Project-Based Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Created By: Marsha Mitchell

Project Title: What is Commerce and Information Technology, FBLA and DECA? Kiosk It!

Course: Business Technology Applications - Advanced

Unit: Presentation Applications

Content Standards:

Create and present a multimedia presentation with visual elements, including using graphics, sound, and on-screen navigation and preparing a slideshow for live presentations and kiosk demonstration. (Business Technology Applications Advanced, COS Standard #8). Other standards may also be covered; however, #8 is the primary objective.


Kiosk demonstration at school’s open house, freshman orientation, etc. Raise awareness of your high school’s Commerce and Information Technologydepartment and its offerings by setting up a kiosk of computers, all of which students, parents, administrators, and community members may view any portion of thisspecially designed multimedia presentation. This will serve as a recruiting effort for your program and student organization.

Approximate Duration of Time: 120+ minutes

Essential Question: How is multimedia software used to enhance informational presentations?

Procedures/Activities: Refer to teacher-made handout. See document titled “StudentHandoutWhatIsBusinessMarketingKiosk.doc” which follows this page.

Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources:

  • Teacher made handouts (see attachments)
  • For presentation: Computer, Internet access, Presentation Software
  • Interactive whiteboard or other means of projection
  • For Kiosk Demonstration: Computer(s), Headphones, Internet access, Presentation software

Background Preparation: A prerequisite to this course is Business Technology Applications or Computer Applications. Thus being so, students should have previously developed the skills for presentation planning, presentation design, presentation effects, and presentation media. Prior to beginning this project, review with students the elements of presentation planning, design, effects, and media. Reiterate all aspects relevant to this project.

Assessment Strategies: See attached Grading Rubric

CTSO Activity: FBLA Competitive Event – Business Presentation.

What is Commerce and Information Technology, FBLA

and DECA? Kiosk It!

Overview for Teacher

Purpose: Kiosk demonstration at school’s open house, freshman orientation, etc. Raise awareness of your high school’s Commerce and Information Technologydepartment and its offerings by setting up a kiosk of computers, all of which students, parents, administrators, and community members may view any portion of thisspecially designed multimedia presentation. This will serve as a recruiting effort for your program and student organization.

Topics should include, but are not limited to the following:

What is Commerce and Information Technology (CIT)?

CIT Faculty and Classrooms

Course Offerings and any prerequisites

Projects and hands-on activities in each course

Samples of student projects

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and/or DECA (an association of marketing students) Student Organizations


Any additional topics relevant to your school’s BME department

Project: Create and present a multimedia presentation with visual elements, including using graphics, sound, and on-screen navigation and preparing a slideshow for live presentations and kiosk demonstration. (Business Technology Applications Advanced, COS Standard #8). Other standards may also be covered; however, #8 is the primary objective.

Additional Information:Presentation planning, expectations, and goals should be discussed prior to beginning this project. Project may be completed in partners or small groups.Teacher may assign partners/groups or may permit students to choose to form partners/groups. Research may or may not be necessary. If necessary, assign accordingly.

Multimedia presentations should be completed and presented in class. Teacher may select one or more multimedia presentations for kiosk demonstration. As the presentations will be saved as a Web page, teacher should have presentation attached to his/her web page, the career tech web site for the school, etc. You may select students to be involved in setting up the kiosk station, decorating the station, operating the station, and taking down the station.

The student handout which details project requirements is attached within this ALEX lesson plan. A grading rubric for this project is attached within this ALEX lesson plan.

Any aspect of this project may be altered according to each individual class and according to the teaching style of the teacher.