2A Weekly Lesson Plans 12/6—12
Monday the 6th / Tuesday the 7th / Wednesday the 8th / Thursday the 9th / Friday the 10thGLETS / 2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, technical, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain).
2.d Plan, draft, revise, and edit for a final copy. / 2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, technical, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain).
2.d Plan, draft, revise, and edit for a final copy. / 2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, technical, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain).
2.d Plan, draft, revise, and edit for a final copy. / 2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, technical, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain).
2.d Plan, draft, revise, and edit for a final copy. / 1.f. Locate and recall information
Content Objective / I will complete my rough draft by transferring my completed persuasive graphic organizer into a typed copy. / I will complete my rough draft by transferring my completed persuasive graphic organizer into a typed copy. / I will edit my rough draft for a final copy by writing suggestions during a peer workshop. / I will complete my final draft by transferring my completed persuasive graphic organizer into a typed copy. / I will locate and recall information from previously learned material by participating in a review game and writing the correct answers.
Summary of Content Addressed / Persuasive Essay / Persuasive Essay / Persuasive Essay / Persuasive Essay / Final Review
Key Vocabulary & Lit Terms / Hook, Thesis, Counter-Argument, Call For Action / Hook, Thesis, Counter-Argument, Call For Action / Hook, Thesis, Counter-Argument, Call For Action / Hook, Thesis, Counter-Argument, Call For Action / All concepts from the year
Warm-Up/Journal / Students will look at their completed homework and write one elements of their persuasive essay / Students will take out their rough draft and read through for five minutes to proofread. / Identify one aspect of your draft that you feel you needs the most attention. / Students will review their peer edit forms to decide what they value and what they will choose to dismiss. / Students will identify one concept from the semester that they are confused about.
“I Do” / Teacher will instruct students to begin their rough draft either on paper or on computers. / Teacher will instruct students to begin writing their rough draft where they left off. / Teacher will introduce peer edit form. / Teacher will review rubric with students so they are contemplating what they will be grading. / Teacher will post the list of concepts to be covered on the final.
“We Do” / Teacher will introduce MLA format to students by showing them a sample essay using MLA format. / Students will ask questions about peer edit form / Students will ask questions about the rubric / Students will develop questions on a note card of concepts they are confused about.
“You Do” / Students will format their essays in MLA format and begin their rough drafts. / Students will complete a copy of their rough draft / Students will pass essays and peer edit forms to the left for five minute intervals. / Students will adhere to rubric requirements while completing their final draft. / Students will participate in a review game based on the questions generated form students. .
Assessment / Rough Draft / Rough Draft / Peer edit forms / Rubric / Review Game
Closure / Students will stop writing wherever they are at for the day. Teacher will instruct students to bring their rough drafts to class to finish tomorrow. / Teacher will instruct students to have their completed rough draft for tomorrow’s peer edit workshop. / Teacher will instruct students that they will have their final draft due tomorrow. They will have time in class to finalize drafts. / Teacher will collect the final drafts of the persuasive essay. / Teacher will tell students they will have a review packet to complete next week!
Resources / MLA Format / Peer Edit Form / Final Drafts / Review Game Answer Sheets
Differentiation (Accelerated and/or struggling learners) / Note-catcher, printed version of PPT for student elaborative notes rather than independent note-taking / Dependent upon student need in individual classrooms / Dependent upon student need in individual classrooms.