NEWSLETTER –January 2012


Dear Parents & Carers

Happy New Year!

Curriculum Update

We are getting out to play on a daily basis since we returned which is wonderful and hoping that we can continue to do so.

This term we will be restarting the Emotional Literacy Programme. The focus of this is to help develop the children’s language and understanding of words which will help them to express their feelings. This in turn should help them to deal with situations using words.

It will soon be Chinese New Year which we will celebrate followed by our Scottish week around Burn’s birthday. We always have a Burn’s Supper for the children during the nursery session when they have the opportunity to taste haggis, neep and tatties. We ask if they can wear something tartan on the 25th (a ribbon, shirt or whatever they have). As part of our Scottish week Elaine will be back from Scottish Language Dictionaries to tell the children a story in the Scot’s tongue.

Fund Raising & the Enterprise Group

Between the Christmas Fayre and the sale of items in the nursery a profit of £689.25 was made!! Thank you to the Enterprise Group for all their hard work and thank you to those who supported these enterprises.


The next meeting of the Eco Group will take place on Thursday 26 January at 9.00 & 12.45.

The Rag bag is filling up again, please continue to use it. We would like to organise a litter pick up, if anyone has any suggestions of where this could be please speak to Mrs Cowan or Mrs Purves.

School Uniform

We will be putting in an order this term. If you wish to order, please collect a form and return it with payment by Thursday 26 January.

Parents Consultations

All parents of children due to go to school in August are invited to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress on Friday 27 January. The parents of the younger children will have the opportunity to come along on Friday 23 March. But please remember that you do not have to wait for a formal consultation time if you have any concerns or wish to discuss your child at any time of the year.


No parents or carers should be bringing their car into the school car park. I would appreciate your co-operation in this matter as it is for the safety of the children.I would like to remind people that they should take care in the lane as there is no pavement and it is narrow.

Important dates

Wednesday 25 January – Burns Supper (during session)

Thursday 26 January –Uniform orders must be returned by. Eco meetings.

Friday 27 January – Parent Consultations (pre-school children)

Yours sincerely

Susan Cowan
