The Practice advertised via the waiting room and the website for patients to as at reception for details regarding the PPG at the beginning of 2011. We now have rumoured one of the most established PPG team in the area.
We held an open day in the summer for all of our Patients to encourage them to join our PPG. We have 26 members and the list is still growing ! We are very lucky to have met all criteria of patients ethnic and ages. Our PPG has proven success and been a vital link with us and our patient’s needs.
The PPG team met 4 times during 2012-13. The meetings were at various time and days in order to allow for patients who work or who are free during the day.
At every meeting we have a clinical team member who has to attend. The clinical chair will update the group with their chosen speciality and update us of any changes. They also discuss NICE guidelines and any new protocols in place.
Tollgate practice also invites guest speakers to attend this year we invited :
- Anthony West
AW from the CCG team to discuss what the role of the CCG are and how we work with our admission and referral avoidance schemes
- The Oaks Hospital Team
OH provided lunch and presentation of how the Oaks hospital was founded and their role in our local provider
- Self-Empowerment Group
This is a PCT/CCG initiative that was explained and promoted to the group. Volunteers were recruited.
- Breast Awareness
The Essex and Suffolk , Ipswich breast cancer specialist attended the group with a breast awareness conference. All patients were invited this.
The AAA programme was promoted and rolled our via the PPG. Male patients of the practice did attend these clinics. We intend to sign up to the 2013-14 scheme also.
2013-14 Plans
- PPG will have their own notice board in the waiting room. They will be using this to link with all the practice patients with useful practice information and updates as to what the PPG are doing
- The PPG have agreed to help reduce our DNA’s proposals are currently taking place
- The group are actively involved in our currently IT system changes their opinion is vital. Along with our booking in system
2012-13 Successes
- Children’s drawing competition
- Redesign of DNA letters
- Audits on home visits and access
- A&E attendance reviews and questionnaires designed
- Breast awareness open evening
- Additional AAA clinics
- Waiting sign in the waiting room changed
- Access reviewed
- Introduction of a TP newsletter
- Notice board
- Car park reviewed
DES – Patient Participation scheme
2011/12 PATHWAY
Practice Objectives for the PP scheme
- To develop a structure that gains the views of patients and enables the practice to obtain feedback from our patients
- To gather feedback regarding our customer service
- Supporting growth in our list size
- Listening to our patients and using some of their knowledge
- Raising awareness of what services we offer
- Raising awareness of admission avoidance schemes i.e A&E / the walk in
- Educating our Patients
- Engaging with our Patients needs
Structure of the PP committee
Steph – ChairSupport for the scheme / Karen – Practice Lead
Clinical and Patient links / Mandy – Practice Lead
Patient information and staff links
Mel – Information administrator
Links with the leads
One member of the clinical team will be required to attend
Patient group requirements
- 12 – 15 patients
- Selection of ages, sexes and mixed ethnics
- The meetings will not be for complaints
- To attend a meeting every three months for a year
Committee discussion
- Clinical updates
- NHS updates
- Practice update
- PCT services
- Patient choice
- Access information and feed back
- Building and contents
- Constructive ideas
- Financial management/ structures/ costs and business plans
- DNA’s