract text, with a double space between the title, authors, and text.
6.  Title of abstract must be bold and in upper case, i.e. THIS IS THE ABSTRACT TITLE.
7.  Authors’ names in upper and lower case, i.e. Doe* J., Anyone J., Somebody J.
8.  Place an asterisk (*) after the presenting author’s last name.
9.  Use superscribted letters (i.e. Doe* J.a., Anyone J.b, Somebody J.c ) to distinguish authors with different affiliations.
10. Following authors’ names list departmental and institutional affiliation, city, state, zip code, and country. Start each affiliation with identifying superscribted letter if there are multiple affiliations (aDepartment of ).
11. No reference and illustrations.
12. Save your abstract as a WORD file, name the file "the presenting author's last name", and make sure you use the correct settings.
Example OF abstract:
Lazanovich V.F., Prosekova E.V.
Pacific State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russia, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Register Form /
First/Given Name(s)
Title and Position
Country of Institution
City of Institution
Abstract Title:

Conference Venue

Russia, St.Petersburg,
Vasilevsky Island,
river embankment Smolenka, 2.
Congress Hall "Vasilevsky"
www.congress-hall.net /