Association des évaluateurs immobiliers du Nouveau-Brunswick
PHILOSOPHY:Enhancing the profile of the Association and its members will strengthen both the Association and its members.
PURPOSE:To acknowledge members/individuals who have contributed significantly by volunteering or promoting the appraisal profession within New Brunswick.To solicit nominations for vacant positions on the Board of Directors.
COMMITTEE MEMBERSMust be a member in good standing of NBAREA
TERM OF OFFICE:The members of the Committee shall hold office for a period of two years. One half of the Committee members will retire each year but any member of the Committee may be eligible for reappointment
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS:The President and Vice-President shall be ex-officio members of all the committees established by the Board in Section 12 of the Act and Section VIII (1) of the By-laws, but only one of the President or Vice-President shall have a vote on committee matters. The Registrar shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of all committees established by the Board in Section 12 of the Act and Section VIII (1) of the By-Laws.
Part VI. Election of Board of Directors.
Executive Committee
3.The Nominations, Elections and Special Awards Committee shall, at least ninety days before the date fixed for the annual meeting, solicit names of members to run for the office of Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and shall prepare a ballot containing the names of the members running for election.
4.No names shall be added to the ballot less than sixty days before the date of the annual meeting.
5.E-voting instructions, including an e-ballot shall be sent to each voting member by electronic mail not less than forty-five days prior to the date of the annual meeting.
6.The completed e-ballot shall be sent to the Executive Director not later than 12 o’clock noon on the fifteenth day before the annual meeting; otherwise the ballot is not valid and shall be rejected.
7.Persons as appointed by the Board shall serve as scrutineers to count the e-ballots, and report the results of the voting to the Secretary.
8.The members receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected and the scrutineers will so verify in writing to the Secretary not less than ten days prior to the annual meeting, stating the number of ballots cast for each nominee.
9.The Secretary shall immediately report the results of the voting to the President and to the Chairperson of the Nominations, Elections and Special Awards Committee.
Regional Representatives
10.The Nominations, Elections and Special Awards Committee shall at least ninety days before the date fixed for the annual meeting, solicit names of members to run asrepresentatives to the Board of Directors from each Region referred to in Part V of theBylaws, and shall prepare a ballot containing the names of the members running for election.
11.Sections 4 to 9 of this Part shall apply to the election of regional representatives,provided that only members from each Region are eligible to vote for the representativefor that Region.
12.All members running for election must confirm their willingness to do so in writing to befiled with the Nominations, Elections and Special Awards Committee or Executive Director.
13.In the event that a position is not contested, the ballot shall name the member seekingoffice and indicate that the member has been elected by acclamation.
14.A regional representative is not eligible for election in more than one region.
15.The final report of the Nominations, Elections and Special Awards Committee shall besubmitted to the annual meeting and the slate so reported shall be declared elected by the Committee Chairperson and shall take office at the conclusion of the meeting.
16.In the event of a tie vote with respect to persons to be elected under Sections (2), (3) or (10) the tie shall be broken by the President casting a deciding ballot.
- To initiate and complete the Nomination & Election Process prior to the AGM following the Act and By-Laws of the Association.
- To consider new awards and develop the criteria associated with the award.
- To present the awards at the Annual General Meeting.
- Board of Director’s Committee Chairs to appoint own members. (Motion – Nov. 14, 2002).
- Committees are to schedule four meetings and advise Board of Directors of those dates at second Board of Directors Meeting after AGM. (Motion Nov. 14, 2002)
- Board should include all committee chairs in the 2nd BOD meeting after the AGM to open lines of communication, review committee expectations, provide terms of reference and discuss strategic plan. (Nov. 14, 2002)
- The Chair is to provide the Executive Director with a list of Committee Members and the list must be approved by the Executive at the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
- The Chair will prepare and submit to the Executive Director, no later than 10 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting, a detailed written report outlining the Committee's activity during the past year. The Chair (or appointee) is to be present at the Annual General Meeting to reply to any questions regarding the report.
- The Chair (or delegate) will prepare final report of the slate of officers pursuant to the election and present same at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Chair will seek nominations for the awards and obtain and present the awards at the Annual General Meeting.
- To prepare and deliver each year no later than December 31st, a detailed revenue and expense budget for the Committee for the upcoming year.
- Be responsible for the annual election of officers of the Association in accordance with Association By-laws. Members running must confirm willingness in writing with the Nominations & Elections Committee or the Executive Director (April 11, 2014)
- Actively recruit members to fill the vacancies for all positions of the Board of Directors.
- Actively solicit names of individuals for the Lee Mersereau Award and Honorary Membership categories. The awarding of the Lee Mersereau award is at the discretion of the Committee. (Feb. 20, 2015) The name of the Lee Mersereau recipient be delivered to the Executive Director no later than 60 days prior to the AGM. (MOTION May 11, 1998) Inform the membership and recipient of the Lee Mersereau prior to the AGM. (MOTION May 11, 1998)
- Determine who should receive a Certificate of Recognition (Board Members, Committee Chairs, Committee members).
- Order awards as required in 3 and 4 above.
- The Committee will review its terms of reference, establish its short and long term action plans and provide suggestions, changes and intentions to the Executive Committee no later than June 15th annually.
- All Committee members must submit to NBAREA, within 30 days of incurrence, any expense claims, complete with receipts, for travel, meals etc., incurred while on Committee business. All expense claims must be submitted to the Association Office prior to the end of the fiscal year, December 31st. Expense claims submitted after the 31st of December will not be reimbursed.
- The Association will reimburse all reasonable meal, lodging and travel expenses while doing NBAREA business based on receipts supporting specific expenses. (Feb. 20, 2015)
- VIII 3(b) Expenditures by a committee shall be limited to that provided in the approved annual budget of the Association.
- The Committee will accept and proceed with the directions provided by the Board of Directors, Act, Bylaws and Strategic Plan of the Association in a timely manner unless the directions are contrary to the provisions for the Committee as per the Act to Incorporate the New Brunswick Association of Real Estate Appraisers.
- The files of the Committee shall be stored at the Association Office.
JANUARY / FEBRUARY / MARCH1. To solicit names for vacancies on Board of Directors, Lee Mersereau Award and Honorary Member category 90 days before the Annual General Meeting / 1. No names shall be added to the ballot less than sixty (60) days before the date of the annual meeting. (By-laws, Part VI)
2. Notify Executive Dir of the recipient of the Lee Mersereauand/or Honorary Member / 1. Prepare and send to Executive Director a report prior to the Annual General Meeting
2. Requisition the award itself ensuring the names are as requested by the recipient
3.E-voting instructions, including an e-ballot shall be sent to each voting member by electronic mail not less than 45 days prior to the date of the AGM By-Law VI.5
1. Obtain awards/certificates for presentation at the AGM
2. Deliver a report to the membership at the AGM
3. Present awards/certificates
4. The e-ballot shall be sent to the Ex. Dir. Not later than 12 o’clock noon on the 15th day before the AGM, otherwise the ballot is not valid and shall be rejected. By-Law VI 6 / 1. The Chair is to provide the Ex. Director with a list of Committee members for the 2nd BOD meeting.
2. To attend the 2nd Board of Directors meeting
3. To schedule 4 meeting dates and advise BOD at 2nd meeting. / 1. Terms of Reference to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors prior to June 15.
1. To start preparing for the Nomination & Election process / 1. To start preparing for Nominations & Elections / 1. Forward to the Association Office any expense claims for the current year.
2. To deliver a revenue and expense budget for the year to the Treasurer.
3. Start preparing for the AGM
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