Computer Technician Class

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Computer Tech Final Test May 26, 2005

This is a test designed to be taken on a computer. Check the appropriate answer(s), or, where appropriate, fill in the blank field(s) or select True or False. When you’re done, save your completed test as a file named – Test May05.doc - in your personal folder (P:)

1)  What file system is almost always used with Windows XP?

a.  FAT16

b.  NFS

c.  FAT32

d.  NTFS

2)  What file system do we use on Windows 98SE?

a.  FAT16

b.  NFS

c.  FAT32

d.  NTFS

3)  What four basic drivers are included when we boot to DOS?

a.  3D Video

b.  DVD

c.  Standard VGA

d.  CD-ROM

e.  Mouse


g.  ZIP Drive

h.  Floppy Drive

i.  Keyboard

The 3 character file extension indicates the type file and how it acts.

4)  What 3 character letter extension is used for executable files?

a.  vbs

b.  xls

c.  exe

d.  txt

e.  bat

f.  doc

g.  htm

This is the back panel of a typical ATX MotherBoard.

5)  Fill in the blanks in the following table. Missing colors are: Burgundy, Dark Blue, Purple, and Teal

Item / Description / Color
L / Audio / line out Lime green
M / Audio / line in Light blue
LAN (optional) / Black
K / Mic in / Pink
Parallel port
B / PS/2 keyboard port
PS/2 mouse port / Green
Serial port A
J / USB port 0 / Black
USB port 1 / Black
I / USB port 2 / Black
D / USB port 3 / Black
VGA port

6)  Wintel computers are computers using the Windows OS and running on an Intel CPU.

7)  Moore’s Law states that every 5 years, the speed of computer chips would double while the size and costs would shrink.

All computers must have Inputs, Processing capabilities, and Outputs.

8)  Name 5 devices used for input.






9)  Which items are required for a computer to have Processing capabilities? Check all that apply.

a.  CPU

b.  RAM

c.  Power Supply

d.  Hard Disk Drive

e.  Motherboard

10)  Name 5 Output devices.






11)  Select the correct answer. Plug and Play is

a.  A rock and roll band.

b.  A brand of MP3 player.

c.  A method for automatically adding devices to a computer.

d.  A type of speaker system.

12)  Show the DOS command you would use to make a directory named – backups – on your P: drive.


13)  What device drivers do you normally have to find and update on a new installation of the OS.

a.  Video (Graphics) card

b.  Sound card

c.  Network card

d.  CD-ROM drive

e.  DVD drive

f.  Motherboard

g.  HDD

h.  RAM

14)  When are LOGIN scripts run?

a.  When Windows starts up.

b.  When any user logs in

c.  When an administrator logs in.

15)  What type of Hard Disk Drive controller is most common on PC’s? Pick one:

a.  SCSI

b.  Serial ATA

c.  IDE

d.  RAID

16)  2 functions the BIOS performs for PC’s are.

a.  Provides a visual display of the system to a monitor on startup of the system

b.  Load an OS from secondary storage into RAM

17)  A floppy disk is inserted into:

a.  the A drive

b.  the C drive

c.  the E drive

d.  the F drive

18)  Answer the following:

a.  A BIT is he smallest unit of measure in a computer. It is represented by a 0 (off) or 1 (on).

b.  A BYTE is a string of 1s and 0s that represents a number from 0 to 255

19)  How many bits in a BYTE?

20)  In Windows 95 or 98, where do you go if you want to add/remove hardware or software.

21)  In Windows 95 or 98, where do you go on the start menu to add a printer or to get to the Control Panel?

a.  Programs

b.  Documents

c.  Settings

d.  Find

e.  Help

f.  Run

22)  List three of my four basic rules for Computer Technicians.




23)  Application programs can be installed a number of different ways, briefly describe 2.



24)  For Windows 9x to add or remove a Windows component you go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

25)  A driver for a PC device is the interface between the hardware and the .

26)  When the ON button is pushed on a shutdown computer, the computer’s RAM :

a.  Contains the Basic Input-Output System (BIOS).

b.  Contains MS-DOS

c.  Is empty (contains no info).

d.  Has the leftover information from the previous boot.

27)  What OS is on the computer you are using?

a.  Windows 95

b.  Linux

c.  Windows XP Pro

d.  Windows 98 SE

e.  Windows 98

28)  Serial means (event/bit/item) at a time while parallel means (bits/events/items) at a time.

29)  What is the screen resolution when the display is set at standard VGA? x

30)  Fill in the blanks. The following steps are used to prepare a hard disk for use/re-use with Windows 9x.

a.  Run the program and remove all partitions.

b.  Create a new DOS

c.  Format the Disk as a disk or drive, so that it is bootable.

31)  The Device Manager is used to view and control the hardware configuration of a PC using Windows 9x. One way to access the Device Manager is to click Start, Settings, then Control Panel. Then double-click the icon and click on the Device Manager tab.

32)  Primary storage is RAM (Random Access Memory), which holds programming code and data that is being processed by the CPU. Secondary storage (such as a hard drive) also holds programming code and data, but the CPU cannot process them until they are first copied into primary storage. Secondary storage is storage that maintains code and data even after the computer is turned off; primary storage holds its data and code only as long as it is supplied with power.